jonestown death tape
Inside Guyana itself is another 'religious community,' named Hilltown, also operated under iron discipline, with 8,000 blacks from Guyana and the U.S. Bullshit! She was a baby that never experienced a death, or traumatic experience in life. I had belonged to a church much like Jones'. This tape stands a warning to future generations. Q 042) by pranaferox published on 2013-05-29T19:44:25Z. It is important for people to actually hear this and understand how this can happen. Meaning we can do whatever we want, those children were over powered and killed by the stronger people killing them, with no way to escape, if you read the bible, you would of known that those who suffer on earth will not suffer in heaven and their soul will continue in heaven, that is the way that jesus helps, there is numerous evidence of god existing, you just have to find it, i will provide an example on how god can help: maximilian kolbe, a polish priest, was sent to the holocaust, and volunteered to die by hunger, instead if a man who had been chisen. Der Schuss in die rechte Schläfe, an dem Sektenführer Jones starb, ist nicht mehr auf der Kassette zu hören. And I never ever heard of this tape before, It's bone chiling. I cannot understand why it is so difficult to find more jonestown material on the. I remember when the Jonestown massacre hit the news. I always knew a bit about this but was ignorant of the specific details of the "kool-aid" story. Believe me, so can you if you find yourself in an devasting situation, and you feel that there is no hope, and someone offers you assistance for your delimma, & they seem trust worthy, and sincere, it can happen. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. He was co-author of the controversial Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which would have required advance CIA disclosure to the congressional committees of all planned covert operations. Stream songs including "The Jonestown Death Tape". Dann drückte sich Jim Jones, der selbst ernannte „Vater“ der Volkskirche, eine Pistole an seine rechte Schläfe und drückte ab. I feel physically sick. The MP3s available for download have been edited with mono-to-stereo conversion and the removal of clicks and silences, in the interest of optimizing sound clarity and length. To access these PDF files you must have the free, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, Special Collections and University Archives. Lies, lies and more lies are the hallmarks of American government, but they are getting some of their comeuppance now and there is a lot more coming in the very near future. Yes Cristine was killed with the rest of them. This transcript is made from a tape recording produced by the International Home Video Club, Inc. of New York, an operation which has since ceased to exist. I was born and raise in Georgetown Guyana in 1976. I'll admit that I've only listened to a part of this death tape. In addition to the FBI, complete collections of the tapes are located at two places: the Jonestown Institute; and Special Collections and University Archives, Library and Information Access, San Diego State University. "The truth is that nearly 400 inmates were forced to die by injection, according to the Chief Guyanese medical examiner, Dr. Mootoo, who arrived at Jonestown within hours of the massacre. A 1980 newspaper column by Jack Anderson also claimed that the CIA was involved in the Jonestown Massacre, and speculated that Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy to Guyana … Jonestown war eine 1974 von Jim Jones, dem Führer des Peoples Temple, gegründete Siedlung im Nordwesten Guyanas, die am 18. And does the tape "run out" at the end or did someone stop it? Casper Meryl. Your taxdollars at work in CIA's MKULTRA. Haven't heard or thought much about the Jonestown massacre in a long time. Every time. Jonestown ‘death tape’ — the final hours. I and nine others escaped the morning of the massacre. "Jim Jones had a very interesting past which was overlooked by the media: During the time his friend Dan Mitrione was teaching torture techniques to the Brazilian and Argentineans, Jones was also sent to Brazil where his house, transportation and groceries were provided to him by the U.S. Embassy, and he frequently traveled to Belo Horizonte, the CIA headquarters in Brazil. Other people have mentioned this, but it's worth repeating: tape recorders had speed settings, the Temple recorded over old tapes, incomplete erasure (dirty erase heads) left audio artifacts on this tape. I acquired the source cassette tape from a schoolmate c. 1979 whose father was an FBI agent This must never be allowed to happen again. It's a good thing to listen to once, just to experience the crowd mentality - from a safe distance. Discover The Jonestown Death Tape (FBI No. It … and "Why did they follow him when he was such a poor speaker?" A Spine-Chilling Death Tape of the Jonestown Massacre | True Crime Magazine Listen to the infamous Death Tape recovered from Jonestown after the Peoples Temple mass suicide in 1978. Alle 3 Formate und Ausgaben anzeigen Andere Formate und Ausgaben ausblenden. The plan listed various options, including fleeing to Canada or to a "Caribbean missionary post" such as Barbados or Trinidad. Please, I beg you. Gunshots are what killed most, not suicide. theres very little suggestion of what is going on during JJ's speech, besides a few references to "passing out the cups", its mainly interesting because you hear how jim jones smooth talks everybody into joining the "revolution", to the point that a couple people even get up and thank him for giving them the opportunity. Jim Jones. The Jonestown recordings have inevitably been reused and sampled by filmmakers and bands over the years – less often the ‘death tape’ and more often the paranoid revolutionary rant: “Love is the only weapon.” Shit! link to transcript. According to these reports, World Vision was also attempting to move the population from the island of Dominica to Jonestown. Frequently I would record new things over old recordings, and faintly, yet VERY distinctly in the silences and-- depending on the quality of the cassette-- sometimes distinctly even under the new voice or music recorded on the tape, I would hear the faint echo of what I had recorded previously. We hear Jim calling for them to drink and warning about flame throwers. The collection includes the death tape recorded on November 18, 1978, and a mysterious tape found on November 19, 1978. Most of the movies act like the most of the people were forced, but by listing to this tape you just know that this is just not the case at all. Jonestown Death Tape (FBI No. Playing next. The Jonestown 'death tape' is even creepier than you think YouTube On November 18, 1978, paranoid cultist Jim Jones managed to talk nearly an entire American commune in Guyana into committing suicide by drinking cyanide-laced Kool-Aid or Flavor Aid (via Britannica). Bankrupt principles of living and dying on orders of witch doctors interpreting fairie tales written thousands of years ago. "With Ryan on the way to Jonestown, the secrecy surrounding the camp would be broken and desperate measures would need to be taken to keep the truth from escaping, much less the inmates. Even before they were moved to Guyana, reports of beatings, kidnappings, sexual abuse and mysterious deaths had leaked out to the press about the earlier Peoples' Temple in Ukiah, California. my name is Dennis, i'm from holland. The story of Jonestown and the Peoples Temple didn't start, or end, on that night. I now live in Texas, and I see the same thing happening with these Mega Preachers here. Jim Jones on Apple Music. The possibilities were frightening. I did also notice the religious background music obviously to try to calm the followers. This technique was used extensively by sound engineers at TV stations to save money in the days when cassette tapes and dictaphones or walkman-type recorders were used in interviews; after transcribing the interview, which was usually also preserved on video, the cassettes were "wiped" to be re-used without "ghosts". ...that Skoddan blamed the bad quality of recording--of all things--on Jones? LOL ! * Perhaps you simply cannot believe what I am telling you. "In addition to the already mentioned torture camp, Colonia Dignidad, another is reported to be located at Pisgua, Chile. Jim Jones, et al. The numerical designations to the tapes are those assigned by the FBI. Images. There were 53 others which were initially withheld from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, as they were found to have evidentiary value, but have now been released. In 1979, Joseph Hollinger, a former aide to Congressman Leo Ryan who was killed at Jonestown, claimed that Jonestown was a "mass mind control experiment" conducted by the CIA.,, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Well people need to bear in mind that by the end Jones was a sick man, almost certainly from drug abuse and he may have had a brain infection which made his speech slurred. Madness. He did not impress me the same way he impressed her but I can say that Christine was a born again Christian, she was filled with the Holy Spirit, she loved God with all her heart, and she had a heart for people. We have re-organized the site to aid users, and thus tapes appear in the Indexes by topic: The Jonestown tapes which have been transcribed and summarized also have a name index. It is unbelievable to me that so many people could (and did) follow this man [Jim Jones] into death on his word. This tape is macabre in the extreme. Most of the information which follows is from John Judge's summary of the investigation, supplemented with information provided by Special Forces teams I had earlier trained and commanded, who were sent in to 'clean up the remains of Jonestown.' How could those people do that to children? The most accurate transcript for this recording may be found at: This evening trapped in this epic snowstorm that is sweeping across the East Coast, I sat and read "Guyana Massare" by Charles Krause front to back and then went online to do more research. Follow. Be the first one to write a review. Bullshit! Terri Buford's father, Admiral Charles T. Buford, worked with Naval Intelligence. Rev. While this tape is emotionally upsetting, it is also deeply thought-provoking. To access these PDF files you must have the free Adobe Reader installed. She didn't have the chance to grieve before she was abducted. Thank you for posting this, the last of this sad story. The truth, which was thoroughly suppressed by the American media, is that it was actually a slave-labor camp run by Jones with the assistance of the CIA. I would encourage anyone to look into it. She had just graduated from high school, and just was beginning to start her life when this happened. Marie Katsaris' father was minister with the Greek Orthodox Church, thought to be a conduit of CIA funding, and she claimed she had proof he was a CIA agent. Runningit over the cassettes could "wipe" the tapes so they were totally blank again. link to transcript. The thing that alot of these reviewers don't realize is that when people are on the edge of desperation they'll believe just about anything if it's thrown out there at them. olen More. Isabella Carnes. The part about showing the little kids how the adults could die peacefully was chilling. She was a really dear friend. Frightening lesson! Pt 3/5. Literally lol'ing at all these ridiculous DEAD SF Nigger Commies.... they're pathetic. Dan Webber, who was sent to the Jonestown site the day after, was also named as a CIA agent. Never-Before-Seen Historical Shots of the Jonestown Massacre. You refer to hell as if you believe in it but yet speak against a spiritual world. "According to current reports, Jonestown has been 're-populated' with over 1,000 Laotion Hmong people who grew opium and served under General Vang Pao during our 'secret war' in Laos and Cambodia. How anyone can listen to someone telling them to die to "feel no pain" is beyond comprehension. I have lived in many states in the U.S, as well as traveled to many countries, but once he got the church members over there, they became entrapped and there was no way out, or back to the U.S.. She was there for a year before she was made to drink the cyinade. Each summary concludes with a description of any significant differences between what the transcriber found of importance and what the FBI did. Once everyone was "calm" there are low noises almost like voices @. Did he really have that much control over the people? This is the recording of his final speech and of his followers drinking the Kool-Aid. Members of Peoples Temple – and especially Jim Jones – made an untold number of audiotape recordings in Jonestown, Guyana, California, and even as far back as Indianapolis. For its Caribbean missionary post, the Temple quickly chose Guyana, conducting research on its economy and extraditiontreaties with the U.S. … I wrote about one of them in my book where the Captain tortured the young severely and the young Sergeant put on a swastika and said, "If I'm going to act like a Nazi I'm going to look like one.' That was our final radio message when the job we were assigned was finished.' There is only one way to completely obliterate these "ghosts" on cassettes before recording on them again. Pastor later served as Deputy Director of the CIA. This process would be avoided in only 2 instances: You can listen to the NPR radio program at the following link. “I tried to give you a good life,” Jones can be heard saying. You can hear the children crying and dying in the background. The U.S. Army spokesman, Lt. Col. Schuler, told the press, 'No autopsies are needed. Shocked. What more do you want me to do?" The website Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple (, Yes, thanks for sharing. I'd always heard of the "Jonestown Massacre" but just figured it was yet another weirdo cult with idiot members who deserved to die because they were stupid enough to subscribe to sheep mentality. This is a cautionary tale to avoid self-proclaimed "holy" men or books written by men supposedly "inspired" by god. This is incredible bullshit, I just do not understand how people allowed this man to convince to kill their kids, kids are literally dying in the background, some are crying because obviously they are torn, but forced. He seems very obviously full of it on this tape. Software. Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's national security advisor, authorized Robert Pastor to order Lt. Col. Gordon Sumner to strip the bodies of the medical bracelets they had been forced to wear for identification. Farben. Tapes retrieved by the FBI at Jonestown are identified by the letter Q, followed by a number (e.g., Q 134), which was arbitrarily assigned by the FBI after the agency’s initial review of the audiotapes. What this man preaches is not Christianity. good but depressing, Jim Jones the toast of liberal San Francisco, lisping his way thru his deceit and culture of death. I've seen other things like that in combat where there have been abuses. Certainly, I have heard this and much more. Actually the same things that happened in the States were the same and worse in Jonestown, because we had no way to leave. They were told that they were going to the promise land, and life would be a eutopia society, compared to what they had here and they believe it because these pepole were distraught and they thought he was hope.So they trusted him. If books are to be believed, some of the tales told about things Jones did would make anyone shudder. He found needle marks on the left shoulder blades of 80-90% of the victims, and the others had been shot or strangled. Also, if you were to speed up the tape by 200%, you would hear that it was not slow organ music, but rather just standard radio songs of the day. Great audio,would listen again,Thank you,A++++++++++++, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, The Rev. I believe Jones was undiagnosed but either bipolar or obsessive compulsive. End of Jim Jones People's Temple Jonestown Death Tape. Then it gets amazingly quite and it doesn't sound like anything is going on but the background music.,_Jr. It will give you a better insight into who this man was. Jonestown ‘death tape’ — the final hours. See all 4 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. We urge you to use the transcripts in tandem with the summaries. In the sound engineering section, my father showed me a large square metal box-type device with a handle. Jonestown Death Tape. i dont know what it is but the story of just people so into a belief of group of people as a whole, living together for perfect peace is just a concept everyone all over the world would love to have. May he rot in hell, that murderous lying thug, taking advantage of poor black people. The first two links below take you to transcripts and summaries prepared by the Jonestown Institute, and to summaries prepared by the FBI, of tapes recorded by members of Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana, California, and Indianapolis. "Some of Jones' Lieutenants were: Dr. Lawrence Layton was chief of Chemical and Biological Warfare Research at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah for many years and later worked as Director of Missile and Satellite Development at the Navy Propellant Division at Indian Head, Maryland. Most of Jones' top lieutenants were from wealthy, educated backgrounds, many with connections to the military or intelligence agencies. SoundCloud. Forget the made-for-TV dramas about Jones and the People's Temple; this is the real thing, and, as usual, art can't even begin to deal with reality. An audio recording made on November 18, 1978, at the Peoples Temple compound in Jonestown, Guyana immediately preceding and during the mass suicide and murder of over 900 members of the cult. Also, a couple of times in the tape you can hear radio chatter. Almost all of the 964 tapes in this collection – whether transcribed or not – have been digitized and are available as MP3s. Frankly, I can't see how anyone was sucked in by this guy. The Jonestown Death Tape. Reading other people's reviews a common question is "How could Jones have made these people do this?" Jones was a coward, no matter how good his intentions were in the beginning. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . Jim Jones is a true manipulator. Digitized tapes which have not yet been transcribed are designated in the listings at Index of FBI Summaries. For those of you who dont think this is what 'god' wanted, turn back to your bibles and read them. Shocking for someone who gets on archive to find some musical gems. Uploaded by Too bad for the babies and children - They were the only ones who could tell the Emporer had no Clothes. Let that be a warning to us all. Members of Peoples Temple – and especially Jim Jones – made an untold number of audiotape recordings in Jonestown, Guyana, California, and even as far back as Indianapolis. Jonestown Death Tape: FBI posted Apr 19, 2012, 5:39 AM by Michael Bouchard Jonestown Death Tape. Why is there slowed down and perhaps backwards music playing through the entire tape? on April 14, 2005, Unknown; Tracked and FLAC'ed by Olen Sluder (olen AT acm DOT org). did Deicide fabricate it? of New York. With your consent, we would like to use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your experience with our service, for analytics, and for advertising purposes. but as history has shown this can and never will be, in a world where all there is is fighting. The recording begins immediately preceding and continues during the mass suicide/murder … Scheeres says a tape recording from the last night, “the so-called death tape,” had been edited dozens of times. The hardest part was hearing all those babies and children in the background and knowing that they are about to die. The State Department would give us no help in getting her back because as they stated, "She was 18 years old." But I watched the PBS documentary on Jonestown a couple of days ago, which included long snippets of this very tape. It makes me very sad and all I can think is to pray for those poor souls who perished, and for their families. He wasn't even religious, yet he went by reverend, because unfortunately people are allowed to preach and teach whatever they desire under the title of religion. The babies crying in pain and the silence at the end are the creepiest things I have ever heard. Hello, I'd like to know who uploaded this audio to the Internet Archive? The Jonestown Death Tape by Their Teeth to Points, released 12 January 2015 1. how very much i've loved you 2. you must be scared to die 3. take our life from us; we laid it down, we got tired Aural Films presents another harrowing journey into the darkness. © 2021 Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple is a, This site houses a variety of PDF documents. The clapping reminded me of an infomercial. comment. And what could be darker than the Jonestown massacre lead by the Reverend Jim Jones on November 18, 1978. They are indicated on the FBI summaries with a dagger. While the Secrecy Act prevented him from detailing all that went on, SFC Inman carefully hid the entire story within his title: *All The Niggers Are Dead! Please Don't Listen to this Audio Recording. I would say that, that is an example of gods help. I was brought to Peoples Temple at the age of 13. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. and it only led to their death,and if you noticed Jim Jones was very paranoid. Christine shared not only her home with me, but her car and she bought me clothes (she dressed very elegant-when we would go to church or go out she would look like a movie star). weren't particularly Christian, in the objective sense. Dwyer’s exact role in the Jonestown massacre has long been a source of mystery. a very worthwhile listen. As a supplement to the transcript summaries, a Personal Name Index has been prepared as a part of this finding aid to facilitate further research of the audiotapes and transcripts by enabling the researcher to find the transcript on which an individual name is mentioned. November 1978 zum Schauplatz des Massenmordes und Massenselbstmordes von 909 Anhängern Jones wurde. The Jonestown Death Tape. People should bear in mind how Hitler was able to convince millions of highly educated Germans that there was a "Judeo-Bolshevik arch-conspiracy" to bring Germany down. It's not what God wanted, and its not what the Bible tells us. First of all, Leslie Wilson, I have read your touching book. I could tell by his bitterness that the government had no fear that the book would ever be printed. In the fall of 1973, after critical newspaper articles by Lester Kinsolving and the defection of eight Temple members, Jones and Temple attorney Tim Stoen prepared an "immediate action" contingency plan for responding to a police or media crackdown. I am giving this a top rating not for the quality of the audio but for the opportunity to hear what happens when evil reigns. Logical decisions needle marks on the bodies as well carried out by Bo gritz ' men along... The only ones who could tell by his bitterness that the same kind of negative impact occurred in.... Named as a CIA agent surreal element to the Internet Archive oversight on intelligence Jonestown six... Better insight into who this man was decorated soldier to come out of 5 stars 4 ratings got up. Deaths were well underway to your bibles and read them recordings in their entirety Lt. Col.,! 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