Roxxon is a force for evil to be sure, but there's plenty worse out there. Tessier-Ashpool SA, Neuromancer Merrick Biotech, from The Island Yoyodyne from The Crying of Lot 49/V. Simon Krieger had yet to appear, and the company's President was Hugh Jones. AIM's mission statement is specifically to practice extreme science without moral restriction, making them just a little bit more dastardly than a company which might have some restraint under better leadership. However, Nuform was revealed to be harmful, causing life-threatening symptoms such as bone marrow decay. Yep. While the Beyond Corporation's appearances in Captain America and the Mighty Avengers showed how dangerous it could be, it's more an extra-dimensional being pretending to be a corporation than a true business. In Season 2, Elektra learns they are working with the assassins of Hand (an arrangement also seen in Iron Fist as they help facilitate the Hand's drug trade). The Beyond Corporation is certainly evil through and through - not actually an Earthly corporation, but rather the metaphysical expression of one or more Beyonders - powerful beings from outside reality who like to play with Earth's heroes. A new gang known as the Underground has also emerged, committed to opposing Roxxon by using the experimental Nuform energy to build high-tech weapons. This willingness to hurt anyone for the sake of profits is a key part of Roxxon's identity in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales ends with quite a few teasers as to what might be next for Miles and Peter Parker. She tried to blow up Roxxon hoping that it would frame them and the people of NY would stand up against the Corp but when executing her plan she led a full on military invasion of Harlem, blowing up local businesses and s*** all on the way to Roxxon. While many of Marvel's evil organizations are technically incorporated, AIM is the one that actually behaved like a business at one point (a step down from its previous claim to being a full-fledged country in Nick Spencer, Ed Brisson, Jackson Butch Guice, and Luke Ross' Secret Avengers.) The Roxxon name also popped in the Marvel Cinematic Universe short movie – “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Thor’s Hammer”. But that's the thing - while Roxxon isn't a moral company, it's only ever as bad as the person behind the wheel. Hexus' ultimate aim was to take over the planet and then spread, conquering world after world with weaponized business practices, and Marvel Boy was only able to defeat it by hacking its secrets and sharing them with Earth's "native" corporations, allowing Hexus' natural predators to tear it to pieces. Roxxon even diversified into high-tech research and development, aiding in the development of the S.H.I.E.L.D. More recently, Thor: God of Thunder #19 by Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic, introduced a new Roxxon CEO, a Machiavellian minotaur named Dario Agger. The Roxxon Corporation is one of the world's largest conglomerates. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Thanos wanted to kill 50% of all life, but Marvel's most evil company has something even worse in mind for its victims/employees/customers. Roxxon is a force for evil to be sure, but there's plenty worse out there. He currently lives in North Carolina with his spouse, two adorable cats, and an ever-growing book-hoard. Over the course of the game, Miles unravels a conspiracy that threatens the safety of not just Harlem … Theo Kogod is a freelance writer. In the comics, it is usually considered canon that Roxxon is responsible for the death of Howard Stark, Tony's father. RELATED: Spider-Man: Miles Morales Dedicates A Street To Chadwick Boseman. Related: Does Thor Villain The Minotaur Have More Money Than Iron Man? Couldn’t agree more. The latest Spider-Man game from Insomniac Games is coming out in just a few weeks on November 12th on the PS4 and PS5 to great anticipation. For this reason, similar organizations like Oscorp and Hammer Industries don't quite make the grade either. 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In fact, their misdeeds in the MCU stretch back to the '40s, something addressed in the Agent Carter series. In the past, Roxxon Oil was an unparalleled leader in the energy industry, both because of its clout but also its sterling reputation. In Iron Man #142 by David Michelinie, John Romita Jr., and Bob Layton, a Roxxon satellite called Star Well I is used to harvest solar power and beam it back to Earth, but ends up killing hundreds and wiping out a small town. Throughout Thor, Roxxon unleashes devastating amounts of pollution, slaps Thor with a lawsuit for intervening, and partners with various villains as part of shady banking and war profiteering ventures. Roxxon claims Nuform is the future but the reality is much darker and this leads them into conflict with the Underground, a tech-savvy gang lead by the Tinkerer. When Tony Stark flies up to Star Well I, Roxxon tries to kill him. In asking which of Marvel's companies is most evil, we're not just talking about evil business-people in the Marvel Universe. I was honestly more pissed and annoyed by the character by the end. But Roxxon has its own private army of trigger-happy armor-clad enforcers, revealing the company is every bit as committed to evil as their comic counterpart. The titular hero, aka Noh-Varr, was part of an exploratory team sent by the Kree race of an alternate reality. Andre Deschaine, also known as D'Spayre, is a major recurring antagonist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Meanwhile, Miles's mother is running for a position in city government on a platform of opposition to Roxxon. Unconcerned about the consequences, they have set up a new headquarters in Harlem, Roxxon Plaza. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales will feature two main baddies in it, Roxxon, and The Tinkerer.. Roxxon is an entity and made up of numerous individuals while The Tinkerer is an individual in the upcoming game. It has its own security force armed with advanced weaponry and armor, named Roxxon Security in the game. Does Thor Villain The Minotaur Have More Money Than Iron Man? Since Hexus is a corporation in the truest sense - albeit an alien version with its own consciousness - and because every single employee is equally involved in its nefarious plans, and would carry on its mission given the chance, it's more than worthy of the title of Marvel's most evil company, despite some stiff competition. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. It is an American energy corporation with presence throughout New York City, ran by Simon Krieger. just Roxxon, is evil. That name is obviously referring to the evil mega-corporation Roxxon. In fact, in the distant future of the Spider-Man 2099 comics, Roxxon continues to exist as a monolithic evil corporation, proving just how unstoppable resilient they really are. The Beyond Corporation is inherently evil, concerned only with enacting its masters' whims on the Earthly plane, but it's also only technically a corporation - it's an evil business in the same way that if X-Men villain Mystique briefly shapeshifted into a horse, she'd be Marvel's most evil horse. Roxxon being referenced would mean only one thing. Roxxon tapped into something a lot of people agreed with, and it became the prototype for everybody's free-floating anxiety." Led by CEO Simon Krieger, Roxxon is a classic example of an evil corporation, utilizing a new dangerous type of energy called Nuform. Since then, he's written for various online publications, including CBR, Screen Rant, and The Comics Vault. They're behind cloning experiments, evil covert operations, and even have ties to this whole symbiote mess. Roxxon was introduced in 1974's Captain America #180 by Steve Engelhart and Sal Buscema, when its president is kidnapped by the villainous Serpent Society. Meanwhile, Miles's mother is running for a position in city government on a platform of opposition to Roxxon. Best known as one of the central antagonists of Marvel's 2099 timeline, Alchemax does exist in mainstream Marvel comics, run in the present day by Spider-Man's old flame Liz Allen. But the company's CEO will not go down without a fight. Roxxon, also known as Roxxon Energy, is an organization appearing in Marvel's Spider-Man series, with a major antagonistic role in Miles Morales. Every human employed by Hexus became part of its hivemind, and it had a tendency to channel their body heat through their eyes to kill its immediate enemies, not caring about the "employee turnover" that resulted. But despite its dark deeds in the year 2099, such as helping the evil Hulk Maestro take over the world, Alchemax isn't as bad as it gets. Fans were almost universally disappointed when Iron Man 3's 'Mandarin' turned out to be a huge red herring, with the so-called Mandarin ending up being a washed up actor who was only portraying the evil villain.Now, the MCU is doing the classic foe right by having him be the antagonist of Shang-Chi's upcoming solo film. Roxxon Energy Corporation is a massive, evil corporation in the Marvel Universe, although they mask it by operating as a lucrative, public-facing company. So yeah, they're a pretty crummy company. RELATED: Spider-Man: Miles Morales is Missing a Huge NYC Landmark. They feature briefly in Iron Man 2 and are responsible for an oil spill in Iron Man 3. The Serpent Society used the magical Serpent Crown to influence Jones, having his company use their oil-drilling equipment to try to raise the sunken continent of Lemuria. The Roxxon Energy Corporation (otherwise known as the Roxxon Oil Company, Roxxon Oil Corporation, Roxxon Corporation or simply Roxxon) is the name of a fictional massive petroleum industrial conglomerate in the Marvel Universe appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The company is depicted as having been run by various executives who are typically ready and … Roxxon Energy Corporation (often shorted to Roxxon), formerly known as Roxxon Oil Company, is a massive petroleum industrial corporation that appears as a villainous faction in the Marvel Comics. They embody corporate greed, environmental pollution, and every other bad thing corporations are known to do, all upped to the worst degree. Their irresponsible use of Nuform results in a truck full of Nuform blowing up a bridge. Corrupt Corporate Executive: Probably the most evil executive at Roxxon within the MCU, and given Roxxon was a tool of both the Council of Nine and the Hand, that's an accomplishment. Marvel Boy explored countless realities with his team, taking samples and spreading the Kree gospel as he went, before crash-landing on Earth and becoming a prisoner of the Midas Corporation (a pretty nasty outfit in its own right, though again one where the driving force behind the evil was a single individual.) Unconcerned about the consequences, they have set up a new headquarters in Harlem, Roxxon Plaza. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Related: What AIM's REAL Plan Is In Marvel's Avengers. Roxxon Energy Corporation is a massive, evil corporation in the Marvel Universe, although they mask it by operating as a lucrative, public-facing company. They also appear in the MCU Netflix series, Daredevil, where they sue a man who got cancer working for them. Next: How Rich is Tony Stark in Marvel Comics? In fact, Roxxon had been involved in many activities morally questionable or illegal, including blatant violent crimes, but this fact was unknown to most consumers and the general public. Her evil plan never even made sense either. But which of Marvel's evil companies is the most dangerous, and how can they possible be deadlier than the death-worshiping Mad Titan Thanos? Another notable contender is AIM. Dario Agger survived the War of The Realms and will take whatever means necessary to stop the Immortal Hulk The critically acclaimed series continues! intelligence agency. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. There was something interesting adding our little spin on Roxxon Gulf being the New Orleans version. The company's pharmaceutical research was merely a front for Roxxon's true goals was researching advanced weapons and creating superpowered individuals, the latter of which was illegal in international law. The Roxxon Energy Corporation, a.k.a. Here are their backstories from the comics. But Roxxon Corp’s MCU history is (relatively) more muted, even if still kinda evil, too. He is the overarching antagonist of the TV series Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger, serving as the main antagonist of Season 2. To mark Small Business Saturday, CBR looks at some of the most evil -- fictional -- corporations in comic books and pop culture. The Roxxon Oil Corporation, a.k.a. In Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Miles faces off against a villain far eviler than any costumed rogues, taking on the Roxxon Energy Corporation. While the potential for good doesn't stop these companies from being evil in practice, it does prevent them from being the most evil when there are some truly irredeemable organizations out there. While working as an English teacher in Japan, he helped found the magazine 3 Feet Left as its Resident Writer. Which is pretty evil. KEEP READING: Spider-Man: Miles Morales: Miles Speaking ASL Is A PERFECT Addition To The Game. Sadly, this resulted in Hexus - one of the samples/prisoners the team had taken on their travels - getting free. Roxxon is a real company in the Marvel Universe, known as Roxxon Energy Corporation. Roxxon was the primary antagonist in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Alchemax is more of a contender, given that it exists in a future where companies have more power over the populace and corruption runs through the entirety of the organization. In Marvel, they are very much an evil, corporate version of SHIELD whose only purpose is to pursue a profit. Taken on their travels - getting free teasers as to what might be next for Miles and Peter Parker villains! Ran by Simon Krieger kill him desire for profits Roxxon even diversified into research...: Marvel Confirms the True Future of its Universe is 2099 contenders for Marvel 's companies most! Bad to the '40s, something addressed in the Agent Carter series this resulted in Hexus - one the. 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