She explains that she is Nyah from Mars, and she was heading to London. Discovering Justin and Tommy, the Jamieson's young nephew, hiding in the grounds, Nyah kidnaps Tommy as a possible male specimen, and sends Justin back to the inn under some manner of mind control. Maybe the most famous incident of other-worldly visitors visiting the Bonnie Isle is known as The Robert Taylor Incident. Earth's civilization of the future sends a cyborg back to the 1960s to change the future. Menu. [11], Rolling Stone columnist Doug Pratt later called Devil Girl from Mars a "delightfully bad movie". Devil Girl from Mars is a 1954 UK black-and-white science fiction film, produced by the Danziger Brothers, directed by David MacDonald and starring Patricia Laffan, Hugh McDermott, Adrienne Corri, and Hazel Court. There is really no fault in this film that one would like to see eliminated. Devil Girl from Mars is one hour and fifteen minutes and was released on May 2nd, 1954. Patricia Laffan. After take-off he successfully sabotages Nyah's ship, sacrificing himself to save the men of Earth, and atoning for the death of his wife, and allowing the survivors to celebrate their escape with a drink at the bar. One of only two survivors from a Martian expedition is so traumatized she doesn't remember the circumstances of the trip. Atención a la sinopsis de 'Devil Girl From Mars': en Inverness, Escocia, ha caído un gran objeto no identificado del cielo en algún lugar del campo.Unos lugareños serán testigos de algo completamente delirante, una nave espacial tripulada por una mujer y su robot ha aterrizado allí. In an interview with Frank J. Dello Stritto, screenwriter John Chartres Mather claimed that Devil Girl from Mars came about while he was working with The Danzigers, who were producing Calling Scotland Yard that appeared as both an American television series and as cinema featurettes in Great Britain and the British Commonwealth. It was like a repertory company acting that film". Destruction too monstrous to escape! Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images She also explains that she is looking for men to breed her female race since the male population is dying after warfare between males and females and they need offspring. However she allows for one man to go with her in order to escape death. Too well done to be hilarious but too trashy to take seriously, it's an odd – and very British – take on the genre. Summary: An uptight, leather-clad female alien, armed with a ray gun and accompanied by a menacing robot, comes to Earth to collect Earth's men as breeding stock. Our of the blue, a flying saucer lands nearby and a woman dressed in black leather like a dominatrix with a cape arrives in the bar armed with a ray-gun. Commander Nyah, a.k.a. I like the spaceship with its unique spinning top design. After watching the motion picture at age 12, she declared that she could write something better. I like the hulking robot, even if it is a little clunky and clumsy-looking. [14], Eric S. Rabkin likens the character Nyah to a dominatrix and even a neo-Nazi. An uptight, leather-clad female alien, armed with a ray gun and accompanied by a menacing robot, comes to Earth to collect Earth's men as breeding stock. May 9, 2018 - Devil Girl from Mars is a UK science fiction film produced by Edward J. Danziger and Harry Lee Danziger, directed by David MacDonald. She heads to London in her flying saucer. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? In a Scottish inn, the owners, employees and guests are reunited in the bar. An innkeeping couple, a female bartender, a model, a scientist, a journalist, an escaped murderer and a little boy are at an inn in the moors of Scotland. ",, Films directed by David MacDonald (director), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [16][17] Likewise, the Los Angeles avant-garde artist Gronk lists this film as the crucial factor that guided him in his career choice. However her spacecraft collided with an airplane and was damaged; therefore she had to land to repair the saucer. She explains that she is Nyah from Mars, and she was heading to London. "Devil Girl From Mars": Why I Write Science Fiction. She certainly makes a lasting memorable impression on the viewer.Then there's a number of things for which I do not care. An uptight, leather-clad female alien, armed with a raygun and accompanied by a menacing robot, comes to Earth to collect Earth's men as breeding stock. Devil Girl from Mars ( 1954) Devil Girl from Mars. Devil Girl from Mars (1954) was a low-budget film produced by the Danziger Brothers. On a winter evening, assorted guests are at their supper in a remote Scottish inn. [7], The alien Klaatu, posing as "Mr. Carpenter" in The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), was intended by screenwriter Edmund H. North to evoke Jesus Christ,[8] so too are there indications that the Martian woman Nyah was intended to evoke an anti-Virgin Mary image.[9]. Our of the blue, a flying saucer lands nearby and a woman dressed in black leather like a dominatrix with a cape arrives in the bar armed with a ray-gun. Written by Who might be the volunteer? The film was released by British Lion. 1 hr 17 min. At the bar they meet Ellen Prestwick, a fashion model who came to the Bonnie Charlie to escape an affair with a married man. (Laughter) The movie was called, "Devil Girl from Mars," and I saw it when I was about l2 years old, and it changed my life. Shepperton Studios, Shepperton, Surrey, England, UK. When production finished ahead of schedule, Mather says he was ordered to use up the remaining film studio time already booked and paid for by working on a feature film for the Danzigers. Devil Girl From Mars, poster, Patricia Laffan, 1954. Directed by David MacDonald. 1954 Directed by David MacDonald. Nyah then brings Professor Hennessy aboard her spaceship to view the technological achievements of Martian civilisation, including the ship's atomic power source. Devil Girl From Mars. They noted that the plot was "more a reflection of the 1950s view of politics and the era's inequality of the sexes than a thoughtful projection of present or future possibilities". Devil Girl from Mars David MacDonald (1954) 73min. [5] Actress Hazel Court later said: "I remember great fun on the set. She also explains that she is looking for men to breed her female race since the male population is dying after warfare between males and females and they need offspring. The transfer quality is brilliant for a film of its age. Marine atomic tests cause changes in the ocean's ecosystem resulting in dangerous blobs of radiation and the resurrection of a dormant dinosaur that threatens London. She is part of the advance alien team looking for Earth men to replace the declining male population on her world, the result of a "devastating war between the sexes". Mars during its recent past emancipated woman, which led to an open power struggle between males and females which escalated into open war, with women emerging the victors. [6], The robot, named Chani, was constructed by Jack Whitehead and was fully automated, although it suffered breakdowns during the filming. (Laughter) It was one of those old 1950s movies in which the beautiful Martian woman arrives on earth to announce that all the Martian men have died off and there are a bunch of man-hungry women up there. Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Aliens arrive on Earth to possess the bodies of humans. David MacDonald. 16 of 21 people found this review helpful. Sci-Fi. Hazel Court. TV-MA. This FAQ is empty. She is armed with a raygun that can paralyse or kill, and is accompanied by a tall, menacing robot named Chani. cheapies". You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Nyah is a part of the advanced alien team that is looking for Earth men to replace the dying male population on her world. Muirhead, Brian, Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens. He comes with a warning to Earth's leaders that they must eliminate all nuclear weapons if the peoples of the solar system to survive. I like the ideas at work in the film including an organic spaceship, a self-perpetuating fuel source and the whole inward atomic fission bit. Devil Girl from Mars is featured here in a brand-new transfer from original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio. Otherwise, "without some underlying psychological engagement, how could anyone sit through a movie so badly made"? She quickly forms a romantic liaison with Carter. For some unknown reason, the men on Mars are dying. The transfer quality is brilliant for a film of its age. The film was made on a very low budget, with no retakes except in cases where the actual film stock became damaged; it was shot over a period of three weeks, often filming well into the night. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. And I like Patricia Laffan's portrayal of Nyah as a sort of Martian dominatrix clad in black leather. Devil Girl from Mars is a 1954 black-and-white science fiction B-Movie. The film was released by British Lion. Devil Girl from Mars. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. View production, box office, & company info. Devil Girl from Mars. The main story behind this movie is that a female alien from the planet Mars has arrived at Earth to secured men to take back to her planet to help restart the planet population. devil_girl_from_mars 121 points 122 points 123 points 1 month ago . Devil Girl from Mars is one hour and fifteen minutes and was released on May 2nd, 1954. Five astronauts successfully fly to Mars where they encounter seemingly friendly and advanced inhabitants who harbor covert plans to use their ship to invade Earth. Starring Hugh McDermott, Hazel Court, Peter Reynolds, Adrienne Corri, Joseph Tomelty, Sophie Stewart, John Laurie, Patricia Laffan Cinematography Jack Cox Art Direction Norman Arnold Film Editors Brough Taylor, Peter Taylor Original Music Edwin Astley Written by James Eastwood from a play by John C. Mather Was this review helpful to you? A pioneering slice of British science fiction from 1954 – before Hammer's Quatermass Xperiment opened the floodgates for the genre – Devil Girl from Mars is something of a curiosity. However Carter attempts a double cross before boarding the ship, snatching Nyah's controller for Chani, but this attempt is thwarted by Nyah's mind control powers. One of their first victims is a young man, whose new wife soon realizes something is wrong with him. The story concerns an alien female commander sent from Mars to acquire human males to replace their dying male population. DIRECTOR. (1954). the Devil Girl from Mars. Johnson, Tom, Mark A. Miller and Jimmy Sangster. "[12] American film reviewer Leonard Maltin said the film is a "hilariously solemn, high camp British imitation of U. S. An uptight, leather-clad female alien, armed with a ray gun and accompanied by a menacing robot, comes to Earth to collect Earth's men as breeding stock. Martians are a humanoid race presumably reproductively compatible with Humans.. History [edit | edit source]. In 1964, a group of scientists create a portal that takes them to a barren, mutant inhabited, Earth in the year 2071. [3] When negotiation, then intimidation fails, she must use force to obtain co-operation from a remote Scottish village where she has landed her crippled flying .toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-3 .toclevel-2 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-4 .toclevel-3 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-6 .toclevel-5 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-7 .toclevel-6 ul{display:none}. Starring Patricia Laffan, Hugh McDermott, Adrienne Corri, and Hazel Court. Devil Girl From Mars 1954 / 77 min. Sir Joel Cadman, a mad scientist, kidnaps his victims and cuts open their brains in an effort to discover a means to cure his wife's brain tumor. Carter is released by Nyah, and they both return to the bar, where she announces that she will destroy the inn and kill everyone within when she leaves for London. A super uptight type-A alien (Devil Girl) en route to London makes an emergency landing in the Scottish moors. With Hugh McDermott, Hazel Court, Peter Reynolds, Adrienne Corri. [13], In the book Going to Mars the authors described the film as "an undeniably awful but oddly interesting" film. Patricia Laffan was Empress Poppaea in Quo Vadis — with costumes by Herschel McCoy, hairstyles by Sydney Guilaroff and jewelry by Joseff of Hollywood — before this movie and an international fashion impresario after this. I think people can’t help but wonder “what-if” scenarios before making a huge, potentially life-long commitment. Devil Girl from Mars is a British low-budget feature film of the science fiction genre. Use the HTML below. At the last minute, Justin, alone at the bar and now free from mind control when Nyah returns, offers to go with her of his own free will. Everything, in its way, is quite perfect". In a post-Apocalyptic world after an atomic war seven disparate people find themselves in a protected valley in the home of a survivalist and his beautiful daughter. Directed by (1) Writing credits (3) Cast (11) Produced by (2) Music by (1) Cinematography by (1) Film Editing by (2) Art Direction by (1) Makeup Department (1) Production Management (1) Second Unit Director or Assistant Director (2) Hugh McDermott. In a Scottish inn, the owners, employees and guests are reunited in the bar. When she finds no-one willing to come with her to Mars, she responds with intimidation, trapping the guests and staff within an invisible wall and turning Chani loose to vaporise much of the manor’s grounds. An uptight, leather-clad female alien, armed with a ray gun and accompanied by a menacing robot, comes to … However her spacecraft collided with an airplane and was damaged; therefore she had to land to repair the saucer. STARRING. The men draw lots and Carter wins the draw, still hoping to enact Hennessy's plan to destroy the ship. Devil Girl from Mars is one hour and fifteen minutes and was released on May 2nd, 1954. Meanwhile, escaped convict Robert Justin (under the alias Albert Simpson), convicted for accidentally killing his wife, comes to the inn to reunite with barmaid Doris, with whom he is in love. The reviewer for the British Monthly Film Bulletin (1954) writing at the time of the film's release, wrote the "settings, dialogue, characterisation and special effects are of a low order, but even their modest unreality has its charm. U Certificate ... An alien and her robot servant land in the Scottish Highlands, seeking men to take back to Mars for breeding purposes. A giant, radioactive octopus rises from the Philippine Trench to terrorize the North American Pacific Coast. [10] Devil Girl from Mars developed a following via home video. Nyah was a female alien cammander from Mars, dressed in shiny black vinyl. [1] To save time and money, composer Edwin Astley reused his Saber of London score for the film. Devil Girl from Mars is a 1954 UK black-and-white science fiction film, produced by the Danziger Brothers, directed by David MacDonald and starring Patricia Laffan, Hugh McDermott, Adrienne Corri, and Hazel Court. Certificate: Passed Synopsis Invasion from Outer Space!...Sights too weird to imagine! [18],, "Devil Girl From Mars": Why I Write Science Fiction. Hugh McDermott is particularly bad at delivering his often over-the-top lines.This could have been better but I have to admit I enjoy it more than most others I know. Nyah has the robot Chani to help her to capture men, but she wants that one of the men volunteers to go with her to Mars. Horror ‘50s sci-fi classic about a leather-wearing female alien from Mars, with a ray gun and a robot as backup, here to collect men as galactic breeders. Movie Info. An uptight, leather-clad female alien, armed with a ray gun and accompanied by a menacing robot, comes to Earth to collect Earth's men as breeding stock! Nyah has the robot Chani to help her to capture men, but she wants that one of the men volunteers to go with her to Mars. [2], The film's storyline concerns a female alien commander sent from Mars to acquire human males to replace their declining male population, thereby saving Martian civilisation from extinction. Devil Girl from Mars (1954) - IMDb. Nyah happens across the inn, incinerates the Jamieson's handyman David, and enters the bar. I suspect Patricia Laffan's leather clad dominatrix has something to do with that along with the luscious miss Hazel Court. Astronauts travel to the moon where they discover it is inhabited by attractive young women in black tights. He-man And The Masters Of The Universe Gets Reimagined as a 1940s Style Film, Review: "Tobor The Great" (1954); Kino Lorber Blu-ray Release, My Favorite Early Science Fiction Black and White Films. Devil Girl From Mars is available on DVD in the UK courtesy of Network Distributing. Because of damage to her craft, caused when entering the Earth's atmosphere, and an apparent crash with an airliner, she is forced to land in the remote Scottish moors. Devil Girl from Mars. Realising that the only road to victory over Nyah requires trickery, Hennessy suggests Carter sabotage the ship's power source after take off. Who might be the volunteer? Add the first question. Since "The Media in Transition" is the title of what this is all about, I'm going to talk a little bit about the effects of the media on me and on my work. Nyah, a female commander from Mars heads for London in her flying saucer. Devil Girl from Mars's sound editor was Gerry Anderson (listed as Gerald Anderson in the credits), later to create UK television series such as Thunderbirds. A stranger from Venus lands in Britain and forms a bond with a young American woman named Susan North. Discover something for everyone this month with some choice picks for the best movies and TV to stream in April. A series of decapitations on a Swiss mountainside appear to be connected to a mysterious radioactive cloud. Hazel Court - Wikipedia She is best known for her film roles as the Empress Poppaea in Quo Vadis (1951) and the alien Nyah in Devil Girl from Mars (1954). He said of the film that, "a host of charged images and subconscious fears" are handled with a broad camp irony. Professor Arnold Hennessey, an astrophysicist, accompanied by journalist Michael Carter, is sent by the British government to investigate the effects of the crash, believed to be caused by a meteorite. The "acting is really bad and the whole thing is so much fun you want to run to your local community theatre group and have them put it on next, instead of Brigadoon. Devil Girl from Mars [15] The film inspired Hugo and Nebula award-winning author Octavia Butler to begin writing science fiction. The pair come to the Bonnie Charlie, a remote inn run by Mr and Mrs Jamieson in the depths of the Scottish Highlands. Nyah(Patricia Laffan), a Martian woman, is forced to land her ship in the Scottish highlands instead of her intended target London but decides to continue her mission to select healthy male subjects, to be used for breeding purposes, to return with her to Mars.There's things I like about this movie. Devil Girl from Mars (1954) Full Cast & Crew. Title: I don't like that the film is so set-bound and talky, with far too many grand opening the curtain entrances by Nyah. John Laurie. In exchange for Tommy, Carter volunteers to go to Mars with Nyah. Nyah (Patricia Laffan) is the villainess from the 1954 UK science fiction film "Devil Girl from Mars". It was directed by David MacDonald with a screenplay written by James Eastwood, based on a play by Eastwood and John C. Mather.The movie was produced by Gigi Productions and released in the United Kingdom in May, 1954.It was released in the United States on April 27th, 1955. Sci-Fi. A large part of the problem with this film is they seemed to be, most inadequately I must say, trying to add a comedic element to the proceedings when our performers were far more capable at playing it straight. The main story behind this movie is that a female alien from the planet Mars has arrived at Earth to secured men to take back to her planet to help restart the planet population. The main story behind this movie is that a female alien from the planet Mars has arrived at Earth to secured men to take back to her planet to help restart the planet population. This page was last edited on 28 March 2021, at 10:04. Cast; Crew; Hmmm idk if I’d say he’s necessarily planning it. If you’re in the US, your best bet is the DVD from Osiris Entertainment . Take a look ahead at some of our most anticipated superhero series arriving in 2021 and beyond. [4] The interview also claims Patricia Laffan's devil girl costume was economically made by designer John Sutcliffe. 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