nyu online certificate
Understand and master various ‘translation’ methods to convey complex data ideas to a more general policy audience. Understand how to collect and analyze large quantities of data in a variety of technical and social domains for use in both the public and private sectors. Google just launched 3 new online certificate programs to help you land an in-demand tech job — here's everything you need to know before enrolling . Urban governance comprises the various forces, institutions, and movements that guide economic, politic, social and physical development, the distribution of resources, social interactions, and other aspects of daily life in urban areas. Advanced Corporate Tax Problems (Students may request to substitute another advanced corporate tax course for ACTP) Students then elect from the following offerings, pending availability: 1. Home / Programs & Admissions / Online. The Tisch Pro non-credit courses and certificates are designed for working professionals and adult learners to grow their creative skillset. Join our more than 40,000 students studying in hundreds of programs on six continents all around the globe. Register for one of our online, asynchronous courses below and earn a certificate to demonstrate proficiency in … Online. Develop skills that directly impact your workplace, including engaging directly with field leaders, creating compelling data visualizations, and developing engaging communication and presentation skills. All courses are taught by CUSP's faculty members, including experts in the physical and natural sciences; computer and data science; the social sciences; and engineering. Choose topical certificate programs or earn a master’s degree to move ahead in your career at a time and place that works for you. A basic understanding of probability and statistics, as well as basic Python coding skills, including Pandas. To earn a certificate, students must declare their candidacy at the start of their program of study. Gain knowledge quickly from NYU Stern faculty who are sought-after experts and real-world practitioners by completing an Advanced Professional Certificate (APC). Finally, students will have the opportunity to practice these skills as they build an analysis of an urban challenge using real data. This course is designed to develop programming skills and to gain familiarity with the techniques, concepts, and models of urban informatics computing. Understand the overall structure and governance of urban operations, Analyze drivers, constraints, and metrics of key urban domains, Learn about the roles of data and emerging technologies in cities and opportunities and constraints to employing data analytics, Realize the role of citizens in the effective functioning of urban systems, Develop the skills to create plans and evaluate the effectiveness of technologies in urban government spaces. 4 - 15 Weeks. Students will build a technical foundation to help analyze and solve urban challenges, including: Students will be evaluated on their performance in their weekly homework assignments, participation in weekly discussion group, and other project work. NYU SPS Certificates. To do so, please use the button above. It is a credential that can open doors to a future in the sports industry. Weekly lectures will demonstrate how these skills can be used to construct analyses through detailed code reviews. An extraordinary opportunity. Using synchronous online coursework with support videos and materials, you will explore how data analytics can help solve challenges faced by growing cities worldwide. NYU SPS now offers two Certificates in Coaching: the Certificate in Professional Coaching and the Certificate in Executive Coaching. Your feedback is essential to helping us improve the website, Please complete at least one field before submitting your feedback, Accreditation, Authorization & Assessment, University Research Policies and Guidelines, Global Academic Partnerships and Affiliations, Advanced Certificate in Health & Human Rights, Advanced Professional Certificate in Corporate Taxation, Advanced Professional Certificate in Estate Planning, Advanced Professional Certificate in International Taxation, Advanced Valuation Online Certificate Course, Coding + Visual Analytics Online Certificate Bundle, Coding in R for Data Online Certificate Course, Corporate Finance Online Certificate Course, Corporate Sustainability Online Certificate Course, Visualizing Data Online Certificate Course. The course will introduce students to the central components of GIS as commonly deployed in enterprise software, free and open source code libraries, and experimental systems. Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions 3. engineering.gradinfo@nyu.edu. Visualizing Data Online Certificate Course. Our live online meetups provide you with the opportunity to engage face-to-face with the professor that teaches your course. A certificate is awarded to students who successfully complete the four required courses within one year or two successive summers. Successful completion of the Online Advanced Certificate will help you: Advance data-driven skills to propel your career in urban analytics and research, including developing innovative solutions to complex problems and urban policies. Anyone with previous studies or professional experience in Urban Informatics. Please review the English Language Requirement Waiver Form to see if you are eligible to waive this requirement. Public-sector innovation is indispensable to solve the complex urban challenges we are facing and can bring significant improvements in the services that the government has a responsibility to provide, including those delivered by third parties. Following a Discovery-Design-Delivery approach, students will learn: Students will be evaluated on their performance in their homework assignments and readings, participation in weekly discussions and lectures, class exercises, and other project work. The Advanced Certificate in Public Health program consists of 6 core courses (15 credits) offered online, which form the foundation of the NYU Master of Public Health (MPH) degree. Coding in R for Data Online Certificate Course. Plus, you will have explored the various career paths in the industry and identified your areas of passion and the career possibilities within the world of sports. Programs in Finance, Global Economy & Society, and Analytics. Advanced Partnership Tax I 2. CUSP’s research and educational initiatives seek to improve city services; optimize decision-making by local governments; create smart urban infrastructures; address challenging urban issues such as crime, environmental pollution and public health issues; and inspire urban citizens to improve their quality of life. Join us in our historic mission to make cities around the world better places to live and work – our inaugural class begins in Fall 2021. The 100% Online NYU Tandon Bridge Certificate program is an affordable, flexible way for students with a non-technical background to develop the skills necessary for a STEM Master’s degree. Apply new skills to your current role or prepare for a career change in the exciting field of Urban Informatics. 2021-03 … Advanced Valuation Online Certificate Course. Hands on experience will be provided through popular frameworks such as matplotlib, VTK and D3.js. Public officials or city employees without a STEM background with a desire to learn how to use data to improve urban policy making or city operations. Taxation of Financial Instruments 6. Students will gain an overview of city operations and related domains, and will: Students will be evaluated on their participation in weekly discussions, and performance on assignments, including a semester-long data innovation project. Share / Print . Throughout the course we will focus intently on the importance of data and how to collect it; and also how it should be presented from a policy, management, and political perspective to ensure impact. To Apply for your Certificate: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, certificate requests submitted in summer 2020 will be issued in late September 2020. Our investment in online education is expanding opportunities for successful degree completion, program growth, and … The total tuition and fees for the Online Advanced Certificate is $24,674. Present and communicate data-driven insights on urban challenges to key stakeholders, including city governments and policy decision makers. Understand the capabilities of different techniques in InfoVis and SciVis, Understand the principal of interactive visualization, Gain knowledge in building interactive visualization systems, Learn how to interactive/web-based visualization systems, matplotlib, VTK and D3.js. This course will help students to become public entrepreneurs that know how to effectively deliver data projects into an urban environment and to transform how we govern the city and the world. Live Online Certificate Programs. Apply frameworks by which to assess whether data is addressing or exacerbating urban challenges, such as racial inequity. The NYU Tisch Screenwriting non-credit certificate incorporates all aspects of writing: playwriting, screenwriting, and television writing. Students can choose from beginner-level, introductory courses in the arts or hands-on, practical training. This course builds the practical skillset and tools necessary to address urban analytics problems with urban data. Now offered fully online, the Certificate in Professional Copyediting, Proofreading, and Fact-Checking is designed to provide students with expert advice on what publishers look for and the skills needed to become an exemplary copy editor. The course targets current and future urban practitioners looking to harness the power of data in urban practice and research. B2 Deutschtest für Fortgeschrittene: Mit Online-Übungen bereiten Sie sich auf Ihr Zertifikat B2 vor. Software/Technical Requirements. Die Prüfung ist international anerkannt. Online MS in Quantitative Management. (646) 997-3182 | admissions information This online certificate introduces you to real estate investment concepts and property management principles for residential buildings. If you decide to pursue CUSP's Master of Science, all credits earned after the successful completion of your Advanced Certificate will count towards your degree. As one of the nation's most respected institutions, NYU Tandon School of Engineering aligns with this mission. Open-enrollment credentials for those who wish to gain a broad-based understanding of a field as a career path or for career change. Developed by NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering, the Professional Certificate in UX & Emerging Interaction Design is a comprehensive six-month program created for UX designers or individuals with visual design experience who are ready to make the shift into creating user experiences with these new and emerging interaction patterns and possibilities. This course provides an overview of city government, operations, and management of information and communication technologies within cities and related policy domains. Well-designed visualizations substitute perception for cognition, freeing up limited cognitive/memory resources for higher-level problems. The Corporate Taxation APC requires the following core courses: 1. The 100% Online NYU Tandon Bridge Certificate program is an affordable, flexible way for students with a non-technical background to develop the skills necessary for a STEM Master’s degree. Our online certificate courses are asynchronous with optional synchronous elements. International students or professionals interested in using data for social good in cities around the world. Different approaches to measuring organizational performance. City agencies, non-profit organizations, technology companies, consulting firms, and other public and private organizations are increasingly looking for data scientists and analytics experts to unlock the potential of their data. The Online Advanced Certificate is designed for: RSVP for our Prospective Student Webinar, April 22nd at 12:00pm ET. Coding + Visual Analytics Online Certificate Bundle. All rights reserved. Students will learn to program in python through a series of online tutorials, and will be exposed to the leading thinking on urban challenges through readings and discussion. Partnership Taxation 4. International Taxation I, II, & III 5. Our world-class students, faculty, and scholars expect high achievement in pursuit of engaging the world's diverse challenges. Address the ethical implications of data collection and analysis in urban environments. Choose 4 courses (12 credits) from 6 available classes to customize your plan of study and build competencies in both technical and urban policy domains. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. Students will learn the fundamentals of data science and its application to urban environments, including: Students will be evaluated on their performance on practice coding assignments, class project reports and presentations, as well as participation in the class discussion forums. It starts with essential computational skills, statistical analysis, good practices for data curation and coding, and further introduces a machine learning paradigm and a variety of standard supervised and unsupervised learning tools used in urban data science, including regression analysis, clustering, and classification as well as time series analysis. Being at the forefront of their disciplines, our faculty shape the understanding of an enormous range of academic fields. The 100% Online NYU Tandon Bridge Certificate program is an affordable, flexible way for students with a non-technical background to develop the skills necessary for a STEM Master’s degree. The university strives to be a quality international center of scholarship, teaching and research. Connecting talented and ambitious people in the world's greatest cities, our mission is to be a top quality institution. Understand recent history of data use within urban and civic contexts. Professionals can take part from anywhere in the world. NYU Stern Online Certificate programs provide you with the opportunity to gain new knowledge or augment an existing foundation in diverse areas of business from anywhere in the world. Bioinformatics Online at NYU. Corporate Sustainability Online Certificate Course. Music Industry Essentials includes six on-demand courses covering topics such as History of the Recording Industry, Money Matters in Music, Creativity in Content and Artistry, Building Your Image – Who Are You, Producing the Record, and Marketing Music in the New Economy. What does the program cover? Develop smart data-driven urban policies and innovative solutions to help make cities more efficient and equitable. After you have completed all certificate courses/requirements, submit a cover letter requesting the specific certificate along with a … With the Online Advanced Certificate, current and future urban practitioners have the unparalleled opportunity to answer these questions and use technology for social good. Online Certificates. Hand-on lab sessions will walk students through the use of GIS methods in popular software, including the Google Maps Javascript Application Programming Interface (API), ESRI ArcGIS (ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro), GeoDa, and GIS libraries in R Studio. All applicants for the Online Advanced Certificate must demonstrate excellent English language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension. Operationalize questions on urban challenges as actionable, data-driven analyses, and build robust analyses of these questions using reproducible code. Unless otherwise noted, all content copyright New York University. The complex nature of cities and their governing institutions. Additional scholarships are also available. Our online certificate courses are asynchronous with optional synchronous elements. Brooklyn, NY 11201, (646) 997-0500 | office You will get certification also along with these courses but for certification, you have to pay. Non-Credit. Desktop or laptop computer; A webcam and headset (preferred) or microphone for online meetups ; Broadband/high-speed Internet (1.5 Mbps minimum/3 Mbps preferred) to ensure your ability to participate fully in online meetups; Operating System: Mac OS 10.14 or … Total length of each course is 2-3 hours, and each course is broken into several shorter modules and activities that studen… Fintech Online Certificate Course. NYU is a campus without borders - online courses, degrees, and certificates allow faculty, programs, and the University to reach new learners across the U.S. and around the world. This course will provide an accessible introduction to the fundamental concepts and operations that underpin Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 370 Jay Street, 13th Floor NYU Online; Scholarly Strengths; Continuing Education; Libraries; Centers and Institutes; Awards and Highlights; Accreditation, Authorization & Assessment Learn how to negotiate and execute leases, manage staff, and position a property to maximize its investment return and profit. Print; Email; Share; Like; Advance Your Career Online from Anywhere in the World. A variety of technical skills are needed to build analyses that can help us to solve urban challenges. The total cost of the certificate is under $12,000 and additional scholarships are available for qualified applicants. Online Courses with Optional Live Online Meetups. How we can support public engagement at all stages of the policymaking cycle. NYU Tandon School of Engineering offers online, non-credit certificates to anyone looking to build or enhance technical skills and achieve career and professional goals. This certificate will lay the groundwork for you to pursue your goals in whatever direction you choose. What are live online courses? Our faculty, students, and alumni are generating new insights and fundamental understandings of urban life, launching new entrepreneurial ventures, creating jobs, and positively impacting cities around the world. Researchers or consultants currently working to solve complex urban problems. Case studies and best practice examples will be used extensively. To do so, please use the button above. After this class, you should be able to formulate a question relevant to Urban Data Science, locate and curate an appropriate data set, identify and apply analytic approaches to answer the question, obtain the answer and assess it with respect to its certainty level as well as the limitations of the approach and the data. Students will gain a foundation in the principles and designs behind data visualizations. Center for Urban Science + Progress This course aims to provide a broad understanding of the principals and designs behind data visualization. CUSP is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to the application of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the service of urban communities across the globe. Julia Pugachevsky. You might even find that you want to deepen your knowledge further, and if you do, Yellowbrick and NYU SPS have you covered with additional in-person and online program options. How will they effectively and efficiently deliver services, address resource allocation, and increase citizens’ access to green space? A 50% tuition discount is available for students who apply before May 1st, 2021. How we can promote urban governance innovation. By the end of the course, students will: Whether you are looking to become an urban scientist or take the next step in your current role, CUSP will prepare you for an exciting and rewarding career in the rapidly growing field of Urban Informatics. Master's Degree Application Checklist Become familiar with the application requirements and start your application now. Tandon offers comprehensive courses in engineering, applied science and technology. A basic premise of visualization is that visual information can be processed at a much higher rate than raw numbers and text. Declare Certificate Candidacy To earn a certificate, students must declare their candidacy at the start of their program of study. We are excited to introduce a new learning format designed to meet the needs of our Executive Education professionals in these unprecedented times: Live Online Executive Certificate Programs. Learn more about our live online courses here. General topics include state-of-the-art techniques in both information visualization and scientific visualization, and the design of interactive/web-based visualization systems. Visualization and visual analytics systems help people explore and explain data by allowing the creation of both static and interactive visual representations. Advanced Partnership Tax II: Issues in Practice 3. This Spring, study from anywhere in the world in the safety and comfort of your own home through online and remote instruction. NYU Free Online Courses For International Students are open for All Nationalities holders to enroll in these courses. Students having Any Degree in the academic field or belong to any Majors can apply for these New York University Free Online Courses. Please note that all online meetups are recorded and are available for your viewing at a later time. CUSP's approach is unique in having students understand both the “how” and “why” of urban science and informatics. Online courses, certificates, and degrees let us expand the diversity of our educational approach and offerings for new groups of students. NYU Stern live online courses are our in-person courses redesigned for remote delivery. NYU SPS Certificates; Technology; Technology Certificate in Data Visualization. This program empowers our students with the knowledge and technical expertise to make cities around the world more productive, livable, equitable, and resilient, offering them a unique and interdisciplinary approach that links data science with urban management and policy. This course connects urban governance and innovation trends. The course will also contain project-oriented practice in urban data analytics, including relevant soft skills – verbal and written articulation of the problem statement, approach, achievements, limitations, and implications. Understand how we can produce a global impact from the local level. Corporate Taxation I & II 2. Developed by a team of XR professionals associated with NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering, the seven-month Professional Certificate in AR/VR Development and 3D Graphics with Unity provides the skills and knowledge that companies such as Apple, Wayfair, Google, and Verizon value as they make the shift to XR development. In addition, the role of civic engagement and community participation is explored. Expand your technical skillset to include data manipulation and processing using a variety of tools- such as Python and GIS- for use in non-governmental organizations, government and municipal operations, and business. Appreciate the various leadership techniques needed to advance data policy and reform. What Are Live Online … Courses are offered online and in-person. To do so, please use the button above. Taxation … Why following a collaborative governance approach is a must and which are the best tactics to promote effective public-private partnerships and networks. Understand the application of data analysis and programming tools to social and behavioral sciences, business operations, and urban sciences. Search the NYU Stern Site Search. The course gives equal treatment to the methodology underlying GIS (particularly in spatial science and computer science), and the software operations that collectively enable GIS functionality and applications (particularly data structures, spatial data access, and geometric operations). Online education is a way to take what is marvelous about NYU and expand it, enrolling new people in new places that we couldn’t welcome into the NYU family any other way. With our remote format, you have the flexibility to learn around your busy schedule. These hands-on, practice-based certificate programs are designed with your needs in mind – flexible class formats and scheduling, adaptable curriculums that let you focus on what interests you most, and a vibrant, global academic and professional community. There will be an emphasis on new approaches to urban governance and data leadership ranging from performance management to innovation delivery units to smarter cities frameworks and public entrepreneurship. Read more about them, as well as the difference between our Online and Live Online programs, below. Andrew Hamilton, NYU President Applying supervised and unsupervised machine learning for data analytics, Addressing urban analytics problems with urban data. fundamental understanding of programming languages and data analysis tools, including, How to load, manipulate, parse, and visualize data, How to conduct a descriptive data analysis, An introduction to using Jupyter notebook, Understanding of the “front end” of GIS, particularly in cartography and computer mapping, Understanding of the “back end” of GIS, particularly in data structures and databases, Understanding of core operations in GIS, particularly in manipulation of spatial data and the development of geographical analyses, Applications of GIS to problem-solving in real world context, Introductory exposure to common GIS software in enterprise applications, Introduction to research-oriented topics at the forefront of GIS development, Technical writing for spatial data science, Technical presentations for spatial data science, CUSP Academic Director & Industry Assistant Professor, Sustainable Urban Environments 4+1 BS & MS, Graduate Academic Requirements and Policies. 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