She is 8 and was first diagnosed when she was 4. Th...[...], AsIAm are delighted to partner with SuperValu, the first food retailer in Ireland to introduce Au...[...], Welcome to Our Week Online. AsIAm welcomes the commitment to develop an Autism Innovation Strategy in Ireland announced by Minister of State for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD, today, Say Yes To Autism Acceptance: AsIAm and World Autism Month 2021, Letter to Ministers Donnelly and Rabbite Regarding Dossiers Collected on Autistic Children, International Women’s Day: Jody O’Neill on Autistic Women, Disability & Carers Groups Secure Commitment From Ministers Foley And Madigan, Webinar: Accessing Healthcare under the UNCRPD in Ireland, No consultation on changes to school re-opening plan that will negatively affect 20,000 children with additional needs – Disability and Family Carer Groups, Webinar: Accessing Education under the UNCRPD in Ireland, Thousands of children with additional education needs in mainstream education ‘completely dropped’ from school re-opening agenda – Disability and Family Carer groups, New #ChildrensFuturesIRL campaign focuses on children’s right to an adequate education, Explainer: Supplementary Education Programme, Partial return to special education ‘a mixed day’ for families – Disability, Children’s and Family Carer groups, Students with additional needs face new challenges during COVID-19, AsIAm Application to the Disability Participation and Consultation Network Successful, Ireland’s Autism Charity welcomes publication of priorities for action by Minister for Special Education, AsIAm & Rethink Ireland Partner to Support 3rd Level Autistic Students, Football For All: Inclusive Sport in Ireland, Autistic families concerned about the return to school, survey finds, SURVEY: Returning to school during COVID-19, Assistive Technology Passport: A Promising New System, Youth Leadership Team: Lock Down, Unlocked Campaign, Youth Leadership Team Unlocked: Tristan Lennon, Autism and Eating Disorders: Sharlene Woods and Fiona Fisher Bullivant, “Bridge Back to School”- An Autism-Friendly Learning Resource for Summer 2020, FAQs about July Provision / Summer Education Programme 2020, Clarification on Home Based Summer Provision Application Procedures, Explainer: July Provision / Summer Education Programme 2020, Autism Charity welcomes Summer Education Programme, “I think many of the people put blame on themselves more than the college” Autism and Dropping Out of University, Explainer: Inspectorate Report on Educational Provisions for Autistic Learners in Irish Schools, Tiktok #Autismchallenge causes widespread controversy, Explainer: Leaving Certificate Rules 2020, Department of Health Clarifies 2km limit for Autistic Community, World Autism Month: #FlyForAutism Campaign, Hannah O’Dwyer: Resources for Learning at Home, An Garda Síochána and An Post Announce New Supports during COVID-19 Outbreak. Are there Things I can do at Home to Prepare my Child for Starting School? The transition, from the application to accepting...[...], Some autism families worry about the challenge of taking an overseas holiday. Thank you for bearing with us. All AsIAm-issued ID Cards will, therefore, be accompanied by terms and conditions which will allow for Cards to be cancelled should they be misused in any way. The first part...[...], Hello and welcome to Our Week Online. All Rights resereved. This initiative arises from a large number of queries and requests we have received from members of the public since the closure of Autism Ireland on 28th February 2019. From providing the public and those with the condition to a portal of information about Autism, to serving a platform for people affected by Autism to share their stories and views, to providing a strong voice for the concerns of the community – has it all! It does not automatically entitle cardholders and or their companions to discounts or preferential treatment over other customers. What Strategies can I use for my Non-Verbal Child to ease their Transition? Laragh, ...[...], AsIAm National Autism Conference is just two days away! What can I Do if my Child Doesn’t Want to go Back to School? Explainer: What Happened in Senator Ó Ríordáin’s Commencement Matter on School Places in the Seanad? T...[...], We are delighted to make the tickets available for our 3rd Annual AsIAm National Autism Conferenc...[...], Jody O’Neill is a young self-advocate attending Castletroy College in County Limerick. Thanks for your interest in our Autism Accreditation initiative and taking your first steps to be autism-friendly! As Ireland re-opens, we know that the autism community needs support now, more than ever. However, we must stress that recognition of the document is at the discretion of the service. I completed my Ph.D. in Autism and movement impairment in the University of Limerick. Many of the queries we receive relate to issues already covered on our website. This edition will be the last news roundup on, at...[...], Welcome to Our Week Online, where we read the internet so you don't have to! Find Out More. We ...[...], AsIAm and SuperValu were proud to partner with the community of Clonakilty in creating Ireland’s ...[...], This is Our Week Online. × Thank you for your interest in our Workshops. if no volunteer speaker is available in your area your details will be put on our waiting list until a speaker becomes available. The Autism Europe logo will also feature on the card as a helpful aid for cardholders and their families travelling abroad. Eoin Hickey – Autism and Coping Mechanisms, Call Out: Complete Our Surveys on School Places and Exclusion/Withdrawal, What We Learned – Community Support: Independent Living and Housing, “It’s Not A Disorder”: Minister Joe McHugh Challenges Himself and TDs on Inclusive Language around Autism, Constructive Meeting between AsIAm & ASTI Representatives, AsIAm Condemns the ‘Pick & Choose’ Approach to Meeting Students’ Needs from the ASTI & TUI, We Need an Inclusive, Measurable Autism Strategy, National Autism Conference 2018 Speaker Presentations, Kevin Hanly: Living With Autism at Christmas Time, Community Support – Autism in the Home, University College Cork, Cork, Community Support – Autism and the Law, RCSI, Dublin, Call Out: NCSE Consultations on Special Schools and Classes, Research Opportunity: Building Inclusive Healthcare for People with Autism, NUI Galway, Laragh Smith: My Experience of an Inclusive Community, National Autism Conference 2018 – Autism Welcoming Venue and Experience, A First For Ireland With Clonakilty Becoming Ireland’s First Autism Friendly Town. Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition which means that the way a person communicates, interacts and understands other people and the world is different to those who do not have the condition. However, in 2016 a policy advice report by the National Council for Special Education on Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Schools, noted that 1 in 65, or 1.5%, of the school going population in Ireland had a diagnosis of Autism. Welcome to our new Board of Directors members! A quarter of the disabled population of Irel...[...], Last night we held our Puberty and Sexuality Community Support seminar in Co. Wicklow, and we're ...[...], Here at AsIAm it's important to us to champion the work of the autistic community. They include specif...[...], Day#13 of our #AsIAmChallenge is about using Plain English when communicating. Positive progress made as Autism Bill passes through Seanad Éireann, Sean Foley: My ongoing experiences with feelings, Top Tips for a Successful St. Patrick’s Day, Stepping off the treadmill: Getting a Diagnosis as an Adult, Autism & Me Documentary – Monday 13th March, 9:35pm on RTE One, NEW SERIES – “AutismQs” – Your Questions, Answered. Carrie Burton: Communion Day – The Day We Thought We’d Never See! The National Disability Inclusion Strategy – what is it? Autism Experience Exhibition in Clonakilty on Thursday 27th September! One of these initiatives is the development of the AsIAm Autism Friendly University Award. All be...[...], Returning to routine after a break can be a tough one to get your head around, especially after a...[...], Starting college is a huge change for everyone. In what has been a very busy news week, we've picked out autism and d...[...], The Ark Cultural Centre for Children presents Peat, a brand new theatre show for ages 8+ by Kate ...[...], Hello, and welcome to Our Week Online. To introduce you to your local volunteer school speaker who will liaise directly with you to agree dates, times and other arrangements for the workshop(s). As we enter August, children everywhere across Ireland wi...[...], This week, Sligo’s Clayton Hotel became the first hotel in Ireland to establish a room specifical...[...], Leigh E. O'Brien's young nephew Liam lives with autism. Noel Ward and Michael McEnery’s April Ultra-Marathon in aid of AsIAm! I've...[...], August; and it seems as if I have only grown accustomed to the structure deficient summer days. The Card will be valid for three years for children and five years for adults. They...[...], WHAT IS THE NATIONAL DISABILITY INCLUSION STRATEGY? × Thank you for your interest in our Workshops. R...[...], On Thursday morning, Senator Máire Devine submitted a Commencement Matter to Seanad Éireann on th...[...], In AsIAm we aim to make society universally accessible for autistic people. We’re currently working out shipping estimates. She has been blogging about he...[...], Fitness and keeping up exercise can be challenging habits to start, nevermind keep, for those of ...[...], Earlier this week, Co. Wicklow's Ben Rowsome was nominated for a Garda Youth Award for his advoca...[...], Last week, our CEO Adam Harris featured on RTÉ Radio 1's The Business programme, discussing the g...[...], Autistic individuals are likelier to develop complications with their own mental health than thos...[...], AsIAm has welcomed progress in ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilit...[...], AsIAm CEO Adam Harris has condemned Irish Rail’s move to phase out its quiet carriages from its D...[...], AsIAm are delighted to announce the dates and locations for our new training programme for early ...[...], Dr John Hillery is the President of the College of Psychiatrists in Ireland. Adapting the capsule hotels comm...[...], Dr. Gillian Smith is a Bray-based dentist. That's why we ...[...], We're very proud to say that Orán Timoney, a member of our first Youth Leadership Team and now an...[...], Last week AsIAm launched two surveys on the experiences of autistic students in accessing educati...[...], It's Sunday, and February is here which means, whether it feels like it or not, Spring has come t...[...], As the national autistic advocacy organisation, AsIAm receives a huge volume of messages from fam...[...], Last week we held our first 2019 Community Support event in Ratoath, County Meath, on the topic o...[...], It's 2019, and welcome to Our Week Online. Please note we do not provide a helpline service – this number is for office administration queries only. With early diagnosis and special education, children with autism will be able to improve their social and communication skills. The session began w...[...], At a time when many in the State continue to see the benefits of economic growth, The Autism Community on Special Interests! Kevin Hanly – The Achievements That Can Be Made With Being Autistic! A leading autism charity has accused the Government of putting the interests of unions ahead of those of children with special needs. In 2016,  Enable Ireland and th...[...], The AsIAm Youth Leadership Team has developed a campaign aimed at educating other young people an...[...], The Covid-19 Pandemic has affected my life in many aspects, but predominantly in terms of my fami...[...], We now move onto part two of the Autistic Pride Online coverage. Calculated grades are grades which are based on how an individual pu...[...], AsIAm has written to the leaders of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, and the Green Party to stress the imp...[...], In recent days AsIAm has been reviewing the responses to our COVID-19 survey and identifying key ...[...], AsIAm submitted a question to the Minister of Health in relation to Covid-19 restrictions for ind...[...], This is an unusual April However, they'...[...], SuperValu & AsIAm are delighted to announce the launch of a learning resource toolkit, develo...[...], Autistic Pride began in 2005 with a celebration by Aspies for Freedom. April is World Autism Month, and we have developed ...[...], AsIAm and SuperValu have a strong partnership in supporting communities to become autism-friendly...[...], This week AsIAm launched a new Resource Pack for Primary and Secondary Schools to facilitate unde...[...], Last month we held a competition on our social media for a family pass to Dublin Comic Con. Unfortunately, such specialist care can be difficult to obtain in Ireland. A disability cent...[...], Last Wednesday 19th June AsIAm Founder and CEO Adam Harris addressed the Oireachtas Committee on ...[...], Welcome to Our Week Online, and what a wet week it's been. Sharon is proud to host Autism Journeys Radio Show on UCC98.3fm. Our office hours run from Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. From providing the public and those with the condition to a portal of information about Autism, to serving a platform for people affected by Autism to share their stories and views, to providing a strong voice for the concerns of the community. Our survey found that: We have launched a new initiative which we believe is suitably overseen to avoid abuse, as well as structured in such a way so that autism community members can access it easily and affordably. A Right to Earn a Living ~ AsIAm Explains, What We Learned – Community Support: Puberty and Sexuality. While many might have an extensive ...[...], AsIAm would like to thank Dr Emer Ring and her colleagues from Mary Immaculate College (MIC)'s De...[...], AsIAm is delighted to welcome two new members of staff to our team this autumn! Design has been finalised and the template can be seen below. The Clonakilty Commitment – Training Week! Free SuperValu Home Delivery to the Autism Community for April! Projects in 2021 Autistic people love routine and predictability. Any supports provided are at the service’s discretion. With over 50,000 families in Ireland living with autism, those affected face barriers to inclusion because of the attitudes of people who may not have first-hand experience of autism. Ireland’s auti...[...], AsIAm is happy to today announce an additional 11 towns on the journey to becoming autism-friendl...[...], Michael opened the night and introducing our two presenters, Liz Fitzpatrick & Linda Foley. Donate Now. We greatly appreciate it! If you're a school ...[...], *Due to the huge amount of inquiries we have had about our Autism Friendly Santa Training, we...[...], We at AsIAm invite the autism community in Ireland to take part in our new Community Support Surv...[...], is delighted to share this research opportunity with our users. This is the biggest roundup so far, but it was a big week! While we cannot control the spread of this virus in th...[...], We at AsIAm were proud to work with Vodafone Ireland to introduce autism-friendly retail hours in...[...], Emma Davies, a young autistic advocate and friend of AsIAm, recently delivered a speech to her sc...[...], Welcome to our next instalment of meme Sunday! This week Ireland became the second country in the world t...[...], Hello, and welcome to Our Week Online. Overall, there was huge support for the concept of an Autism ID Card among children, families and autistic adults. Michael O'Flan...[...], The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has just completed a review of the Special Need...[...], SuperValu and will host a unique exhibition which will enable the people of Clonakilty t...[...], Research continues to tell us that we must view ‘challenging behaviour’ as a way in which the chi...[...], Your child’s teacher may already be aware of autistic children's sensory needs.   However, if your ...[...], An Individual Education Plan, often referred to as an ‘IEP’, is a plan to support your child’s le...[...], If your child doesn’t want to go back to school, it's important to talk about the reasons why the...[...], We all struggle getting back into our regular routine after holidays and for autistic children, w...[...], There is a wide range of resources available to support parents and children on this exciting jou...[...], It is a really good idea and absolutely essential to arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher,...[...], Parents and families are preparing their children for school from the day they are born and not j...[...], Starting school is one of the biggest events in both a family member's and a child's life. . Sean Foley: Retail and Aspergers Syndrome. They can be utilised to great effect such as the Movembe...[...], Conor McDermott has recently completed a research project for his undergraduate in Occupational T...[...], What's a Calculated Grade? Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Are You Ready to create your Autism Friendly Town? More detailed information will shortly be provided but essentially all that is needed is proof of diagnosis and a passport standard image. ...[...], UPDATE: changes have been announced to certain payments from the Government at this time of writi...[...], Michael Ryan – Counsellor/Psychotherapist We are hugely excited by this programme’s potential for supporting autistic self-advocacy as well as aiding public services and businesses who wish to offer additional supports for autistic clients and customers. Limerick on Autism and Play. BUY YOUR COPY: Mary Immaculate publishes a handbook for educators – “Autism from the Inside Out”. Today happens to be AsIAm's fifth birthday! To help this transition back to school, As I Am has produced a comprehensive autism-friendly learning resource entitled, Bridge Back to School with Mary Immaculate College of Education in Limerick. This week we celebrated Pancake Tuesday, World Book Day, a...[...], Transition Year can be an interesting time for people on the autism spectrum. 77% of families feel ...[...], AsIAm, Ireland's National Autism Charity, has been working to support our community through the C...[...], Assistive Technology Passport; The Qualitative Research study  From here I went on to join the Staff of The School of Education in U.C.C from 2008-2019 where I worked as a lecturer and researcher. Early Intervention Classes 49 Statement 1 – Teaching and Learning 49 Statement 2 – Inclusive School Culture 59 Autistic people face major barriers in day to day life from education t...[...], AsIAm, Ireland's National Autism Charity, has been working in close partnership with SuperValu to...[...], Many young students across the country have had their education massively impacted by the COVID19...[...], Both the Gardaí Síochána and An Post have pledged supports to the most vulnerable members of soci...[...], AsIAm has been working to support Ireland's autism community throughout the COVID-19 emergency. This is a positive developmen...[...], Day #17 of our #AsImChallenge is about checking in and asking. Following constructive and insightful discussions and correspondence with AsIAm in recent week...[...], Art is a natural fit for many people on the autism spectrum. Many of its key...[...], AsIAm Founder and CEO Adam Harris called on the Department of Education to deliver training to te...[...], Melissa, a young woman living with Asperger's, talks about her experiences with her autism and ab...[...], It was with great pride and excitement that we announce today that AsIAm will be charity partner ...[...], This week, the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) launched its review into the Special...[...], How many of us have dreamt of being that parent who has the most amazing bond with their child? However, we must stress that recognition of the document is at the discretion of the service. You will soon receive an email from AsIAm to discuss the next stages of your application. I put a lot of energy into the idea of visualising how "busy" space is around us - for instance how much movement there is, the areas that attract (or distract) attention, and the pattern that people, animals and other movement make in the space around us. Yvonne wrote a bo...[...], Starting or returning to Secondary School can be a big change and a challenge for all students, h...[...], As part of our “AsYouCan” Campaign, for World Autism Awareness Month, each day in April we will s...[...], is pleased to announce that the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, has kindly agr...[...], As part of our “AsYouCan” Campaign, for World Autism Awareness Month, each day in April we will...[...], As part of our "AsYouCan" Campaign, for World Autism Awareness Month, each day in April...[...], This World Autism Awareness Month, AsIAm is calling on every individual, organisation and sector ...[...], Sean Foley, a frequent blogger on this site, shares his experiences of retail, both sides of th...[...], Being a parent of a child with Autism can be challenging but, as Julie Direen shares, it can also...[...], Sean Foley is a self-advocate, based in Co. Kerry. We often talk about the different challenges and strate...[...], BRIAN IRWIN Founded in 1963, is the longest established dedicated organisation for people with Autism in Ireland. We hope you all had a Happy Valentine’s Day (and an even better Galentin...[...], For those of you who watched the most recent episode of Ireland’s Got Talent last Saturday at...[...], Autism Awareness Month is coming up soon in April, and two men are planning to give it their all ...[...], Last week, Education and Skills Minister Joe McHugh TD stated that his Department would be appeal...[...], This is Our Week Online. Sit down, why don't you? . F...[...], Freya O’Horo is a Mayo native studying Social Care and Practice in Athlone Institute of Technolog...[...], Hello and welcome to our week online. For children with A...[...], The challenges of "Back to School" for students with Autism, and the launch of the "Back...[...], Many families affected by Autism may be considering possible suitable extra-curricular activities...[...], There is an old adage: "If you know one person with Autism, you know one person with Autism" Since then every year June...[...], The Department of Education and Skills recently announced a new version of July Provision for 202...[...], Yesterday we sought further clarity from the Department of Education on parents registe...[...], The Department of Education and Skills (DES) has announced a new support plan as part of the annu...[...], “We now all need to work together to make sure that every child who is eligible can ben...[...], Between the sensory changes, new routines and demanding workloads, starting university can be esp...[...], A landmark report on the special educational provisions for autistic learners in Irish schools ha...[...], Today, AsIAm's Chief Executive Officer Adam Harris, along with the representatives of several oth...[...], Social media challenges are nothing new. Interview – Kate Heffernan and Aisling O’Gorman, Peat @ The Ark, Charlie Silke – My Experience With TY So Far, Advice on Education Plans ~ AsIAm Explains, Press Release: AsIAm Advice on Education Plans, Eoin Hickey – Why I Like Having Autism and ADHD, Help Raise Funds For AsIAm By Taking Part In The VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2020, Interview: Dr. Linda O’Rourke and Elzaan Marnane of Core Clinical, Call Out: Complete Our Survey on Adult Autism Diagnosis, What We Learned – Autism and Play: Promises and Possibilities. Triple A Alliance was set up in 2002 by a group of parents who wa...[...], Awareness about autism has increased among society in recent years. VIDEO: Autism – Emily’s perspective as a sibling, NEW MONTHLY COMPETITION: Your thoughts on…, Yvonne Newbold: Top Tips for Parents at the start of the School Year, Michael Ryan: Secondary School – Getting off to the right start, AsYouCan: Focus on Sports & Extra-Curricular Clubs, President Michael D. Higgins becomes Patron of The return to school provides a vital lifeline of support for autistic students and families. Helpline: 076 … How can I Explain My Child’s Sensory Needs to their New Teacher? . Maintaining Calmness about COVID-19/Coronavirus in the Autism Community, #HappierHealthierLonger General Election Campaign Debrief, What I (Don’t) Know About Autism: An Autistic Review, Medb Lambert: What I Don’t Know About Autism, What I (Don’t) Know About Autism: Jody O’Neill and Dónal Gallagher, #HappierHealthierLonger: General Election 2020 Campaign Tools, General Election Manifesto: Happier, Healthier, Longer Lives, What I (Don’t) Know About Autism: Matthew Ralli and Paula Mc Glinchy, What I (Don’t) Know About Autism: Shay Croke and Jayson Murray, What I (Don’t) Know About Autism: Eleanor Walsh Interview, Adam Harris Appointed To HSE Programme Board, General Election 2020: We Need An Autism Empowerment Strategy, Rolling For Kindness AsIAm Stream Interview: Elijah and Michael, National Gallery of Ireland Becoming Autism Friendly, AsIAm’s Response to Minister McHugh’s South Dublin Statement. Welcome to O...[...], AsIAm is hosting twenty four Community Support Seminar talks around the country over the next twe...[...], It's Sunday, and welcome to Our Week Online. Adam Harris of the Irish autism awareness non-profit AsIAm will be at the Irish Arts Center in New York on June 5 for a screening of the documentary Autism and Me, followed by a talkback. Autism and Education: Emigration Considered Due To Lack Of School Places, Autism Behind the Wheel: Teaching Teens and Young Adults on the Spectrum to Drive- Carmen Adams, Clonakilty Anniversary One Year Event: An Evening With Alan Gardner, Autism Friendly Schools Pilot Project 2019/2020, Autism and Higher Education: Steve Silberman and Dr. Magda Mostafa, 11 More Autism Friendly Towns Announced With SuperValu, AsIAm Community Seminar: Autism and Sibshops 11/09/2019, Dr. Gillian Smith on Autism Friendly Dental Practices, Community Voices: Nóra Nic Oireachtaigh and Bullying, School and Autism – My Experience: Lauren Martin, Fota Wildlife Park recognised for commitment to autism inclusion, AsIAm Condemns Cut to Rehabilitative Training Allowance, Explainer: New Rules for Irish Language Exemptions, AsIAm and Supervalu’s Corporate Charity Partnership Earns Award, Bullying and Autism: Neil Kenny Interview, Ireland’s First Disability Friendly Music Festival Enters Second Year, Autistic Son To Be Relocated 70km Away From Family, AsIAm CEO Addresses Oireachtas Committee on Public Petitions on Mandatory Teacher Training, AsIAm CEO Addresses Oireachtas Joint Committee Consultation on Reduced Timetables, William Florish: “Here’s to the Invisible Kids”, Minister for Education Reminds Schools of Obligations to Students with SEN Following Enough Is Enough Protest. 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