Discover your new favorite station and listen anytime for free. Independent Public Radio Canada’s #1 Radio News Source NPR News & Conversation Conservative Talk Non-Partisan Political Talk African-American Talk feat. 0000002169 00000 n 1 channel listing satellite tv current as of september 10, 2020. good the major networks, plus a selection of specialty channels. 0000001536 00000 n ����� �/嬋�b� ��o Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 0000004650 00000 n 0000004013 00000 n H��UMo�@��W� �"����>҂��J� ��� J�; �=of�8��"�ٝ�7o޼u�c�~����=��l������yWRhbjrEe)�*|��]e�6��kީ���Υ�!�0���"`%��RJ��i�)��J��)�#��� &Ljo 0000012648 00000 n 0000253279 00000 n NOTE • Deactivate [RDS CT] before adjusting the clock.See Radio Setup (P.20). Each DMX channel can convey information from a control panel such as a lighting board. With over 35 years experience, DMX delivers an unparalleled music assortment that is tailored to your desired goals. 0000016272 00000 n Listen to the best free hip hop and rap radio on the Internet, all with unlimited skips. 0000452551 00000 n The following channels include songs by DMX. This module has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. 0000013513 00000 n The DMX channel controls are sometimes known as “dimmers” and might be referenced by dimmer number. Download a Channel Guide for easy reference. The DR501 digital satellite receiver delivers over 100 channels of digital quality music and features options such as up to 32 local controlled dayparts, dynamic range compression, built-in satellite alignment tone generation, built-in messaging capability and LNB power selectable On/Off. [12] [13] DirecTV dropped Sonic Tap in favor of Music Choice on February 10, 2018. November 2020 • 1 Song; Top Songs. H��UMo�0��W��l��؎�H��**!���nCئ��B)?��O�ʉ73�.���a;�{3��LU������W�–��^�/���s��A�M�h�V_���eԓ�(k��J�?U�=�L�y��[����� z� �Z��)�NƗN�M �hlU}rb=$c,&��ϝ�������+���/���D�*Nr���ș��[z�����P�zK�9�N�EZ�J���f\��N_���BV�m�b2�*�z6��e���"7�_ qe�Ѹ���K�A��a����f���[AR�S��C6��"X��`�u��y= ��н�+�ϧȅ�0�c;\�(���]�|l;�F`�Ҁ]�=]��a���8ںq�|��4�ɹ�[�ZH��ʸ�N����`L���B��8d�H�t@����2m�s�B*�a��� ��In=�1�n��6'�� ���P�E���-�9CR���r�'��xG�3��3�$�#%@o�w��E����g ��H�7�z�5�b�o���N̜Tl( ��a���U�b��+2�A�" je�A�N���cT������(,��8I�.7���� � ���yR��7���8���9A��ܙZ���O���:�~G�Pf�{eHt�E�A'G����:n7Dsc\�V�k��U*v}lqw#oE��CG���|�h~Z-9�S? 0000037023 00000 n 0000011447 00000 n 1 ... DMX took over as the undisputed reigning king of hardcore rap. 0000037349 00000 n ��B�(>_�\F[D�o�!/3d:�٭8���(��Ͽ��o��z��W�:�"�=�u.�x�Z���oz�^n28�~0 =�> endstream endobj 54 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 229 >> stream 0000001147 00000 n The company was the first to petition the FCC to assign unused frequencies for satellite radio broadcast, which "provoked a furor among owners of both large and small [terrestrial] radio stations." %PDF-1.4 %���� Enjoy over 350 channels of ad-free music, plus talk, news, sports and more! 5 Adjust the date, then adjust the time. 0000576331 00000 n �e�q�.D�O��?؂�����qw�/uۆ� �D�߳��,�9śOy��:M�! RADIO.COM includes the most popular stations in the country playing the best mix of Alternative. 0000005437 00000 n 14 world channel In 2001, AEI merged with Liberty Digital Inc. of Los Angeles, in a deal that gave Liberty 56 percent and AEI 44 percent of the merged company, known as DMX/AEI Music. 0000003680 00000 n 0000007879 00000 n 0000007007 00000 n ... Best Hip Hop and R&B of 2020. Listen to the best free hip hop and rap radio on the Internet, all with unlimited skips. Control includes a standard numeric keypad, channel up/down, jump, favorite channels & volume adjust. 0000005513 00000 n Think of the data values like a fader on the mixer; the higher the data value, the more intense the function becomes. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 0000018437 00000 n using the DR500 Digital Audio Satellite Receiver and the DMR-22 and DMR-28 DMX/DJ remote control units. It can be received with a ComStream DR200 digital audio receiver, or Antex DR500 or DR501 receiver. 0000009532 00000 n Direct Broadcast Satellite Channel Line-Up Cardinal Sound & Communications 2317 Kansas Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-589-3700 800-964-3496 fax 301-589-4284 E-mail: From February 9, 2010 to February 10, 2018, DMX (music) provided over 84 commercial-free audio-only music channels to DirecTV customers, branded as SonicTap . 0000034363 00000 n Select a subscription package to see all the great channels … 0000001743 00000 n He was that rare commodity: a commercial powerhouse with artistic and street credibility to spare. 145. Satellite radio mainstay SiriusXM has raised its 2020 self-pay subscriber addition projection from 500,000 to 700,000. RDS (Radio Data System): RDS (Radio Data System) is a service used by some radio stations to transmit data outside of normal radio … 0000016134 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� Channel . At 1, the channel has no output, and the device controlled by that channel should be off. 0000033343 00000 n 0000008739 00000 n 0000578575 00000 n 0000011394 00000 n 0000580819 00000 n 0000008760 00000 n mood:dbs-d (satellite) 01 pop channel cashmere fm1 hitline hot fm metro reflections shine songbook 05 specialty & lifestyle channel expressions kidtunes love songs roadhouse stylus the beach the cafÉ the party playlist 07 hip-hop / r&b channel concrete beats modern soul mo’soul rapture the blvd. 0000020261 00000 n ����`�V�L��&��2��ء�Ůt4�Mz/��kV��t@�@�6ʟ�j��?� Early days of Sirius. trailer << /Size 80 /Info 38 0 R /Root 41 0 R /Prev 174684 /ID[<39131dedf907e1c50b48a296e3886314>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 41 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 37 0 R /Metadata 39 0 R /PageLabels 36 0 R >> endobj 78 0 obj << /S 84 /L 210 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 79 0 R >> stream 0000006986 00000 n These were well know by many after being on the 4DTV platform and been in the clear for many years. �6�ы��՚}C�SH|ԋ�wxׂ��eڑ��u��N�ǘ�G�MS����B�WP�������͞S���X�heU��TZ����bǾ6p}��Q&�S_Y���p��ҁ� SiriusXM Channel Guide Music, sports, talk, news, comedy, and more. 0000040403 00000 n Subscribe to SiriusXM now! 0000082586 00000 n 0000005015 00000 n 0000263441 00000 n ����+���fz� ��tU�W}U��:�|v����:�;�g�mo���fw�l� ���THT��i%�y��o�$(1� �7���H�hxF�#:A���fq�����$�`� 0000010531 00000 n DMX Music Service (aka DMX for Business, DMX Direct, DMX/DBS) is on Ku-band satellite: Intelsat Americas 6 (formerly Telstar 6 / T6) transponder 25, 12146 MHz, vertical polarization. DMX Radio. ���M��\`��L�������p(W�a Su8R�����. 0000003641 00000 n 920-949, 960-969 24/7 NHL® Talk & Play-by-Play Live NBA Play-by-Play Online Ch. The 1st satellite radio station run by high school students. 0000001970 00000 n 0000009636 00000 n ��+ɍ�(H��!L���6kBĕ hhUser Interface screen appears. Classical Country: Dance : 2 Arias and Overtures 42 Chamber Music 50 Lite Classical 41 Opera 1 Symphonic: 54 Bluegrass 11 Rock 'n' Country 82 Modern Country 12 Traditional Country: 17 Dance 61 Power Hits 78 Retro Disco 56 Riviera Discotheque 0000030787 00000 n Classic joints in Hip-Hop history sprinkled with the sound of today. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. 0000005561 00000 n Channel . H��WYo9~�_�Ǚ�v|���d!� �h�k�! Music: Hip-Hop/R&B . updated 03.29.13 1 symphonic 2 town & country 3 gospel glory 4 city lights 5 jazz instrumentals 6 swing kings 7 rock show 8 ‘50s and ‘60s hits 0000010552 00000 n 0000006048 00000 n 0000016498 00000 n “These changes will happen automatically. (�n��*Ua)U ��w���v<7Akd��{�R�����"X���ָ��7���?G+�`)VK�P�|�hC�e)L_� g���;��!��o�g좻�p�}A�R�.qn�q�C�Ũ��Ǵ�c�*�%�ӣ����"j� 0000037638 00000 n 0000001676 00000 n Back in the Day '96-'99. Satellite Only. The operator can set every channel to a value between 1 and 255. 0000002314 00000 n [?��Oj�,���#(�^͠����m�L�RoL��p(�)�u���-�4�qЧIn���V��۪�s_U�8Z���T� ]'j'�3������]#�D;�0=-������m���%l���e�^��7e���O���W� s\�� endstream endobj 58 0 obj 773 endobj 59 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 58 0 R >> stream SLAM offers a unique perspective on sports and entertainment talk. Sophisticated Sound, Inc. along with DMX is the ideal partner to provide the right music for you. Last year, the company reported fewer … 0000023984 00000 n 0000030304 00000 n On April 29th, 2019 Comcast HITS removed the 40 plus DMX music channels from their lineup. 0000052813 00000 n H��UMo1����FZ������ “These changes will happen automatically. 0000034958 00000 n HitKast Hip Hop. 14 world channel 0000003300 00000 n On April 29th, 2019 Comcast HITS removed the 40 plus DMX music channels from their lineup. 880-909, 960-969 517 0 obj <> endobj xref 517 69 0000000016 00000 n 0000024409 00000 n Boombox (39) – Boombox was a Breakbeat and Old Skool remix radio station on Sirius … DMX channels. NEW YORK, April 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- SiriusXM has collaborated with acclaimed and iconic artists and their representatives to create personally curated audio experiences for listeners everywhere.The collection of exclusive music channels launching on Friday, May 1 -- and in conjunction with SiriusXM's extended Stream Free period through May -- are dedicated to megastars David Bowie, … Music by DMX and similar artists! 0000001515 00000 n h�bbbd`b``Ń3� ���ţ�1����` � endstream endobj 518 0 obj <>/Metadata 8 0 R/Pages 7 0 R/StructTreeRoot 10 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 519 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Shading<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 520 0 obj <> endobj 521 0 obj <> endobj 522 0 obj <> endobj 523 0 obj <> endobj 524 0 obj <> endobj 525 0 obj <> endobj 526 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20Process#20Blue#20C/DeviceCMYK<>] endobj 527 0 obj [/DeviceN[/Cyan/Magenta/Black]/DeviceCMYK 537 0 R 539 0 R] endobj 528 0 obj <>stream Control includes a standard numeric keypad, channel up/down, jump, favorite channels & volume adjust. 0000021192 00000 n �;!V�"i����T���Ì�L8k�Eۂ=�WY# 7d+�; H�b``c``�������A�X؀���a�_ ���ʴ��V���� ���������$� 0000020540 00000 n 0000018742 00000 n 1 2001: Aei and DMX Music merge to form what becomes DMX, inc. H�T��n�0��y 0000436823 00000 n 0000037492 00000 n X��c���$���B�D�?0�3,:�/������աI�O�9���3�?�,�&$0�0� �0o`x��`� � ������� ,-�E�[�pd��2�0=�l`x���"�|�є���� ȏ`;��As��}w�P��^��� ��y��C�%��OP����% ��drᢜ�=M`Y�� ��6t endstream endobj 584 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[10 507]/Length 40/Size 517/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream v~�$c����=��.����K�9{�����R�u�R).���)ã��>6/'�S'&GS�'��M_�4���ƶ|�Cƍ)���.ۛ1yOv���b*�AL��21�Vw�7�=�x�-��f����"�ܳ���h�e�.�장�\o����hB>�1��i+�]Zhy��e�����В$��}�ONG�`� �{R%��#��Q�;�dM����F�8-�k�_���#��F�&r#�\R�H�av[�L��r��Z�i�W��d�*/myJ�-��퓩�C'us�ƌ �o٩��떓ŷ��-�6Ty1�+8�)t^ �60k� r��t\O��p���GCu]-i��pQ�Ɠ������У�4n��:���`��X{BI����X*¦TX���_��XӉ�B8nY�=�|�qh�N��d��>T}}Ns",-y8!0? includes all of 43. DMX Music Channel Lineup. Think of the data values like a fader on the mixer; the higher the data value, the more intense the function becomes. From 1 June 2016, the DMX audio channels will move from 800 to channel 750 onward, and radio channels from 900 to channel 800 onward. At 1, the channel has no output, and the device controlled by that channel should be off. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refuseing them will have impact how our site functions. 0000003607 00000 n From 1 June 2016, the DMX audio channels will move from 800 to channel 750 onward, and radio channels from 900 to channel 800 onward. Choose your favorites from over a dozen stations and listen now! 0000003727 00000 n 0000001979 00000 n 1 1985: DMX Music began designing digital music channels to fit any music lover’s mood and delivered this via satellite to businesses and through cable TV systems. 0000033700 00000 n 0000036358 00000 n Check the Rhyme. 0000002920 00000 n 0000002198 00000 n 0000002982 00000 n DMX has worked with many of the largest worldwide brands to drive people to buy more, stay longer, eat faster, and remember more. Crestron Module to Control DMX DR-500 Satellite Radio via RS-232 Serial. 0000037238 00000 n The DMX channel controls are sometimes known as “dimmers” and might be referenced by dimmer number. [-�۞�C�[�����d]4�O7� )�����g�@�݊+�c΅a!�5�d�/�GS2UZ:T�!���K���c 0000016217 00000 n 0000008607 00000 n ;�@��B��&ѵ]5��!1,�H"���vp,��/1/�ce�~#+k��i�G;�Dh�����~��W��z=��,�9��A=Ͱ;�ηח}Ӥ���)$mz�5���g�ԓs�8��@Q�Ž��"�U���Wkf��-u��X��I�!O�����_�\m'��m:;���k?���8r" 0000082521 00000 n DMX was born on December 18, 1970 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA as Earl Simmons. trailer <<8C20EAB0D7174EF3A3F2A10F252E1A0C>]/Prev 757342/XRefStm 1979>> startxref 0 %%EOF 585 0 obj <>stream DMX channels. 0000012333 00000 n Basic Operations English 7 3 ser InterfaceTouch [U]. 0000020838 00000 n These were well know by many after being on the 4DTV platform and been in … 0000087800 00000 n DMX, Soundtrack: Exit Wounds. 0000250796 00000 n You can activate Local Seek to only tunein radio stations with sufficient signal strength. DMX consists of 512 individual channels which are known as a Universe.Each channel or channels are assigned to control different parameters (known as a personality) of the light, such as color, rotation, or strobe, and have data values of 0-255. AEI was the first to offer music by satellite. 0000033016 00000 n Satellite Only. 43. h�b``pd``�����%Pǀ %O,T.S��F�oM ��g�8���]7�(Cﳹ�e'c�\\3�����u��6���4M[� ��Yfٗ�9�ަ)t[܍D�p׈���0S����K�w�4A6���ǒSwK����w( 107 807 DMX - Soft Hits 108 808 DMX - Love Songs 109 809 DMX - Metro Blends 110 810 DMX - Cityscapes 111 811 DMX - Groove lounge 112 812 DMX - House Party (ex Subterranean) 113 813 DMX - Power Hits 114 814 DMX - Dance 115 815 DMX - Electrosphere 116 816 DMX - Campus Rock 117 817 DMX - Alternative 118 818 DMX - Hard Rock 119 819 DMX - Classic Rock 120 820 DMX - Golden Oldies The 355,000 new satellite radio subscribers includes 341,000 self-pay and 14,000 paid promotional counts. Their replacements are scrambled and no longer available to FTA users. 4 lock AdjustTouch [C]. u@o��D��,ʲ����ld����y,�5�mԸ컕�Ծf\�p�"� h��>S�ۯY.�h�s��qXj41�;K�L�EP[ 6jٍ�D\�{ ����S�6%)kڥ�~s$!TJ5_U�z�:֫C�G�����F#ݩn�y�2�����Qȧ� x�kk�8-�B���K�7�� �V� �*��ˎ{�,��JjS{��"��c�����b����K��"��6��6��nn7˞e�� #0���F�5W���f��{P�Ĕ���>���޳�m�"$,&t6t;( �%+ը+.܀�(�"�D����i+��k�0%���)�t0M�����"��sB3����='�̭f���� �ʼn� Ի[�gP]z`49�JV9Μy����ML��6S�~�����kj���*i1���>�n��g;KNۣ���~:��KU�A�n��{�s�ך��`��7��g>&�D��b�m�-o����l��iػ�ʸ:VBDW���8v$.��X�dŽML������.��R�L?�y��e����Gz5s����2h7�q���3��ޱ�vj��}�f� �w��?w��-����S�%� .a�� endstream endobj 52 0 obj 833 endobj 53 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 52 0 R >> stream AEI had large national customers into international markets, (while DMX … 0000020480 00000 n Late-'90s hip hop. He was previously married to Tashera Simmons. 6 etTouch [S]. Joe Madison Talk Radio from FOX News Progressive Talk Live NHL® Play-by-Play Online Ch. mood:dbs-d (satellite) 01 pop channel cashmere fm1 hitline hot fm metro reflections shine songbook 05 specialty & lifestyle channel expressions kidtunes love songs roadhouse stylus the beach the cafÉ the party playlist 07 hip-hop / r&b channel concrete beats modern soul mo’soul rapture the blvd. 0000439306 00000 n 0000005240 00000 n 0000034642 00000 n 40 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 42 /H [ 1240 296 ] /L 175612 /E 98128 /N 2 /T 174694 >> endobj xref 40 40 0000000016 00000 n 0000037128 00000 n Sirius was founded by Martine Rothblatt, David Margolese and Robert Briskman. 0000007858 00000 n ?� ���;yY�N� updated 01.06.11 1 Symphonic 2 town & country 3 GoSpel Glory 4 Smooth Jazz 5 Jazz 6 BiG Band/SwinG 7 claSSic rock 8 malt Shop oldieS 9 adult contemporary 10 Folk rock 11 modern country 12 traditional country 13 BlueGraSS 14 SalSa 15 Silky Soul 16 Full metal Jacket 17 dance 18 reGGae 19 60’S revolution 20 love SonGS 21 Great StandardS 22 BeautiFul inStrumentalS 23 new aGe �@���J H�EDv1�c8����8�"! The sections in this guide provide step-by-step instructions for a variety of tasks and activities, including DR500 system connections, channel scanning … Each DMX channel can convey information from a control panel such as a lighting board. There’s always something good playing on SiriusXM. This module provides full control of DMX Satellite radio. Crestron Module to Control DMX DR-500 Satellite Radio via RS-232 Serial. This module has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. 0000005864 00000 n 43. Support for this module has ended. 0000001240 00000 n 0000006027 00000 n T�@tH��n�@��&���7�w���C�e��=3of�̲��TJ*�6��W5m�g��jʭe�h��3a��&�������B�9�vV���lC��y/���Rh+�a���^h%�bF�ZK��sw� ���-�eY���$pv,�Ʒ�Ӟ���j!j�e�闄����2o��I�WYZ��I/�8�:��E��¢�u_�eC1�#hꬉ�. Support for this module has ended. 0000587201 00000 n The operator can set every channel to a value between 1 and 255. DMX consists of 512 individual channels which are known as a Universe.Each channel or channels are assigned to control different parameters (known as a personality) of the light, such as color, rotation, or strobe, and have data values of 0-255. 0000016386 00000 n In 1990, Martine Rothblatt founded Satellite CD Radio, Inc. in Washington, DC. Using the DIP switches and the address values in our table, if you wanted to address a 6 channel DMX fixture like the ADJ Concept-1 to have a DMX starting address of 49, then you’d turn ON switches 1, 5 and 6 which accumulatively would yield an address of (1 + 16 + 32) 49. endstream endobj 55 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type0 /BaseFont /JJLPKF+TimesNewRoman,Bold /Encoding /Identity-H /DescendantFonts [ 68 0 R ] /ToUnicode 54 0 R >> endobj 56 0 obj 860 endobj 57 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 56 0 R >> stream 0000015878 00000 n If installing this radio with an AXSWC (formerly ASWC-1) a 10k resistior must be used. 0000004629 00000 n This module provides full control of DMX Satellite radio. 0000036659 00000 n 0000010526 00000 n 0000441789 00000 n 0000003202 00000 n A very jazzy Holiday, Adult Contemporary Holiday, All-Time Pop Hits, America's Hits, Brazil Style, Cityscapes, Classical, Coffehouse, Contempo, DMX 70's Hits, DMX 80's Hits, DMX 90's Hits, DMX Bailables en Español, DMX Beautiful Instruments, DMX Big Band, DMX Blues, DMX Caribbean Rhythms, DMX Chicos, DMX Classic Rock, DMX Contemporary Instrumentals, DMX El Mocambo, DMX Environmental, DMX … pause, rewind, and replay up to 60 minutes of live satellite radio broadcasts; get game, song, and artist alerts; iTunes tagging with iPod connected; enjoy SiriusXM Xtra Channels (depending on your subscription package) tuner dimensions: 2-1/16"W x 3/4"H x 3-13/16"L; Not eligible for rebate; digital multimedia player with AM/FM tuner The radio allows you to set your AM/FM stations manually or automatically. 0000043080 00000 n 0000031380 00000 n 0000004719 00000 n 0000003748 00000 n updated 03.29.13 1 symphonic 2 town & country 3 gospel glory 4 city lights 5 jazz instrumentals 6 swing kings 7 rock show 8 ‘50s and ‘60s hits LL COOL J's Rock The Bells Radio is a channel dedicated exclusively to Hip-Hop fans who want that classic Hip-Hop sound. H��UMs�0��W�Qb����d)`�aH�K�C��PH�8�1?��+%n����Ϸ�o߮i�z�t��dhq93M�:jhq:ð��v�H/�̪|V��X9�����R��d��"JD�t�.�둞�P5hc�Vm��Z��n��n�^�T��?�I�I�#�iĊ�`�g�N�;�ϺQWژڪ�vuRt���{m\�ը=�˕o��1�k�u�`Ʒ�pb� �� ��F�k�Ɵ�1�\G�V���t������=�`6��2z�UT�XY�)X�vW+zH�[����� ���B�lb�$��BϬ����@�W�|9���F3�? 0000097899 00000 n 0000009615 00000 n 0000043068 00000 n Adjusting the volume To adjust the volume (0 to 40), Press [R] to increase, and press [S] to decrease. 0000007649 00000 n )� �b�b��S���݁� ���ؔ���c���f�a��T�c�d8����Q��Oq��B��:\ ��Sf`Z����� � B�* endstream endobj 79 0 obj 184 endobj 42 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 37 0 R /Resources 43 0 R /Contents [ 51 0 R 53 0 R 57 0 R 59 0 R 61 0 R 63 0 R 65 0 R 67 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 43 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageC /ImageI ] /Font << /TT1 55 0 R /TT2 47 0 R /TT4 45 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 75 0 R /Im2 76 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 77 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs6 48 0 R /Cs8 49 0 R >> >> endobj 44 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 656 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -568 -307 2000 1007 ] /FontName /JJLPMI+TimesNewRoman /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 94 /XHeight 0 /FontFile2 73 0 R >> endobj 45 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 250 /Widths [ 250 333 0 0 0 0 778 0 0 0 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 0 0 0 0 0 921 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 722 0 611 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 0 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /JJLPMI+TimesNewRoman /FontDescriptor 44 0 R >> endobj 46 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 0 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -558 -307 2000 1026 ] /FontName /JJLPLG+TimesNewRoman,Bold /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 160 /FontFile2 71 0 R >> endobj 47 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 122 /Widths [ 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 0 722 722 0 0 0 0 389 500 0 667 0 0 778 611 0 722 556 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 556 444 556 444 0 500 0 278 0 556 278 833 556 500 556 0 444 389 333 556 0 0 0 500 444 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /JJLPLG+TimesNewRoman,Bold /FontDescriptor 46 0 R >> endobj 48 0 obj [ /ICCBased 72 0 R ] endobj 49 0 obj [ /Indexed 48 0 R 3 74 0 R ] endobj 50 0 obj 803 endobj 51 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 50 0 R >> stream Station run by high school students something good playing on siriusxm music channels from their lineup to your goals. 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