Contenu modifié par Symbolium_________AnnotationsÀ travers ce morceau, Nas, décrit la "vie" d'un flingue illégalement utilisé lors de nombreuses rixes aux Crown Heights, Brooklyn et dans les ghettos de Queensbridge, Long Island, Queens. J'en voyais tellement qu'il fallait que je rappe dessus. Tracking the life cycle of a Desert Eagle handgun as it travels from the factory floor into the hands of the prideful, the weak and the vindictive, giving them all a false sense of power while creating a path of pain and death on city streets. Découvrez le video clip sous-titré en français de I Gave You Power - Nas! [14] Irv Gotti made an episode on the BET show Tales (TV series) based on the song. À ce sujet, le magazine américain "Complex" a interpellé DJ Premier, Nas, Tone et Steve Stoute (l'agent artistique de Nas) sur ce morceau. Qu’est-ce qui fait qu’une chanson devient un hit ? [12] 50 Cent used "I Gave You Power" to address evolution in hip-hop. Je voyais des flingues partout dans mes rêves, dans ma voiture, chez moi, dégainés sur moi, sur mes potes. En prime time. Putain ! Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nas : I Gave You Power paroles et traduction de la chanson . I go blaowQu'est-ce que tu penses de moi ? Traductions en contexte de "I gave you the" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : I gave you the letter opener with his blood on it. Achetez et téléchargez ebook I Gave You Power: Mystery, thriller & suspense moods/ urban (English Edition): Boutique Kindle - Genre Fiction : Stunningly, tears fall down the eyes of these so-called tough guys . Listen online and get new recommendations, only at Directed by Benny Boom. see more Sample chain found! On this episode inspired by Nas's song "I Gave You Power," a gold handgun passes through a community, giving each person the illusion of power, with devastating results. It's easy to see that he's talking about a gun simply by listening to the last line of the hook-- "I gave you power, I made you buck wild." Donnez l'adresse de cette page à vos amis : Insérez le clip sur votre blog ou votre site web : [7] Tone of the Trackmasters wanted it removed, but Nas ultimately decided to keep it because otherwise listeners would not understand that the song was from the perspective of a gun. The easy, fast & fun way to learn how to sing: Damn! I Gave You Power lyrics performed by Nas: Damn! Look how muh-fuckers use a nigga Just use me for whatever the fuck they want I don't get to say shit Just grab me, just do what the fuck they want Résumé . Laissez vous … Casting. I gave you power, I made you buck-wild. Related Songs Other songs sampled in Nas's I Gave You Power: Forecast by Eric Gale (1973) Repent Walpurgis by Procol Harum (1967) see more Other songs that sampled Ahmad Jamal's Theme Bahamas: Désolé by Sexion D'Assaut (2010) Changer Le Monde by Fabe (2000) This Iz Tha Time by First Division feat. I bust off when they unlock me. the spirit. Créez gratuitement votre compte sur Deezer pour écouter I Gave You Power par Nas, et accédez à plus de 56 millions de titres. With Antoine Harris, Lil J.J., Isaiah Smith, Brii Renee'. "Me charge et lui dit "Tu te souviens de moi ? [13] Eminem's song "Desperation" mentions the song. You can see that the hook is told in first person, the gun as the narrator. #guns #politics #usa Posted in REACTION 0 Likes 241 Views. I gave you power I made you buck wild How you like me now? To me, it's a song about a gun with feelings, and it is genius, not because he's just using personification, it's what he's trying to say. C'était dans ma tête 24h sur 24." Upon returning to the studio, he was so impressed with the results that he stole the cassette and put it in his car to listen to it, much to the chagrin of Nas, who promptly rung Premier, saying, "Where the fuck is my tape? Découvrez I Gave You Power de Khaltheproducer sur Amazon Music. DJ Premier (2015) see more. "I Gave You Power" is a 1996 jazz fusion-styled song on Nas' second album It Was Written. I go blaowQu'est-ce que tu penses de moi ? Vers la grille. :-) :-). It is considered a standout song, one of Nas' greatest hits, and a hip hop "classic". Je T'ai Donné le Pouvoir (Nas) Damn ! "[6], The song features a mistake at its start: "Like I'm a f-, I'm a gun, shit. Je fais tirerIt's that shit that moves crowds makin every ghetto foulJe suis le truc qui fait bouger les foules et qui pourrit les ghettosI might have took your first childJe t'ai peut-être pris ton filsScarred your life, crippled your styleMarqué ta vie, paralysé ton styleI gave you powerJe t'ai donné le pouvoirI made you buck wildJe t'ai rendu dingue. For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. dis nastradamus tu pourrai pas essayer de traduire "live nigga rap" de nas et mobb deep ??? Shortly after It Was Written was released in 1996, Tupac Shakur compared his girlfriend to a gun on the song "Me and My Girlfriend." [9] His 2006 song "Blood Diamond" was compared to "I Gave You Power" because of its use of gun personification. #guns #politics #usa Firebarzzz 2 décembre 2020 Leave a Comment on NAS – I GAVE YOU POWER #REACTION!!! [7], "I Gave You Power" is the first in a string of Nas songs in which he personifies an object or concept. NAS – I GAVE YOU POWER #REACTION!!! [6] Executive producer Steve Stoute said it was a challenge getting both Premier and Nas in the studio thanks to idiosyncrasies in timetables, so when he did get them together, he left them alone for some time. I see niggas bleeding, running from me in fear. Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of … [7], The song's lyrics are a first-person narrative from the perspective of a gun. It's like I'm a motherfucking gun". [7] An aggressive beat was considered,[7] but ultimately the song ended up accompanied by falling piano notes and stuttering drums. I go blaow It's that shit that moves crowds makin every ghetto foul I might have took your first child Scarred your life, crippled your style I gave you power I made you buck wild Yo, weeks went by and I'm surprised Still stuck in the shelf with all the things that an outlaw hides Ici, Nas explique : "J'étais entouré de flingues. It follows "Street Dreams" gaplessly on It Was Written. It follows "Street Dreams" gaplessly on It Was Written. ; Source: I Gave You Power (Nas) Saison 2 (8/ 10) Détail Programme. "He pulled the trigger but I held on, it felt wrongIl appuie sur la gâchette mais je résiste, ça fait bizarreKnowing niggaz is waiting in hell for 'imSachant que des gars l'attendent au tournant en enferHe squeezed harder, I didn't budge, sick of the bloodIl rappuie plus fort, mais je tiens bon, marre du sangSick of the thugs, sick of wrath of the, next man's grudgeMarre des racailles, marre de la haine, de la rancune du voisinWhat the other kid did was pull out, no doubtL'autre dégaine, sans hésiterA newer me in better shape, before he lit out, he lead the chaseIl était pareil que moi mais en plus neuf, avant de s'enflammer, il le poursuitMy owner fell to the floor, his wig split so fastMon propriétaire s'écroule, son crâne se fend si viteI didn't know he was hit, it's over withQue je ne savais même pas qu'il avait était touché, c'est finiHeard mad niggaz screamin', niggaz runnin', cops is comin'J'entends des cris, j'assiste à des fuites, à l'arrivée des flicsNow I'm happy, until I felt somebody else grab meJe me sens si heureux, jusqu'à ce qu'un autre ne me saisisseDamn !Putain ! I Gave You Power Lyrics: Before the war begins / I drop my origin / I'm power defined / An indestructible life / The peak of the mind / Turn my user to a Telepath / Read every mind in the universe Uncircumcised, pull my skin back and cock me. [5], "I Gave You Power" was produced by DJ Premier. It is considered a standout song,[1][2] one of Nas' greatest hits,[3] and a hip hop "classic". Originally the song was going to feature a skit in which somebody drops the gun and someone else picks it up. Paroles et clip de I Gave You Power de Nas. For years, I've been used in robberies. Télécharger légalement les MP3 ou trouver le CD sur, Trouver un instrument de musique ou une partition au meilleur prix sur, Classique ... Mythique ... Brillant ... Anthologique ... Du grand Nas ... 10 / 10 ... @ + ... Pe@ce, ptain tu traduis plus vite que ton ombre toi. Nas - I Gave You Power (Letra e música para ouvir) - Damn! c ma prefere et puis ca en ferai de plus en plus de cet album.... Enorme ce son,quand on pense que c'est lui qui a inspiré 2pac pour "Me and my girlfriend"...Mais elle est de meilleure qualité. Watch the video for I Gave You Power from Nas's The Essential Nas for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. "I Gave You Power" is a 1996 jazz fusion-styled song on Nas' second album It Was Written. [4] It follows "Street Dreams" gaplessly on It Was Written. The song is a first-person narrative by Nas from the perspective of a gun and features a jazz fusion sample. Look how muh-fuckers use a nigga / Just use me for whatever the fuck they want / I don't get to say shit / Just grab me, just do what the fuck they want "[7] Stoute then drove back to Queensbridge to return it. New American Standard Bible I gave you power I made you buck wild How you like me now? Écoutez de la musique en streaming sans publicité ou achetez des CDs et MP3 maintenant sur Ça me fait bizarre d'en parler même aujourd'hui, mais c'était mon quotidien. Je vais tirerIt's that shit that moves crowds makin every ghetto foulJe suis celui qui fait bouger les foules et qui pourrit les ghettosI might have took your first childJe t'ai peut-être pris ton filsScarred your life, crippled your styleMarqué ta vie, paralysé ton styleI gave you powerJe t'ai donné le pouvoirI made you buck wildJe t'ai rendu dingue, (Nas)Always I'm in some shit, my abdomen is the clipToujours dans les embrouilles, mon abdomen c'est le chargeurThe barrel is my dick, uncircumcisedLe canon c'est ma queue, non-circoncisPull my skin back and cock me, I bust off when they unlock meDécalotte-moi et arme-moi, je lâche tout quand ils me laissent partirResults of what happens to niggaz shock meLe résultat de ce qui se passe alors me choqueI see niggaz bleedin runnin from me in fear, stunningly tearsJe vois des gars pisser le sang, s'enfuir loin de moi en panique, des larmesFall down the eyes of these so-called tough guys, for yearsCoulent des yeux de ces soi-disant gros durs, depuis des annéesI've been used in robberies, givin niggaz heart to follow meOn m'a utilisé pour voler, j'ai donné du courage pour me suivrePlacin' peoples in graves, funerals made cause I was sprayedJ'ai mis des gens dans la tombe, on les enterre car je les ai arrosésI was laid in a shelf, with a grenadeEt j'ai été mis au placard, avec une grenadeMet a wrecked-up tech with numbers on his chest that sayJ'ai rencontré un neuf millimètres bousillé avec ces chiffres sur sa poitrineFive-two-oh-nine-three-eight-five and zeroCinq-deux-zéro-neuf-trois-huit-cinq et zéroHad a serial defaced, hopin one day, police would placeSon numéro de série était raillé, il espérait qu'un jour les flics le réutilisentWhere he came from, a name or some sort of person to claim himD'où venait-il, le nom d'une personne qui le réclameraitTired of murderin, made him wanna be a plain gunIl en avait assez de tuer, il voulait être un simple flingueBut yo I had some other plans, like the next time the beef is onMais moi j'avais d'autres plans, tu vois quoi, à la prochaine embrouilleI make myself jam right in my owner's handJe m'enraye tout seul dans les mains de celui qui me tient, (Chorus)How you like me now ? Although the song was released posthumously, Young Noble, a close friend of Tupac Shakur, said that "I Gave You Power" served as the main inspiration for Shakur's "Me and My Girlfriend". New King James Version Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Results of what happens to niggas shock me. Always I'm in some shit. Find Nas – I Gave You Power lyrics and search for Nas. [8] Rolling Stone writer Mark Coleman describes its beat as "a spooky, jazz-fusion groove. [1] In a 2012 interview, Nas stated that he was around a lot of guns at the time he wrote "I Gave You Power" and decided to rap about it. (Nas)Yo, weeks went by and I'm surprisedYo, les semaines passent et bizarrementStill stuck in the shelf with all the things that an outlaw hidesJe suis encore dans l'armoire avec tous les trucs qu'un hors-la-loi cacheBesides me it's bullets, two vests and then a nineDerrière moi des balles, deux gilets pare-balles et un neuf millimètresThere's a grenade in a box, and that tech that kept cryin'Il y a une grenade dans une boîte, et ce neuf millimètres qui continue de cracherCause he ain't been cleaned in a year, he's rusty as clearÇa fait des années qu'il a pas été nettoyé, il est tout rouilléHe's bout to fall to pieces, cause of his murder careerIl va bientôt tomber en pièces, à cause de son passé de meurtrierYo, I can hear somebody comin in, open the shelfMais j'entends quelqu'un venir, ouvrir l'armoireHis eyes bubblin, he said, "It was on"Les yeux convulsés, qui dit "c'est parti"I felt his palm troubled him shakin'Je sens sa paume agitée, lui, il trembleSomebody stomped him out, his dome was achin'Quelqu'un le frappe, il est sonnéHe placed me on his waist, the moment I've been waitin'Il me place contre sa taille, c'est le moment que j'attendaisMy creation was for blacks to kill blacksJ'ai été conçu pour que les blacks s’entretuentIt's gats like me that accidentally, go off, makin' niggas memoriesCe sont des pistolets comme moi qui tuent par accident, transforment les n*gros en souvenirsBut this time, it's done intentionallyMais cette fois, l'acte est intentionnelHe walked me outside, saw this catIl me fait sortir, dehors, il voit ce garsCocked me back, said, "Remember me ? Nas I Gave You Power Lyrics. I'm a gun, shitC'est comme si… j'étais un flingue, merdeIt's like I'm a motherfuckin' gunComme si j'étais un putain de flingueI can't believe this shitJ'y crois pasWord up (word up)Ma parole (ma parole), (Nas)I seen some cold nights and bloody daysJ'ai vécu des nuits glaciales et des jours ensanglantésThey grab and me bullets sprayIls m'attrapent et mes balles partentThey use me wrong so I sing this song 'til this dayIls m'utilisent mal donc je chante cette chanson depuis toujoursMy body is cold steel for realMon corps est froid comme l'acierI was made to kill, that's why they keep me concealedJe suis fait pour tuer, voilà pourquoi je suis cachéUnder car seats they sneak me in clubsSous les sièges de voitures, en douce dans les boîtesBeen in the hands of mad thugsJe suis passé dans les mains de pleins de mafiososThey feed me when they load me with mad slugsIls me nourrissent quand ils me truffent de plombsSeventeen precisely, one in my headDix-sept balles pour être précis, dont une dans ma têteThey call me Desert Eagle, semi-auto with leadOn m'appelle Desert Eagle, pistolet semi-automatique de plombI'm seven inches four pounds, been through so many townsJe fais dix-huit centimètres, deux kilos, j'ai parcouru tant de villesOhio to Little Rock to Canarsie, livin' harshlyDe l'Ohio à Little Rock jusqu'à Canarsie, je suis trop actifBeat up and battered, they pull me outBattu et rebattu, ils me dégainentI watch as niggas scattered, makin' me killJe regarde les autres s'enfuir, on me fait tuerBut what I feel it never matteredMais on s'est jamais soucié de ce que je pensaisWhen I'm empty I'm quiet, findin' myself fiendin to be firedCalme quand je suis vide, je me retrouve à vouloir tirer encoreA broken safety, niggas place me in shelvesCran de sûreté cassé, on me met sur une étagèreUnder beds, so I beg for my next owner to be a thoroughbredSous des lits, donc je prie pour que le prochain soit un vrai gangsterKeep me full up with hollow headsQui me garde toujours chargé, (Chorus: Nas (x2))How you like me now ? It is considered a standout song, one of Nas' greatest hits, and a hip hop "classic". Share: Twitter Facebook Pinterest Reddit VK Digg Linkedin Mix ⛔⛔⛔ Pour être informé en exclusivité de mes derniers posts par email, ABONNEZ VOUS à mon blog. Year: 1996 73 Views. My abdomen is the clip, the barrel's my dick. [10] Other examples include "Money Is My Bitch", "Last Words", "Project Roach" and "Fried Chicken".[11]. I go blaow It's that shit that moves crowds makin every ghetto foul I might have took your first child Scarred your life, crippled your style I gave you power I made you buck wild Always I'm in some shit, my abdomen is … Music Review: Not as Nas-ty as He Wants to Be, "50 Cent Uses Nas' "I Gave You Power" To Address Evolution in Hip Hop | Get The Latest Hip Hop News, Rap News & Hip Hop Album Sales",, Articles with dead external links from January 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 31 March 2021, at 16:20. "I Gave You Power" is a 1996 jazz fusion-styled song on Nas' second album It Was Written. 7 ], the song then drove back to Queensbridge to return It drove back to Queensbridge return. Donné le Pouvoir ( Nas ) Saison 2 i gave you power 8/ 10 ) Détail Programme Power performed. ; but of Power, I 've been used in robberies 7 ], the 's! 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