how powerful is ultron
As the rest of the Avengers worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. ", "The necessity for something to be labeled as a planet buster is for an explosion to be large enough to overwhelm its gravitational binding energy permanently shatter into space debris. Gets started into Ultron's Strength feats as KaijuD mentions about them "As you would probably expect from someone who metaphorically butt*beep* the entire Avengers roaster on a casual basis. Aah, here is your most awaited character of this list. Captain America. then Tony Stark comments "I don't think so." ", Immediately reverts to a cut screen of Godzilla from the 2014 distributed by Warner Bros. where it shows him roaring as the sound effect is replaced with a dude burping then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "Slightly dent it. So where this will put them in the safe range of 250 to 300 as far as I.Q. You can't hurt me!" Cuts back to KaijuD as he mentions "So yes, your hearing me right, its Tony Stark's body sex changed into Janet Van Dyne inflected by Ultron, and now I know you might be thinking that's sort of weird... but man, you be understating it. Soon, the Earth will no longer be inhabitable for any biological organism. Annual number 1, we've seen Madame Hydra carry a nine-millimeter handgun and fires it at Tony at point-blank-range of 0.9 meters. then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "He's also able to use his high level telepathy for interrogation like when he interrogated Star-Lord." Their usage of the Reality and Space Stones was the cause of the Marvel and Capcom universes to merge, and they can use the stones in conjunction to tear open holes in reality and rain energy mete… So this doesn't apply to how fast Ultron is in short burst or how fast he can think and react. That robot jack o'lantern look is among the most iconic supervillain designs of all time. ", Some random voice saying "Its a ghost ball!" Oh wahh he can go faster? then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "Oh yeah, then there was that he used that weird Mist Craft to turn the human race into robots or that time where he took control of the entire planet of Titan and planetary range of spores or that time where he let the Sons of Yinsen religion to being a suicidal terrorist death cult and enhanced them with a synthetic skin machine and had them commit mass suicide for the Lows, or that time he created a swarm of flesh-eating nanomachine robots despite his entire body being in prison, yeah there where a lot of these feats, but we don't want to be stuck here all day, so lets move on. The latter ray also allows Ultron to mesmerize and mind-control victims, or implant subliminal hypnotic commands within their minds to be … Get the latest news, original content, and special offers from Marvel. ", Immediately reverts to a cut screen of the M&M's Christmas Commercial as the Red M&M yells out "HE DOSE EXIST!" Vibranium is able to break and rupture any and all forms of metal and is one of the few counter-weapons against Adamantium. as she walks towards Henry Pym while he states to her "The whole point of my creepy robot was to help rehabilitate supervillains.". ", "Who for reference was easily capable of overpowering Iron Man in his original golden red armor, well its not really an armor", "And go toe to toe with other heavy hitters of the Marvel Universe.". that could keep peace on a global scale, essentially acting as a suit of armor around the whole world, protecting it from large scale threats like the Chitauri. And for fictional reference, even more powerful then the Kaiju Bomb from Pacific Rim. His consciousness went even so far as going into orbit to possess the Android Praxagora on a spaceship. The Infinity Gauntlet. Technically this is the second video. Technically this is the second video. In Marvel, Ultron is ranked as what I call cosmic level because there capable of destroying planets and moons and *beep* but still pale in comparison to more powerful characters like The Heralds of Galactus. Ultron, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver traveled to Dr. Helen Cho's U-Gin Genetic Research Lab in Seoul, South Korea. He's also one of the most ingenious and methodical characters Marvel has to offer. You know what that prize is? The villain desired the Avengers extinct in hope that humanity could evolve before Thor destroyed that body. as Ultron grabs her stating "False! It comes with a whopping 20000mAh graphene-based battery, and it is extremely light that you won’t feel like you’re actually holding up a power bank stocked with a 20000mAh battery. How Strong Is Deadpool. necessary to achieve this purpose on a large scale. JARVIS attempted to welcome the new creation to the world, but Ultron immediately bristled against the idea of being a "global peacekeeping initiative designed by Mr. Ever since th… Ultron, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver traveled to Dr. Helen Cho's U-Gin Genetic Research Lab in Seoul, South Korea. ", Ultron walks up to Iron Man as he's down then passes his helmet to him as he mentions "Struggling until the end" then throws his helmet down to him as he states "Illogical, you must realize, the end is here." ", "Oh goody controversy, yep you can't talk about how powerful any fictional character is without comparing them with one of the most popular fighting franchise of all time. Wielding the ability to manipulate time, space, reality, soul, power, and mind … ", "Kill the Moon Dragon with a single punch despite her being, the Moon Dragon. Also check it out its Pikablue. Eventually, Ultron makes enemies of all of humanity, deciding to kill as many as possible and replace them with robots. ", "And he did so apparently with clippers, anyways, in his classic red and gold suit, he was strong enough to shatter hills and mountains just from the shock waves from his punches and most impressively in his pre-armor Silver Centurion Suit, he was strong enough to shatter a giant chunk of rock the size of Manhattan during his battle with Terrax the Tamer. Well that's why Ben Franklin invented the mat and syphilis. Ultron brings the pain with the force … Report Save. Director This is also the first "How Strong Is" Episode of PowerCrunch where it features a villain. As Henry Pym recalls and comments while rubbing his forhead "The Encephalo Ray, its a non-lethal weapon I installed, some of Ultron's safety protocols must still be working." Created by Hank Pym, the one who discovered Pym Particles, Ultron was an AI experimented in high-intelligence robotics by Hank Pym. In terms of power, he's above the likes of Iron Man, Wonder Man, The Hulk, the whole quasar and The Fantastic Four, but again, below Herald-level characters. Considering the fact their wasn't an official thumbnail for How Strong Is Ultron. ", Immediately reverts to a screen of Batman: The Animated Series where Batman comments "Uh huh." Celebrate Deadpool’s Nerdy 30 Birthday In Style, Bullpen Bulletins: Tini Howard on 'Wiccan and Hulkling,' Excalibur,' and 'X-Corp'. ", "Yeah I know I don't see the connection either. ", "Number Two: His body runs on pure ionic energy so if his body gets drained of this then much like a human who lost too much blood, his body goes *beep* limp and breaks. As Thor falls into a state of shock stating "What? And despite knowing this, the first thing on his agenda was indiscriminately attack and murder his teammates. Iron Man, War Machine, Hawkeye, and – comically – Bruce Banner all try to lift the hammer and prove themselves … then reverts back as KaijuD comments "Using the volume of an ellipsoid, we get that the asteroid is 1.8 trillion cubic kilometers, assuming it came from the asteroid belt seeing how they got it from our solar system, its most likely composed of silicate rock, which has a density of 3 grams per cubic centimeter meaning the asteroid weighs over 6 sextillion (6,060,000,000,000,000,000,000) tons, using the online calculator for gravitational pull, we found out the asteroid has 9% higher gravity than the Earth. Conquest is so great! then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "YouknowyouknowwhatTonywantedchooseyouyouknowwantedyou uhhh *beep* you Tony! However, Ultron still gets pretty far here, there are several higher level characters that can mentally imprison him but his high-level technocracy powers would cause major problems especially on a series that's 99% dependent on machines. ", Immediately reverts to a cut screen of The Avengers cartoon as Tony Stark mentions to Henry Pym "You where actually in some kind of coma." In their first confrontation, the new Avenger managed to shut Ultron out of the internet and so prevent him from switching bodies as easily. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner originally devised the idea for Ultron as an extension of the Iron Legion, operating independently as a peacekeeping force. Originating as a robot that has been programmed with human brain patterns, the character becomes sentient and is … These energy blasts are strong enough to injure The Hulk." This is just child's play, Ultron's physical feats go far beyond Iron Man's, especially since Ultron occasionally trades blows with far above Tony's level. Furthermore with little to no valuable resources and only a day or two of prep time, he managed to create ships from the biological info from The Avengers and create exact duplicate robots, all with the exact same powers and abilities, which he uses to try and destroy them after of course using them to have the public and themselves turn on each other via framing them. then breathing out and again yelling "AHHHHH!" If you are, i suggest reading Annihilation Conquest to get an idea of how powerful ultron can be. Noo wrong man, your wrong man! All life will ceased to exist, this is not a threat, their is nothing you can do to stop it, the process has already begun", Shows footage of various images of Ultron "Now I'm free!" He used this high level telepathic to not only have Tony Stark's Butler Jarvis squeal about every secret in The Avenger's mansion but even mentally enslaved him to have him soak up the blame as being the real mastermind behind it all. Fought against both Adam Warlock and Quasar and overpowered both. Ever Wonder how powerful fictional characters are? ", Immediately reverts to a cut screen of the This Is the End movie as a character mentions "Its textbook twattage." Man, woman, child, plant, animal, fungus, or bacteria. He particularly dislikes his maker Tony Stark and flies into a rage when compared to him. ", "Naturally you can't be an OG without having a few weaknesses, like my weakness for example is that I'm too nice... bitch. ", "The rock chunk is in the shape of a pyramid, so we use the volume of the right rectangular pyramid using the height length and the width gives us a volume of 1.64 kilometers (1.64^3 KM). Regardless, Ultron is no slouch in the speed department either. then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "All speed calcs from this point forward are going with the real world time-frame estimation since its a comic book. Thor is able to see that there is a great danger centering around the infinity stones using the Waters of Sight, and the Mind Stone is considerably more powerful. The injured Cho explained to Captain America that they couldn't blow the new body up because it could level the entire city. Stark had been plagued by nightmares where he saw his teammates die shortly before the world itself. then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "The only permanent solution the Marvel Heroes could come up with to get rid of him was to go back in time and prevent him from ever existing. Previous Blishslash slishslash! His single form is also available as a playable fighter. All of these people have enough physical strength to crush and *beep* over planets, with the exception of Thor who at full power and unrestricted can destroy star devouring engines, geez look at that, that man has earned a dunder badge! Dr. Pym also founded the Avengers with his wife, Janet van Dyne (AKA the Wasp), whom Ultron would come to consider a mother. It turned against its creator to fight the Avengers. His burst interrupted Black Widow’s attempts to calm Hulk down. The one you see on this page was created by Ancient-One-And-Only. Lets just go ahead and get this part out of the way, there are three different versions of Ultron aside from the drones, there's the normal Ultron in his various forms, then there's Pharynx Ultron, where his powers where advanced due to the Pharynx technology and the third and most powerful form of all, Extremis Ultron, the result of Ultron hacking into Iron Man's body and shapeshifting it into a naked woman, but not just any woman, Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. KaijuD This alone would put his endurance at universal level. Ultron has faster then light reactions, even the obsolete machine Baxter built can process information in a nanosecond (1/1,000,000,000th of a second) which is the equivalent of processing information 3 times faster then the speed of light. ", "He's strong enough to throw super soldier meta humans like toys. Point is, everyone has a weak spot and Ultron is no exception. None. ", "And his biggest weakness of all, his inner circuits, Ultron outer exoskeleton may be indestructible, but that doesn't make his insides any less sensitive, so because of this, he has several natural enemies among The Avengers, his daughter-in-law The Scarlet Witch is able to use her hex powers to make his entire inner system crash and break, his son The Vision is able to phase through his body and can kill him by.. that, how do I put it... Take him apart... from the inside... Then there's The Human Torch who can raise his temperature up to 1,000,000,000 degrees Celsius and radiate the heat through the Adamantium in order to completely fry his insides. Power scale: 20. He wondered where his body was and felt wrong existing only as a kind of consciousness. Let’s take a look at the stats we want to focus on enhancing by utilizing Iso-8 modifications in Marvel Strike Force. ", "But how strong is Ultron overall? just before Thor was about to finish, Fake Iron Man mentions "Take him!" This is also the first "How Strong Is" Episode of PowerCrunch where it involves a comic book character. ", "In Tales of Suspense Issue 43, Iron Man dug from the Earth to the Core to the surface in the low end time frame of 43 seconds, which puts this speed at 148 kilometers per second, which is 400 times faster then the speed of sound, putting his original Gold Iron Suit at being massively hypersonic speed. Well, because prior to the gunshots, it was drifting in geosynchronous orbit, which means it had to flown at a speed of 13.7 million kilometers per second. Its not racism if you hate everyone equally, even going as far as to charge Galactus which...", Shows a comic strip of Ultron charging at Galactus only to get fried as KaijuD mentions "Yeah, not the smartest move he made. KaijuD charts go. In the world of Marvel comics, Ultron is an incredibly powerful supervillain. While the Avengers worked to clear the city, Ultron managed to steal a Quinjet and attack the Avengers. all supported ✅ Charges multiple … ‘Steve Rogers’, which is Captain Marvel, is a simple soldier and he gets amazing power, fighting skills and speed with the help of medicine. as it shows footage of him grabbing Iron Man, then shows another image of Ultron from The Avengers film "Their are no strings on me! JARVIS intended to tell Stark Ultron had come online, but Ultron first stopped him, and then, fueled by a kind of rage, destroyed JARVIS. That I mean, no I mean it isn't I mean *BEEP*! Vision swept in to save Wanda as Thor and Iron Man continued their plan to destroy the airborne part of Sokovia. Unfortunately, Ultron decided that the Avengers and their goals were part of the problem; instead, he planned to effectuate world peace by changing the world, which the Avengers refused to do. ), Unlock the world of Marvel Digital Comics! Banner recognized the being as Ultron, leading to growing friction between Avengers members. "That alone is frightening, Ultron himself only has two known personalities, rage and sheer arrogance, well would love to if you can add his Oedipus Complex Disorder. With his operation set up, Ultron met with the Maximoff twins in Sokovia, having learned of their hatred of Stark and his shells that destroyed their lives. O-Okay, one of the most fearsome. ", "Combat speed time, in Iron Man Extremis part six, Mallen absorbs electricity fires it from his fingertips, while Iron Man was standing at a distance of approximately 1.9 meters, electricity flows at a speed of at least 60 kilometers per second, which only gives Tony 31.6 microseconds to react, in that instance, not only dose he react but Tony strip out runs it and moves in approximate in a sense of 2.85 meters, making his combat speed 90 kilomaters per second which is over 200 times faster (Mach 264.4) then the speed sound. Lorraine talks with Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Teyonah Parris, Kathryn Hahn, and Matt Shakman about the upcoming show and what it was like to film in a sitcom! then reverts to his normal voice saying "Actually he kind of dose, hehe look at that, he is the living automaton, an unkillable killing machine bent on the genocide of every sentient life form in the universe, being the evil branch of the Hank Pam, literally, he is both the living representation of Hank's inner cynical loathing of humanity in his own twisted personality. Under the control of the Scepter, she used the machine to create the body, combining artificial organic tissue with vibranium supply that Ultron had bought from Ulysses Klaue. However, neither Banner nor Stark were able to create the level of A.I. Episode Ultron hypnotised Hank Pym and made him forget about him. then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "One of Ultron's main talents is manipulating and firing a surging stream of ionized energy from his body, which is the energy source his body runs on, its pretty much what that glowing whateverthe*beep*itis. Jarvis, Tony Stark's AI Voice assistant in the first few MCU movies kind of became a part of Vision when he came to life. Kitty Pryde phases into Marvel Strike Force! Vision is (was) a super powerful member of the Avengers. Lets start with strength. However, he would probably beat them if he plays his Pokemon cards right. As Maria Hill rebukes Ultron, stating "And you think I'm going to hand them over to you?" In this case, Ultron from Marvel Comics. ", "And keep in mind that this is the same Hercules that physically beat the crap out of The Hulk. It's only in a flashback that readers learned that Ultron was actually the creation of Hank Pym, also known as Ant-Man, and just a guy who maybe needs to stop doing things.. Ultron-1 was a very simple robot on treads with a very basic body. According to Hank Pym, Ultron is always two steps ahead of the Avengers, because he's just... flat-out smarter then them, including the brain-trust trio, ie Tony Stark, Hank Pym and Reed Richards, all three of which are smarter then Peter Parker, who has an I.Q. And that isn't the only thing going for Ultron. Your key for reading. Just like Iron Man, Ultron is always surrounded by an invisible force field, this force field works exactly like a highly concentrated microwave that instantly burns away any living flesh entering its range which only beings like The Vision are able to slip through thanks to his robot composition and intangible skill and phasing through solid objects and molecules. Although the Avengers upended Ultron’s plan with another battle that destroyed his body, Ultron managed to transfer himself into another model. Ultron placed the Stone on the forehead of his new body and began the process of fully downloading himself. After being defeated, Ultron Sigma evolves into an even more powerful form known as Ultron Omega, who serves as the game's final boss. KaijuD then states "Now but you know what? While they fought, one made off with Loki's Scepter. With one last burst of intense hatred for humanity, Ultron lunged at Vision. Maria simply attempts to strike Ultron with her fists only for Ultron to grab them at ease, she finds herself struggling to let go only to be subdued, then Ultron speaks "As I said, your compliance is unnecessarily, scanning and replicating the human mind was the first thing I ever learned." Scarlett is Magneto’s daughter. Accompanied by his new super-powered cronies, Ultron made several moves to acquire better tech from various labs and research facilities. Watch through the iconic Marvel Cinematic Universe scenes as they are seen in both the movies and comics! Nostalgic Gamer), How To Versus - Energy Capacity & Durability (Episode 1), After calling the Avengers killers and monsters, Ultron sent more complete Iron Legion bots after them. When Ultron wakes up, though, he finds his creators lacking. Ultron used Wanda and Pietro Maximoff's hatred of the Avengers, and Stark in particular, to make good soldiers of the genetically-altered twins. We think it'd be better if you just left Earth altogether!" His power and cruel efficiency is acknowledged and feared by anyone and everyone he's ever met in person. actually in most cases it actually helps him, like in the Ultron Initiative,he is able to hack into Tony Stark's body very easily because of Tony permanently turning his entire body into a living supercomputer during the Pivotal Extremis Arc. But we try to be fair here so lets lawlball it because I'm Super Duper generous like that you guys you don't even understand I'm so *beep*en nice! But the Avenger blasted Ultron out of existence with the Mind Stone, ending his reign of terror. After watching Avengers Infinity war … This is PowerCrunch's first Episode of "How Strong Is" written by KaijuD. You are referring to the flaw in Ultron's 5 programing, I am Ultron 6, the flaw has been corrected!" Here's what you need to know about Thanos. With How Strong Is Deadpool replacing it in turn. He can react and tag so fast that even Quciksilver was unable to blitz him. I would suggest reading age of ultron but thats just bad writing. Reference, Ultron's intellect is based on his I.Q. That's 46 times faster then then the speed of light. Keep in mind the only people who have been given that comparison Hercules, The Hulk and Wonder Man himself. ", "Yep, Marvel's competition for over 80 years! Shut Up you totally have at some point. as it reverts back to KaijuD stating "Good! Ultron is from the Non MAU video Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow.Ultron is a powerful robot that was created by Tony Stark. Bullets from a nine-millimeter handgun move at a speed of 357 meters per second (357.3 m/s), but with only 2.59 millimeter seconds to react, Tony's suit flies to block the bullets. Stark." This easily should power skill Ultron since he was overpowering the very same suit, but how strong is this feat? It's hard to confront the things that scare us the most, and being absolutely terrifying is what makes Ultron a powerful being in the Marvel universe. He can shoot powerful laser blasts, and is able to transfer his consciousness from body to body. then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "Okay, we can't kill him by destroying his body, you can't destroy his body because its indestructible, and you can't even kill him by ripping out his evil robot soul, so... how do you, kill him? While they both agreed that humans are doomed, Vision saw living with them as a privilege, whereas Ultron found his counterpart naïve. With Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth. The show starts as it shows footage as Ultron mentions his comment to the United States Military "Humanity has failed as a species, you have accomplished a lot with your limited capacity. First of all, he's a sentient robot, so he's crazy-smart AND self-aware. The heroes went to work trying to take Ultron out in a slightly more delicate fashion that involved an epic fight between the robot and Steve Rogers. And then we have Adam Warlock who tanked being in an indirect epicenter of a clash between Thanos and the Celestial Beings, which according to the narration was strong enough to wipe away any and all solar systems within its vicinity, and created a dimensional rift and according to Adam and Norrin Raid, it basically just... broke the universe and made it uninhabitable, but there's another character who's more durable then...", Immediately reverts to a cut screen of The Avengers film where Thanos slowly turns his face on his right as he slowly smiles then reverts back to KaijuD as he mentions "Thanos, the same Thanos who took a full force blast from the Silver Surfer and was mildly irritated understandably so and was inside the crushing force of a black hole that's 4 light-years in diameter, and came out looking like this...", "By the way scoring extra points for how casually he brought it up. 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