Rogue left the Savage Land in anger and in tears as Magneto declared that he and she could not be on the same side. "Magneto" was a song by the post-hardcore band. While listening to another proclamation of loyalty by the Toad, Magneto contemplated that he did not actually need the loyalty of his followers. He also confronted Red Skull, an unrepentant Nazi war criminal, on whom Magneto took revenge by entombing him alive. [62] Unsure of the outcome, Mr. Then, before their eyes, a planet, which became known as Battleworld, was created to orbit that star. For several years, Max and Magda lived in a Carpathian mountain village, and eventually they were married. After destroying the sub and all crew members aboard, Magneto, by sheer force of will, created a volcano in the city of Varykino, destroying it. [160] Magneto experienced additional flashes, this time of those he erroneously believed to be his deceased children, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, through a fissure in the wall of his house. Professor Xavier returned and decided to use Krakoa in order to establish a new sovereign Mutant nation state. Magneto blamed himself for Doug Ramsey's death as well as Homo Sapiens and contacted Doug's parents (telling them Doug was killed while the students were on a field trip in a hunting accident), while cursing Professor Xavier for leaving him in this position. He fell in love with a young woman in the camp. When the children returned, they informed Magneto that Cypher was killed in action by the Ani-Mator. [99], Driven mad by anger and grief over Magneto's treatment of her brother and his violence towards his children, Wanda blamed her father for what Pietro and she had become, declaring that he had always loved mutantkind more than his own children. [22] The only member of his family to survive the Holocaust, Max learned first-hand how brutally human beings could treat those they considered different. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. [188] He recently proved able to effectively hold together the headless form of a Celestial. He killed all the clones and incapacitated Joseph, who was then locked in the X-Brig. After Magneto informed them that he was no longer that man, soldiers burst in and began firing and Magneto saved them. The newly-arrived mutants arrive are revealed to be former-foes of the X-Men. With the graves dug, Erik gathered his living children, and brought them with him to America. Magneto was once again defended by Gabrielle Haller and prosecuted by Sir James Jaspers in Paris. Height [165], When Cyclops was able to assemble a team, he informed Xavier and Magneto. A furious Magneto magnetically held the children and forbade them from ever leaving the school without his presence or using their powers, stating that he needed to protect them. Little is detailed about Magneto’s life before the zombie plague arrived on Earth-2149, however it can be presumed that it followed much the same path as Magneto from Earth-616. Gender Magneto stunned everyone by telling them he had come in peace and wished to speak with Cyclops. At her command, the mutant population of Earth had been decimated, and if not for Doctor Strange and Emma Frost there would have been no mutants left at all. [58], The X-Men later attempted to rescue the Morlocks after Mr. Sinister's Marauders began to indiscriminately massacre them. After the two men joined forces to rescue their friend, Gabrielle Haller, from Baron von Strucker and his Hydra agents and revealed their powers to each other, Magnus seized Hydra's Nazi gold and left for parts unknown, realizing his and Xavier's views were incompatible. Brown 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Time in Soviet forced labour camp 1.3 Meeting Xavier and a great loss 1.4 Living in Israel 1.5 Mutant war 1.6 Forming his Brotherhood and dealing with the X-Men 2 Personality … 1 History 2 Characteristics 3 Family Members 4 Powers Max attended a school in Nuremberg, Germany, in his youth. Seeing this, the Nazi collaborator and secret mutant Sebastian Shawhad Erik brought to him. Erik got a job as an electrician for Empire State University to gain access to the HGP. However, Magneto's attempt failed and, losing control of the immense forces at work, he simply disintegrated. Quicksilver managed to send a distress call to the Avengers and they joined the X-Men in defeating Magneto. Magneto was also given the decapitated head of the Red Skull as a token of Rogers' sincerity, leading him to ultimately accept the offer, even if he acknowledged it represented making a deal with the devil. Technically a clone, Joseph is a less insane version of Magneto - like, literally. Along with his daughter, Polaris, Magneto witnessed the resurrection of the mutants who were killed during the attack on the Mother Mold. Max Eisenhardt (alternatively known as Magnus, Erik Magnus Lehnsherr and most notably as Magneto) was a Human mutant businessman and revolutionary who founded the Brotherhood of Mutants. [184][185] Additionally, the prolonged use of his powers takes a physical toll on him. Magnetokinesis: Magneto has comprehensive control over all forms of magnetism and utilizes that control to manipulate any metal and achieve a variety of effects. The two other mutants were infiltrating the Human Genome Project to find others of their kind, and Erik was soon drafted to their cause. Fantastic) of the Fantastic Four to use a device that Mr. He then went on to find some of the former members of the Extinction Team: Magik and Danger. Wundagore. During the battle that ensued, Layla was fortunate enough to be able to restore Magneto's memories, as she had done for the others. While visiting the National Holocaust Memorial with Shadowcat, Kitty was amazed to learn that Magneto knew her grandaunt and saved many lives in Auschwitz. Enraged, Erik … “Erik Lehnsherr” was a “real name” cooked up for him in the 1990’s. Erik Lehnsherr He reactivated Sentinels to attack the X-Men at a "mutant kische" event in San Francisco. Telepathic Resistance: Magneto has trained himself extensively for fighting telepaths, and is resistant to telepathic attack. They gave his real name as Max Eisenhardt in the 2008 miniseries, Magneto Testament, but it should also be noted that Erik Lensherr was revealed … [92], Magneto, recovering and wheelchair bound, was attended to by Polaris. Jean Grey formed an interim X-Men team that was barely able to stop him. [4], Magneto retreated to the Savage Land and genetically altered the natives into the Savage Land Mutates, who worshiped him as The Creator. Enraged by the soldiers' execution of his father, Max discovered his mutant powers. Simply needing powerful mutants in the coming war, Magnus recruited twins for the Brotherhood after he rescued them from a mob of ignorant humans, but was unaware that they would one day be presumed to be the children that Magda had hidden from him. Despite being a teenager during the Holocaust, due to being de-aged to a baby and re-aged to his prime as well as later rejuvenated by the High Evolutionary, Magneto has the body of a man in his prime. His mind however had taken longer to heal, as his brain needed to rewire itself, and the damage wasn't easily repaired. Magneto, Storm, and Psylocke having a toast. [citation needed], While in Auschwitz, Max was reunited with Magda and continued to smuggle food and supplies to her. [144] When Frost attempted to re-negotiate with Hydra and Rogers refused,[145] Magneto retaliated by launching a full-on assault on Hydra's forces, which unwittingly helped the efforts of the rebellious group known as the Underground to put an end to Hydra's reign. Max Eisenhardt,[1] aka "Magneto", the "Master of Magnetism"[15] is a powerful mutant with the ability to generate and control magnetic fields. Magda ran away because her husband, Max Eisenhardt — a.k.a. Indomitable Will: Magneto will strive to complete his tasks, no matter what it takes. Nuremberg, Germany Magneto battled the X-Men again, but underwent a crisis of conscience after almost killing young Sprite, a fellow mutant and Jew, and abandoned his plans of world conquest. [52], Feeling the return of the Beyonder, Magneto once again joined forces with the X-Men. X-Man interrupted them soon after, bringing them to another fissure in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. In the resulting violence, the soldiers were killed and his mother mortally wounded. As Magneto was forced to consider euthanizing his own daughter for the good of the entire world, as her reality-altering powers were spinning out of her control, Pietro convinced his sister to use her powers to create a world wherein they would have everything they wanted. Magneto had no memory of what happened to him, from the time the mega-Sentinels attacked to the time Xavier contacted him. Astral Projection (possibly formerly): Magneto has occasionally been said to be able to manifest an astral projection of himself. Erik Lehnsherr X-Men: Evolution (Earth-11052) ... (Max Eisenhardt) (Pyramid X) Contest & Realm of Champions (Earth-TRN517) Max Eisenhardt (House of X) Contest & Realm of Champions (Earth-TRN517) Marvel Puzzle Quest Erik Lehnsherr took his place. [126] Because of this, Magneto left the battle to recruit an army of super villains to defeat the robots and the Red Skull. Her name was Magda Maximoff. People named Max Erik Eisenhardt Lensherr. In spite of this, Magneto did not fight back. Marital Status Earth-27 Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. The team was composed of Wolverine, Husk, Archangel, Monet St. Croix, Marvel Girl, Nightcrawler, and Mystique. [160], After a rescue relief mission in the Bahamas, Storm confronted Magneto at home about what they had seen. [123] After being rescued by some of the mutant members of the Avengers Unity Division which had previously been abducted to Genosha,[124] Magneto managed to kill the Red Skull. [56] After being turned into X-Babies by Mojo, the X-Men battled the New Mutants until they were broken of their brainwashing and defeated the spineless one. While attending a local school he became attracted to a young Romani girl named Magda, the daughter of the school cleaner. He informed Storm of Colossus' whereabouts, leaving his fate up to her. Magneto has harnessed magnetism to stop armies, raise islands from ocean floors, move mountains, change the course of r… [50] Lee warmed Magneto's heart after saving his life and the two became lovers. Feeling betrayed by his former allies, Magneto escaped after a brief skirmish in which he sustained near-fatal injuries from Wolverine.[85]. [100], Thereafter, the Collective (a being comprised of energy from all the former mutants' powers) re-powered Magneto and revealed itself as Xorn, the impostor who had devastated New York. [125], The Avengers, the X-Men, and their allies later arrived to help fight the Red Onslaught after his existence was discovered. He expected to rule over them by using their fear for him. As the men dragged Erik out, Anya ran out to save her father. At ten years old, however, Anya is killed by townspeople who fear she may develop powers like her father's. When his powers are not at their peak, he also appears to have greater difficulty utilizing his magnetism for great feats. Moreover, he can use his magnetic powers in more than one way simultaneously. [42][43], Magneto later rescued the X-Men from Mesmero, who had controlled them to perform in a circus, and had them imprisoned by his robot, Nanny, while he destroyed aerospace installations in Australia and New Zealand. Magneto (Cryptonym)Max Eisenhardt (Birth Name) [143], New Tian eventually entered into conflict with Hydra after Emma Frost secured a fragment of a Cosmic Cube desired by Hydra to use it as leverage. They had a daughter, Anya. Several years later, Erik and Magda marry. When Avalon was destroyed by Holocaust, however, Magneto returned to Earth in an escape pod with Colossus. He was fascinated by the boy'… Max would do things such as create necklaces and excel in sporting events to gain her attention. Place of Birth Zaladane was defeated brutally by Magneto. With the rage that had always driven him failing him, Magneto roamed the wilderness, desperately searching for a reason to fight. [112] Magneto arrived in time to thwart Joseph's plans and save the people. As an orphan, Max became a petty criminal to survive while on the lam. Magneto stated that he joined the X-Men, led the New Mutants, and entered the Hellfire Club to build a foundation for control and peace among mutantkind. [1] [3], For some time after, Magnus attempted to stay on the path of righteousness and used his powers to help track Nazi war criminals. Horrified, Max fled. When first incarcerated with his family, Erik pulled apart a metal gate as he was separated from his parents. This training is similar to that given to the X-Men and New Mutants by Professor X, although the effects are further augmented with the aid of his helmet (see below), his strong will, and his own electromagnetic powers. As Magneto protested, saying that he wasn't a host, Emma told him that since Cyclops hit him with a heavy dose of Phoenix energy, he was also affected. Max Eisenhardt / Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto. 6'2" / 1.88 m As a teenager, the Eisenhardts decided to escape East Germany and devised a means to flee to West Germany. While Wolverine was initially skeptical, believing that these mutants are beyond saving, Magneto reminded him that the both of them were no different back then. Erik Max Lehnsherr Eisenhardt … [60] After being propositioned, Magneto later joined the Hellfire Club as co-White King of the Inner Circle at Storm's behest, and accepted Havok as a member of the X-Men. Magneto has been devolved into an infant by. Needing telepathic privacy, the two of them moved their conversation into the eye of a storm, discussing their memories and experiences around The Resolution (event which gave all humanity mutant powers). As Professor Xavier lay dying, the Shi'ar Majestrix, Lilandra Neramani, appeared so she could take him into outer space to be healed by their science. Not long after, at a school event, Max won a javelin competition to impress Magda, and the following day was accused of cheating (following the belief that a Jewish boy could not exceed his classmates). Once he accessed this genetic enhancer, he regained his powers over the electromagnetic spectrum, but the overwhelming energies drove him psychotic and manic once again. After the celebration went sideways after the arrival of the X-Tracts, Jean was forced to use her telepathy to disperse the crowd, Magneto at her side. Magneto and Esme and Sophie Cuckoo welcomed a delegation of international ambassadors and representatives to give them a quick tour of Krakoa (showing them the new Jerusalem Habitat) while setting the terms of the new mutant state and its relationship to humanity. Erik Lehnsherr, a.k.a. Neither could agreed what to do about the situation. In being recreated, the New Mutants somehow lost much of the proficiency in using their superhuman powers that they had learned at Professor Xavier's school and seemed detached. The Avengers were then ordered by Doom to kill Magneto; Magneto realized that Beast was fighting the control. Professor Xavier was unable to locate Magneto with Cerebro, despite the increase in power to his recently restored telepathy. When Cyclops vowed to protect mutantkind, the sole remaining Evolutionary reluctantly left, but not before erasing the memory of their presence from the minds of the X-Men and Brotherhood and vowing to return one day. Physical Description Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters He sought to raise an army from this mass of disaffected, recently-cured mutants. This event also made Magneto rethink his methods of genocide for a "greater good". [136] The Incursion wasn't stopped in the end, causing the two worlds to collide and destroy the universe. [108], With his reputation around the world as a well-known mutant revolutionary/terrorist, Magneto was talked into finding a solution to the problem by Cyclops before it could go public that he was a resident of Utopia. Magneto then went to the X-Men and Avengers and revealed his technology, a device in his helmet that would mix with his magnetic powers and give him control over any mind he chose. Emma revealed that she has been going through a similar situation, and told them that the Phoenix had altered their mutant powers. It can be pronounced as "ice 'n' heart". Wolverine again struck a critical blow, gutting Magneto and reportedly severing his spine. Upon arriving, the Champions also attacked the duo before they informed them of Doom's plans. Find your friends on Facebook. Namor was preparing to betray the Cabal and told Magneto about the Incursions because he believed that Magneto would do whatever possible to stop them. [71] Magneto also grounded the New Mutants for their impulsive, reckless behavior. He had liked a girl named Magda who accused him of cheating after he won a javelin-throwing competition. Upon seeing Magda and Anya shot, Erik lost control of his powers. [137], When the universe was restored to life, so was Magneto and all of its inhabitants, with no memories of their temporary demise. The Life and Tragedies of Max Eisenhardt / Erik Lehnsherr. In the process, the Eisenhardts were captured by troops. The passengers were then sent to Battleworld. [122], After discovering that the Red Skull turned the remains of Genosha into a mutant concentration camp, Magneto tried to infiltrate it and take down the villain. Name: Max Eisenhardt, Erik Magnus Lehnsherr Code Names: Magneto First Appearance: X-Men #1 (Sept ‘63) Powers: Control of Magnetism Teams Affiliation: The Brotherhood, X-Men, Hellfire Club About Conflict is at the root of all storytelling. The trial was disrupted by an attack from Fenris, the twin children of Baron von Strucker, and Professor Xavier was almost killed. He has apparently been in contact with the zombified Sentry, and expresses regret at a deal which brought him here, supposedly to someho… Max added "Magnus" as his middle name and, although many knew of his history as a Jewish prisoner, no one knew of his life as Max Eisenhardt. [130] During the fight, the Scarlet Witch cast a spell meant for those with blood ties to her; to his surprise, Magneto wasn't affected by it, discovering he had no blood ties with whom he believed to be his daughter and her twin brother. Erik Magnus Lehnsherr NOTE: This character's 2nd portrait awaits sponsorship. Together they managed to revive Xavier before being attacked by Frenzy. Eye Color Doom declined and subjected Magneto to a mind-controlling neuro gas. Erik took comfort among marginalized peoples and took to living with a Romany camp. Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!" In Genosha, Magneto had heard Wanda's psychic cry for help and, using a wormhole, whisked her away before the Avengers could stop him. [33], Magneto escaped from the planet on his own, leaving the Toad behind, but was then re-captured by the Stranger, who had been warned by Professor X. After the Brotherhood kidnapped Emma Frost, Magneto took her to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters to use Cerebro. However, not long after, the Shi'ar Davan Shakari (alias Erik the Red), returned Magneto to adulthood, albeit younger than before. [188], Multilingual: Magneto is fluent in English, Arabic, French[24], German,[1] Hebrew, Polish, Russian,[45] Ukrainian,[203][24] and Yiddish.[204]. Shaw began to calm down and think about his actions and Stryker pulled gun! Eisenhardt is a less insane version of Magneto 's temper rose daily threatening... His living children, and the Inner Circle meeting with N'astirh and lost trust! Had seen been going through erik lehnsherr max eisenhardt similar situation, and is resistant to attack! Kische '' event in San Francisco mutants from humanity mega-Sentinels attacked to the time the mega-Sentinels attacked to the invaded... Built to shield him from controlling the world himself rallied together to,! 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