So when we take that extra hour in the fall, we're actually doing more harm than good. is part of the Meredith Health Group. He said that retail stores are a huge proponent of Daylight Saving Time, and that the golf industry even tried to persuade Congress to give an extra month of DST because it was "worth $200 million in additional sales of golf clubs and greens fees," while the barbecue industry said it was "worth $100 million in additional sales of grills and charcoal briquettes.". Still not convinced about the health benefits of Daylight Saving Time and all that extra sunlight? With that in mind, we've rounded up 10 reasons you'll want to embrace the time change this year. According to a notable 2003 study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, waking up in relation to the sunrise actually decreases a person's chance of depression. While this is true, we can’t change the number of hours of … Thankfully, DST means you can shut off those bleak bulbs and rely on good old-fashioned sunlight instead. Stressed eyes can take a much-needed break during Daylight Saving Time. Rising with the sun would save the citizens of Paris, where he was living at the time, a great deal of money: “An immense sum! The time shift started as a way to maximize limited daylight hours, but its benefits are debatable. It's no surprise, then, that the study's authors recommend we switch to Daylight Saving Time all year-round. Longer daylight hours make driving safer, lowers car accident rates, and lowers the risk of pedestrians being hit by a car. Michael Downing, author of Spring Forward, told NPR that Americans are more willing to spend their money shopping when they "have an hour of sunlight after work." It's not just losing an hour of sleep—these are the worst things about Daylight Saving Time. It’s “daylight saving time,” not “daylight savings time.” Many people render the term’s second word in … Shutterstock. And given all the benefits of drinking less, that's good news. In their estimates, the shift to more sunlight in the day causes a 7 percent decrease in robberies, resulting in $59 million in annual savings. Daylight Saving Time, also known as that horrible night in the spring when we lose an hour of sleep, has been the subject of both praise and criticism since it was first proposed in 1895. It actually gives the people what they want. While waking up slightly under-slept after that 2 a.m. clock jump is hardly most people's idea of a good time, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Daylight Saving Time may be a good thing in the long run. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that the extra daylight granted by the time change accounted for a 62 percent increase in pedestrians—not to mention a 38 percent increase in cyclists. But daylight saving is hardly standardized in the United States, much less the world. Originally, DST was thought to be a major driver of energy savings. A 2017 study published in Epidemiology reveals that incidents of depression increase by 11 percent when the clock shifts back in November, suggesting that springing forward may help reduce depressive episodes. A major 2008 study in Environmental Health Perspectives argued that there are countless benefits to UV ray exposure that we dismiss because of the harm caused by excessive exposure. Most farmers are not in favor of this as most want more daylight in the morning, not the evening. When the winter rolls around, an estimated 10 million Americans who struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) have to deal with changing, and lower, moods. “(It will) reduce energy usage, increase economic activity and provide most people a better quality of life,” Dr Prerau told AAP last year. According to a 2013 study in Personality and Individual Differences, people with nocturnal habits are more likely to have personality traits included in the "Dark Triad," such as narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. According to another oft-cited 2006 study published in Injury Prevention, the answer is simple: "A disproportionate number of fatal injuries occur after dark.". is part of the Meredith Health Group. Pro 1 Daylight Saving Time's (DST) Longer Daylight Hours Promote Safety. During Daylight Saving Time, you don't have to be a super early riser to catch the sunrise, which could have serious health benefits. Daylight savings time poses an array of social benefits, including crime reduction and road safety. Several studies in office buildings have recorded the energy savings for electric lighting from using daylight in the range of 20-60% (Galasiu, 2007), but it depends on the lighting control system used, how well the space is daylit during occupied hours and the intended functions of the space. It's hard to argue with an extra hour of sunlight at the end of the day. Pro: Evenings are Longer (Generally Happier) During the period of Daylight Saving Time, we have an extra hour sunlight in the evenings because of the clock shift. It shifts summer daylight to evening hours, when it can be enjoyed more. Those long sunny evenings we enjoy during Daylight Saving Time make it easier to find time to spend outdoors—and that may improve our mood. Stressed eyes can take a much-needed break during Daylight Saving Time. Besides being able to make the most of daylight, expert Dr David Prerau believes daylight saving can promote physical health and reduce street crime. Benefits of Daylight Saving on Businesses While DST may be a strain on the agriculture industry, it has a more positive impact on the retail industry. You can blame the birds for this particular outbreak. So go have that evening picnic! The United States briefly experimented with year-round daylight saving time twice—during World War II and the energy crises in the 1970s. All Rights Reserved. Luckily, the extra sunlight we enjoy during Daylight Saving Time might mean we're safer on the roads, too. The diminution of crime is affected by daylight savings, for people tend to feel safer in the daylight and many In some locations there may be positive effects, on others not. That the city of Paris might save every year, by the economy of using sunshine instead of candles.”. Fact: Most people think they want Daylight Saving Time to end. In fact, there are plenty of science-backed health benefits of Daylight Saving Time. Most Americans have been observing daylight saving time for part of the year since 1966, although changing clocks first happened in 1918. It saves fuel. © 2020 Galvanized Media. They want it to go on forever. However, this causes the sun to rise and set at a later time according to the clock. Daylight Saving Time doesn't just shift the sunset later—it also moves back the sunrise. Whether that's because it's warming up or because increased daylight is naturally boosting your mood, you might find you have an easier time skipping that glass of chardonnay. Energy Department experts determined that extending daylight saving time by four weeks under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 saved 5 percent more electricity per day for a total of 1.3 billion kilowatt-hours, a hefty amount. Federal law allows states to remain on standard time year-round, but only Hawaii and most of Arizona have chosen to. Science; Reference; Why daylight saving time exists—and is so unpopular. Sleep disruptions can conversely … One of the benefits of DST is decreased electricity demand which is highly affected by the geographical location. Do you love leaving the office for the day only to find yourself in oppressive darkness? You can blame the birds for this particular outbreak. Read on, and go into Daylight Saving Time with a fresh, positive outlook. How can you get more Americans shopping? While many of us groan at the thought of the time change, there are a number of benefits of Daylight Saving Time that most people don't even think about. The first benefit of the daylight saving time is that there are longer evenings. Increased daylight doesn't just make driving easier and safer—it also makes people want to walk more, too. Believe it or not, getting some extra sunlight during DST may also be the key to losing those last 10 pounds once and for all, and not just because of a higher step count. It's not just losing an hour of sleep—these are the worst things about Daylight Saving Time. You'll be safer on the road. On the whole, Daylight Saving Time might just give you a leg up when it comes to kicking those winter blues. With more sunlight, people could rely on … You'll experience increased vitamin levels. The long, cold days of winter can make anyone look forward to a Hot Toddy or glass of wine when they come home. Daylight Saving Time plays a large role in fighting crime, according to a 2015 … With more daylight hours after work and school to shop, stores may benefit from the time change. Pro: Lighter = Safer Studies have found that DST contributes to improved road safety by reducing pedestrian fatalities by 13% during dawn and... Another study found a 7% decrease in robberies following the spring shift to DST. How you spend that hour, of course, is up to you—but you can be happy knowing that you have it! As the 2008 Environmental Health Perspectives study notes, increased exposure to sunlight can boost your body's production of melatonin, a hormone that makes you feel sleepy. Like what it was done a century ago, this practice is done to make the most of the natural daylight. So basically, they don't actually want to end DST at all. List of Pros of Daylight Savings. According to a 2017 survey conducted by, nearly 3 in 4 Americans want to banish the practice. It was first established 100 years ago to save energy. FILE - … A pivotal 2008 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives showed that a variety of the health benefits of UV rays have been overlooked in our rush to condemn excessive exposure. Only one vaccine has the data to back up this claim. Exposure to fluorescent ... 2. That's because seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is likely caused by a "biochemical change in the brain, triggered by shorter days and reduced sunlight in the winter," according to Hisaho Blair at the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This idea can still be accomplished by temporarily aligning the sunrise and the sunset with time changes. Specifically, researchers proposed that these individuals thrive at night by taking "advantage of the low light, the limited monitoring, and the lessened cognitive processing of morning-type people." While that might not sound like a lot, it's enough to power 100,000 households for a year, according to Charles Q. Choi writing for Scientific American. Sunlight is great, and so is being outside in general. Still, the benefits of Daylight Saving Time outweigh its detriments. According to a study conducted by the Department of Energy, Daylight Saving Time decreased yearly electricity consumption in the United States by about .03 percent. For those suffering from seasonal depression specifically, that extra hour of sunlight can do a world of good. The argument in favour of permanent DST is that there would be more light in the evening. Luckily, when Daylight Saving Time kicks in, you get an extra hour of daylight in the afternoon—meaning that, unless you work the night shift, you're likely to experience at least an hour or two of sun after leaving work, depending on your location. As far as the study's authors are concerned, we should be enjoying DST all year. Several nations implemented daylight saving time legislation in the last century, including the United States. Give them an extra hour of sunlight! In 2015, per CBS News, the University of British Columbia … Most of these savings, experts said, could be traced to … 1. Research conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in 2014 reveals that overweight women who increased their intake of vitamin D—a vitamin bioavailable through sunlight—to sufficient levels lost more weight than those who only dieted and exercised. As Hisaho Blair wrote for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, most scientists believe that SAD is caused by a "biochemical change in the brain, triggered by shorter days and reduced sunlight in the winter." The time change does a lot more than just make us miserable that one morning in March. The benefit to this is that people can spend this extra time outdoors or in recreational activities. It sheds more light on dubious night owls. In fact, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health reveals that pregnant women with access to green space suffered fewer incidents of depression than those without. All Rights Reserved. There's no question that driving when it's light out is easier. Shutterstock. When people change the clocks, it does not mean that people have created extra daylight. Most Americans will "spring forward" this weekend and lose an hour to daylight saving time. Most Americans will "spring forward" this weekend and lose an hour to daylight saving time. Live smarter, look better,​ and live your life to the absolute fullest. Enter your email address to get the best tips and advice. Only one vaccine has the data to back up this claim. Who needs a masked vigilante when there's DST? Daylight saving time starts in the spring when clocks are pushed forward an hour and ends in the fall when clock are set back to standard time. Losing an hour is tough, but there are real health benefits to Daylight Saving Time. People are reporting one very strange side effect. Enter your email address to get the best tips and advice. Modern-day research has found little or no such cost savings. But while we get lighter evenings after the clocks spring forward, Daylight Saving Time still faces its fair share of criticism: The biggest complaint, of course, is that it costs us an hour of precious sleep. Extend the daylight, and crimes, especially outdoor crimes like muggings, go down. Now, that sounds like a significant majority, but those same respondents want to keep the later sunset all year-round. A survey says you should hold off on this cocktail. Thus the reason for DST is still a reduction in electricity usage but there are also recreational benefits, boosting of the economy by increa… Fortunately, Daylight Saving Time provides the rest of us with a thin layer of protection by extending sunlight later into the evenings, allowing for increased "monitoring" of these nefarious sorts. That's not suggesting you skip the sunscreen, but it is saying that there are very real reasons to appreciate the sun—particularly its role in the production of vitamin D, which promotes healthy bones, reduces blood pressure, and generally keeps you healthier overall. Fortunately, research by BACTrack in 2014 suggests that people tend to drink more from December through March than at any other time of year. A survey says you should hold off on this cocktail. But it's not the snow that does it—it's the end of Daylight Saving Time. In other words, when the early birds get tired, the havoc-wreaking rascals come out to play. When it comes to avoiding motor vehicle accidents, Daylight Saving Time is on your side. Sorry, night owls: Apparently you can't be trusted. But daylight saving is hardly standardized in the United States, much less the world. have to deal with changing, and lower, moods. For all you night owls, this means you might finally get a chance to catch the sunrise, and doing so could boost your well-being! 1. Speaking of being thrown off, you may find daylight saving time shifts make you feel mentally fuzzy or slow. When Ben Franklin visited France in 1784, he decried the Parisians' wasting of daylight … The later sunset is an obvious benefit of the time change, but so is a later sunrise! Losing an hour of sleep is a fair trade for all the benefits of Daylight Saving Time. This advice from doctors, scientists, and other experts will have you sleeping better tonight. Losing an hour is tough, but there are real health benefits to Daylight Saving Time. Exposure to fluorescent light—the kind that's still prevalent in many older homes and offices—has been linked to increased rates of eye strain and disease by a 2011 study published in the American Journal of Public Health. In winter, people generally rise in the dark and go to bed in the dark. According to a pivotal 2004 study in Accident Analysis & Prevention, if DST were adopted year round, the lives of 366 motorists and pedestrians would be saved every year. The policy affects over 300 million Americans. Daylight saving time is a way to align the hours of daylight with the hours that people are awake. People are reporting one very strange side effect. Not surprisingly, then, politicians in Washingto n and Florida have now passed laws aimed at moving their states to DST year-round. Why? Try this one. I think this is a good reason. Fight seasonal depression with these expert-backed tips and tricks. It helps lower crime. Probably not. It maximizes natural daylight. Live smarter, look better,​ and live your life to the absolute fullest. In fact, excess UV rays account for only .1 percent of the global burden of disease, while their advantages—psychologically and physically—are myriad. Con: An Initial Spike In Traffic Accidents. Realtors warn against ignoring this one thing. DST saves lives and energy and prevents crime. Each day I have an extra hour of daylight in the evenings to do farm work or play golf or tennis. Multiple studies, however, have since concluded that daylight-saving time has no or negligible benefits when it comes to energy conservation. Early to bed and early to rise, here's how your sleep changes after you turn 40. One significant 2003 study in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that waking up in relation to the sunrise decreases a person's chance of depression. You'll feel your seasonal depression lifting. The best known benefit is the boosting of Vitamin D production. That's good news for the environment, but it's also good news for us, given the many health benefits of walking. In the U.S., daylight saving time runs from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November. [ 3] [ 30 ] It allows more people time to catch the sunrise. Realtors warn against ignoring this one thing. © 2020 Galvanized Media. You'll relieve those tired eyes. 10 Ways Daylight Saving Time Is Good for Your Health. disruption caused by Daylight Saving Time. When you've got more sunlight in the day, you may find it easier to hit the hay at a reasonable hour. According to a major 2004 study published in Accident Analysis & Prevention, a full year of DST would reduce passenger fatalities by 3 percent, and pedestrian fatalities by a whopping 13 percent. The disruption caused by Daylight Saving Time can be a shock to your system, but it may benefit your sleep in the long run. Does daylight saving have any benefits? Daylight Saving Time plays a large role in fighting crime, according to a 2015 study published in the Review of Economics and Statistics. An array of social benefits, including crime reduction and road Safety harm than good hour of sleep—these the... More than just make us miserable that one morning in March II and the sunset also... 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