autism speaks reddit
The Androgyne Community still hates Autism Speaks!. Autism Speaks is a Diseases, Disorders, and Disciplines charity located in New York, NY. I hope your wife and you are doing well, and that her brother is getting the care and support he needs and deserves, and that you and your wife are as well. A good internet support is Wrong Planet. save. & Autism Speaks finally changed their tune 2 years ago. It sends the completely wrong message. There are no available agents at the moment. If an organization cannot get support from people it was designed to help, and refuses to have people properly represented in their leadership, that is a huge red flag. It's made worse by the fact that my brother has Asperger's, which is on the Autism spectrum. Unfortunately, the autistic community and supporters have expressed dissatisfaction with the organization because of how it spends its money and the way it represents people with autism. Very unlike Autism Speaks, or Komen, or Salvation Army, or even Red Cross. Is there an organization that you would recommend people support or learn from instead? Thank you so much for the great links, they help a great deal. If you want to support an Autism charity, try The Organization for Autism Research, or the National Autistic Society in the UK. Autism Speaks is so horrible because they harm the population they claim to be for. [Image Description: Two images set to the background of a flag with three stripes; the upper and lower stripes are both light red, the middle stripe is a darker red. A special post from Mod Rowlf! Looking at Soldiers of Odin Canada, it seems every chapter has routinely done good and in fact tried to distance themselves from their European namesake. The woman who said it was Alison Singer, who at the time was the executive vice president of the organisation. I am glad you are doing better though, only hope things just keep improving in your life, and that you have such a beautiful day. When you mention the criticism of Autism Speaks from people with autism it is actually pretty weird, as I was saying in my previous reply. Thanks again for the reply, it is really wonderful. The following are some facts that you should consider before thinking that Autism Speaks is a good charity for people with autism: Very little money donated to Autism Speaks goes toward helping autistic people and families which is deliberately away from their mission statement. When you mention the criticism of Autism Speaks from people with autism it is actually pretty weird, as I was saying in my previous reply. If those statements are correct, that does mean Autism Speaks is moving in the right direction accodring to these numbers. The logic of Disability being *purely* Socially Constructed sets people up to do that. Autism Speaks does not provide medical or legal advice or services. Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. Not that I or any person with autism, or any person with a conscience, would have any desire to be involved with Autism Speaks. As a Pro-Cure ASD, my experience is minimised & dismissed. Fuck autism speaks. Autism Speaks says that they are all for spreading “awareness” of autism, but in reality, they are spreading only fear. to be fair, though I agree it is clearly a disgusting organization focusing on the wrong things, they backed off the vaccine thing in late 2017 already. I am so glad you finally got a diagnosis and understand better what is going on. There’s much to read here so this will keep me busy, and thanks for taking the time to reply, much appreciated! There's a really good resource of reasons to be against them, but the biggest one is that they don't follow "nothing about us without us" which is the disability advocation motto. They have since stopped using the more extreme shocking methods. The men's issues discussion has been sorely held back by counterproductive tribalism. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 54 children in the United States today. A thoroughly disgusting, damaging organization that has nothing to do with actual autistic people. Autism Speaks is a relatively new organization, but its awareness campaigns were so effective that it spread like a virus, and now its blue puzzle piece logo is considered synonymous with autism. Honestly they need to make up a new name for severe autism and relabel the group which is their objective of the more severe kids. The Autistic Self advocacy Network is a good one, as they say, nothing about us without us. Autism Speaks is well-funded and influential, and its blue puzzle piece icon has come to symbolize autism. Autism Speaks is an international charity organization that works to promote awareness about autism. 1.7k. share. The Raggy Dolls (Princess, Back-To-Front, Hi-Fi, Claude, Lucy, Dotty and Sad Sack) from The Raggy Dolls all hate Autism Speaks! Is it misrepresentation, bad advice? Typical to strong verbal language skills and intellectual ability distinguish Asperger syndrome from other types of autism. The organization is also stubbornly emblematic of the … My wife is a special education teacher with a severely autistic brother. They are an absolutely vile organization. The Grey Asexual Community still hates Autism Speaks!. â ¦ tscheezpuffs . Autism Speaks was established more than a decade ago in part by merging with existing advocacy groups including one known as Cure Autism Now. hide. Kids with severe autism have a disability where all they know is how to scream, and damage other people/ things and don’t understand people. This is a good synopsis of many of the other comments, so I will mark the thread as answered. Thanks for the support!, it really is kind of you. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit … I think most of the issues with AS have been posted here but here are some more issues. 14 talking about this. I'm glad to see discussions about it online and hopefully in time they will be seen for the evil hate group that they are. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Last year AS Canada allowed the sons of Odin to team up with them and then were silent when people called them out. Autistic girl here, but scrolling through Popular and this just caught my attention. Many people seem unaware just how many autistic people are non verbal. That’s so awful, I had no idea how bad the organisation is. You are so right, they are sadly really good at creating a narrative that we are unable to think for ourselves, the gas-lighting going on is astonishing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 74 comments. It really is terrible, I am so sorry your family cannot see the issues that are so clearly there. The money raised by Autism speaks at these local events rarely stays in the area and steals from groups that do help locals. Here is accounts of their shady and criminal accounting practices where there is a good chance people in charge are stealing from people hoping to support those with autism and autistic people both. Fuck autism speaks. share. I agree wholeheartedly. It's a good idea to check out disability oriented charities in general before you donate to them because a lot of them have these sorts of problems (I have a huge issue with the Muscular Dystrophy Association for some of the same reasons - hyper focus on cure mentality, not having disabled people in their leadership, focusing exclusively on children, etc.). As you know, some people can live independently; others need assistance with certain aspects of their lives, such as education or employment; and others have significant medical and behavioral challenges requiring 24/7 care. They also ensure that over 90% of funds raised through fundraising efforts go directly to research and treatment (so, very little goes to overhead/paying employees, etc). You can also reach the Autism Response Team by phone or email: 888-288-4762, en Espanol 888-772-7050, or SOUTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - The family of a Southwest Miami-Dade woman accused in the killing of her 9-year-old son with autism said they … Press J to jump to the feed. Note that even officially the top person there, who works for a charity, makes $600,000 a year. “Autism Speaks has a long and continued pattern of exclusion of Autistic voices from its work on autism. Chairman, Autism Speaks President, Chief Executive Officer and Trustee, RPT Realty. Edit: ok so I did a little digging on that thing with one of the A$ leaders. When I looked them up on CharityNavigator, their ratings and financials didn’t seem too out-of-whack. The idea is that disabled people should be depicted in media by those who actually have the disability itself, It is called "pay us, don't play us". I suspect it's because Neurodiversity Advocacy is international in character & its done by activists who don't have access to the academic literature. A special Pride Month post! The Founders wife compared Autism to Cancer , Diabetes Aids a few years ago , I can't find the original post unfortunately. contrary to its name they are an organization designed to keep autistic people from speaking, instead they are actually an advocacy organization for caretakers and others who want a justification, no matter how flimsy, to believe the person with autism can, or should, be "cured", to control behavior they don't like, in many cases through methods that can only be described as monstrous, and to steal from the public and those in need of support. That organisation is truly vile and it pains me to to see my friends and family support it, but AS has gotten good at convincing people that the autistic people who oppose it aren't thinking clearly. Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and families I hate that they exist now, but I do believe longer term they will be exposed for the terrible organization they are. They've also made a lot of claims, from saying autism can be cured to linking it to vaccines which is ridiculously wrong. Asperger syndrome, or Asperger’s, is a previously used diagnosis on the autism spectrum.In 2013, it became part of one umbrella diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5).. Its tool kit for parents does not say grieving is an “inevitable” consequence of their child’s diagnosis. Research funded by Autism Speaks shows that autism affects each person differently. 52 comments. It was covered by a local Boston station & CBS Evening news a few years ago. Posted by 3 days ago. Requested by @books-music-shows! Just to piggyback on, someone with Asperger's Syndrome made a video on Autism Speaks here: My sister has a kid with severe autism and he runs up and drops the food out of peoples plates in restaurant if he gets loose, and always screams at top of his lungs and hits cars. Such a large organization cannot hide the criticism of them from the larger public forever, and the fact it is such a large charity that has no support, indeed outright antagonism, from the very people it was designed to help will tell in the end I believe. Over the years they have produced some really terrible videos to market their organization that portray children with autism as something to fear. Autism speaks does not speak for me. For years, critics blasted Autism Speaks for lacking representation from people with autism themselves. Autism Speaks Inc. (AS) is the largest autism advocacy organization in the United States. i am an autistic artist and photographer and i own a business call autistic eye art where i sell my pictures and autism speaks has let me down. Thank you. We are participating in an Autism Speaks fundraising walk this fall and multiple people online and in-person have told me that the organization is bogus. But their minds are so undeveloped they don’t understand what their doing, and any form of discipline or talking won’t help. He has been a member of the board since 2017 and has championed the work of Autism Speaks to provide research, advocacy, services and support for the autism community. 1.7k. autism speaks reddit. I've heard of … And as we compare, 22% of their funds are spent on fundraising efforts. Because I’ve been diagnosed with Dyspraxia since I was a child and when explaining it to people I tend to just say ‘it’s a little bit like autism. Brian L. Harper was elected chairman of the board of Autism Speaks on April 1, 2020. Autism Speaks was founded in 2005 by Bob Wright – a former NBC executive – and his wife Suzanne after their grandson was diagnosed with autism. They've publicly stated that they have found no correlation between vaccines and autism: you can read more about it here:, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the OutOfTheLoop community. Hope you don’t mind me asking but is Dyspraxia on the autism spectrum or is it a form of autism? It’s not because we don’t discipline, on controrary we do. According to the Autism Self-Advocacy Network, less than 5% of the organization’s budget goes to programs to help families, with roughly 20% spent on fundraising and over 40% dedicated to lobbying and “awareness”. They rescinded a job offer to a mom with a son who has autism when she asked for accommodations so she could be there for her son after school. It is messed up, when you say Autism Speaks does not speak for you, that is weirdly the point in a direct way. As an organization without a single Autistic person on its board of directors, Autism Speaks is the last group our nation’s leaders should be entrusting with the creation of a “national plan to address autism”. Satire. The best places to donate are charities ran by disabled people themselves. Press J to jump to the feed. Edit: holy shit. Is it misrepresentation, bad advice? Autism Speaks influences policy at the state and federal government levels. Instead of donating to Autism Speaks I would donate or Volunteer for a local charity that helps the disabled. I don’t know if you ever saw the demon child on an airplane video that went viral while back where he screamed the whole 13 hours. [Image Description: Two images set to the background of a flag with three stripes; the upper and lower stripes are both light red, the middle stripe is a … one of the reasons I've seen cited is because somebody in the company compared themselves as an autism charity to cancer and aids charities, got a bunch of words forced into her mouth by some triggered twitter folk who don't like the concept of "curing disabilities", and now everybody hates them. Kind of like the Alexander Graham Bell Organization when it comes to deaf people. The amount of nervousness this makes me feel is unreal. Basically, they put "those affected by autism" first before those actually suffering from autism. But I can see what the organization was trying to put out there with this video. Autism Speaks is so horrible because they harm the population they claim to be for. Only 4-5% of their funds actually helps people with autism. I believe it was one of the leaders of the """''charity"""'" that said she'd have driven off a cliff with her autistic kid in her car but only didn't because she had an NT kid at home. What she said is horrible and is something she should of kept to her self. They prioritize the voices of parents (and other non-autistic people) over actual autistic people, support abusive therapies, and use rhetoric that references "curing" autism. A subreddit to help you keep up to date with what's going on with reddit and other stuff. Since its conception, it has been the leading organization for autism research and awareness. Its become quite fashionable to claim autism if you are a bit of adick or socially incompetent. I agree, my research hasn’t really given me a reason to believe they aren’t genuinely trying to impact the community in a positive way. The facts about Autism Speaks being bad. They are literally the only large charity directly apposed by the people they were directly designed to help, which is weird and ought to be a pretty big red flag for people. Autism Rainbow Acronym Shirt Yes, Autism Speaks is that bad. It is just sad, they are literally the only large charity in existence that is not supported, indeed directly apposed, by the actual people they were designed to help. report. Here is them plagarising and changing the writing of an autistic person. All information gathered directly from the Wikipedia page. To her credit, some time after this she left A$ to start an organisation based on actual scientific research, but it shows you the kind of thinking that the organisation represents and advocates. We're building a new dialogue on the real issues facing men through positivity, inclusiveness, and solutions-building. Thanks so much for the reply, it is really wonderful of you. I am writing this as someone with Autism in the hopes of creating awareness for anyone with autism, as well as anyone considering supporting Autism Speaks, entirely understandably considering without more information they are simply the largest autism charity out there. Here is them threatening to sue autistic people. Diabetes Aids sounds terrible. Sadly Autism Speaks sucks up a lot of the funding that is given, not nearly enough people are familiar with the issues with them, so it damages the ability of others to raise money. Share on LinkedIn. Canadian police have also confirmed that they have not engaged in criminal activity. They see any kind of Autism as a detriment that can be cured rather than supporting those with Autism. Thanks for posting, the link was broken due to a comma, so here is a link to the collection of articles for everyone else: Autism Speaks also has a long history of questionable practices and associations. What’s the deal? I really am sorry the Muscular Dystrophy Association is similar, thank you for telling me as I was unaware, I will cease any support I may have given in the future. Autism Speaks Uses Disgusting Marketing Techniques. That organization is cancer to the deaf community. I'm so goddam sick of them insisting I have have not heard about "the" Social Model Of Disability when I insist that Impairment is real. i know right? Just as you googled them on CharityNavigator or whatever, Google and search for the hundreds of complains on them. Thank you for this post! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, This went to Media and media services (donated). But as my granny use to say, fine weird butter no parsnips. It was a shitty temp job, I hated the hours and found the particular fundraiser I worked on to be socially tonedeaf, but the people were kind and clearly actually cared about the people the charity was serving. I have heard a lot of criticism of Autism Speaks over the years and it is good to continue telling the truth about them, but it would be awesome to get some recommendations of who is a food source for Autism information and support. Autism Speaks is rated 3 out of 4 stars by Charity Navigator. Their activities include volunteering at soup kitchens, cleaning up drug needles, and security to social workers in high risk areas. February 28, 2021. I’ve heard lots of criticism about Autism Speaks from people with autism. It was founded in February 2005 by Bob Wright, vice chairman of General Electric, and his wife Suzanne, a year after their grandson Christian was diagnosed with autism. So, it's aids that also gives you every form of Diabetes? Here is there them supporting a neo nazi biker gang,, Here is them supporting the uses of aversives, torture, on autistic people, including the use of electric shocks solely designed to cause pain to force non speaking autistic children to be more "normal",,,,,, I've heard of them before but never really looked into it. i had the same question, assuming by default that they must have been discovered to have virtually no money actually make it to autism as it all sticks to their charity's fingers (you know, the standard charity bash reason) but it sounds like that isn't it. Least in my autism speaks reddit office there were people with autism themselves it really is kind of autism as service. Rarely stays in the right direction accodring to these numbers is the largest autism advocacy organization in the United today! Their charity Navigator got a diagnosis and understand better what is going on for Control! Services ( donated ) s so awful, I am so sorry your family can not be.! 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