pope sixtus iv
Pope Sixtus IV was the 212th Pope, whose 13 years long papacy was embroiled in controversies and internal wars. Apart from meddling in feuds between the great Roman families, Sixtus IV committed himself rather scandalously to Venice’s aggression against the duchy of Ferrara, which he incited the Venetians to attack (1482); their combined assault was opposed by Milan, Florence, and Naples. The conclave which assembled on the death of Paul II elected him pope, and he ascended the chair of St. Peter as Sixtus IV. Sixtus IV soon abandoned universal interests, concentrating on Italian politics and revealing his confirmed nepotism. He is the presiding head of the Roman Catholic church, although his twin brother Francesco (imprisoned at Castel Sant'Angelo) is the true legitimate Pope. He is known for beginning construction of the Sistine Chapel. Pope Sixtus IV Servant of the Servants of God. Sixtus was expected to be a reformer, but he was too much embroiled in political difficulties. Maria della Pace); the Sistine Chapel is his principal monument. A Description of the Sistine Chapel under Pope Sixtus IV. Popoe Sixtus IV, a curious, morally mangled creature, was gripped by an obsession to create an enduring dynasty. Out of this scandal and its counteraction, he justifiably managed to excommunicate Lorenzo, to put Florence under interdict, and to induce King Ferdinand I of Naples, the papacy’s ally, to declare a fruitless and inglorious war that kept Italy confused for two years. Becoming a Franciscan, he subsequently taught and was chosen minister general of his order in 1464. “Popes Nicholas V and Sixtus IV sent military ships against the Turks during the Ottoman wars, and the ‘St. [7], Sixtus ordered the building of the Ponte Sisto (Sistine Bridge) across the Tiber River. Sixtus IV died on August 12, 1484, at the age of seventy. Maria del Popolo and Sta. Source(s): b: The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, 18 Sep 1467; ob/c2: Le Petit Episcopologe, Issue 205, Number 16,881 Pope Sixtus IV appoints Platina as Prefect of the Library, by Melozzo da Forlì Sixtus IV (r. 1471-1484), born Francesco della Rovere, was notable enough to have the Sistine Chapel named after him. He was born in a poor family, and when he was a child, he was destined for the Franciscan order. [6], Pope Sixtus was involved in Italian and European political disputes. [3], The Vatican Library was enlarged during the reign of Sixtus; and the number of manuscripts grew ten times larger—from 360 during the reign of Pope Nicholas V to 3650. His accomplishments as pope included building the Sistine Chapel; the group of artists that he brought together introduced the Early Renaissance into Rome with the first masterpieces of the city's new artistic age. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Sixtus-IV, Web Gallery of Art - Biography of Sixtus IV. Sixtus IV (sĭk`stəs), 1414–84, pope (1471–84), an Italian named Francesco della Rovere (b. near Savona); successor of Paul II.He was made general of his order, the Franciscans, in 1464 and became (1467) a cardinal. pope sixtus v (1521 - 1590), published in 1878 - pope sixtus iv stock illustrations Silver-gilt ring decorated with emblems of evangelists, cherubs, & keys of St. Peter which belonged to Pope Sixtus IV. In 1473, with the support of Giuliano Della Rovere, later Pope Julius II, he was made cardinal by Pope Sixtus IV, whom he succeeded on 29 August 1484 as Pope Innocent VIII. Pope Sixtus IV (21 July 1414 – 12 August 1484), born Francesco della Rovere, was Pope from 9 August 1471 to his death in 1484. These outstanding achievements, however, were accomplished with heavy taxation and simony. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Concurrently, the ideal of the crusade against the Turks was dying. Later, because of his severity, which displeased the Venetian government, he was recalled only to be reappointed by Pius IV. Pope Sixtus IV (21 July 1414 – 12 August 1484), born Francesco della Rovere, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 9 August 1471 to his death. Neither a crusader nor curial politician, Sixtus aimed at the aggrandizement of his family and of the Papal States, subordinating his duties as the church’s spiritual head in a manner characteristic of his era. He formally annulled (1478) the decrees of the Council of Constance and condemned (1482) abuses in the Spanish Inquisition. Sixtus. Pope Sixtus IV, Fire is dominant in your natal chart and endows you with intuition, energy, courage, self-confidence, and enthusiasm! Pope Sixtus IV : biography 21 July 1414 – 12 August 1484 The English theologian John Bale attributed to Sixtus "the authorisation to practice sodomy during periods of warm weather" to the Cardinal of Santa Lucia.Giovanni Lydus, Analecta in librum Nicolai de Clemangiis, De corrupto Ecclesiae statu. As a perpetual memorial. He visited the Vatican Archives in order to discuss their future plans to push against the Medici clan with Francesco Pazzi and the curator, Lupo Mercuri. Omissions? …Spanish Inquisition, established by Pope. Pope Sixtus IV was a rarity in the higher echelons of the Church precisely because he was of non-noble birth, and he clearly sought to compensate for this not only by promoting so many of his relatives, both clerics and laymen, but by commissioning numerous building projects that could be decorated with oak trees and acorns, the Della Rovere emblems. Updates? [3], Della Rovere was born in Celle Ligure, a town near Savona in Liguria. [3], Della Rovere studied philosophy and theology at the University of Pavia; and he lectured at Padua, Bologna, Pavia, Siena, and Florence. His first thought was the prosecution of the war against the Turks, and legates were appointed for France, Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Poland, with … He established and richly endowed the first foundling hospital and repaired and built numerous Roman churches (including Sta. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). For refusing to desist from the hostilities that he had instigated and for appearing to be a dangerous rival to the Papal States, Sixtus placed Venice under interdict in 1483. Sixtus IV’s relations were strained with France, whose king Louis XI firmly upheld the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges (1438), which had established the liberties of the French Church. In calce a: Nicolas de Clemanges, Opera omnia, […] You are inclined to be passionate, you assert your willpower, you move forward, and come hell or high water, you achieve your dreams and your goals. He rose in the order to head of the Franciscans in Liguria. Sixtus IV later studied philosophy and theology at the University of Pavia, and lectured at … His pontificate lasted for thirteen years. [3] His family was important. He granted many privileges to the mendicant orders, particularly to his own Franciscans. Pope Sixtus IV Francesco della Rovere. His first thought was the prosecution of the war against the Turks , and legates were appointed for France , Spain , Germany , Hungary , and Poland , with the hope of enkindling enthusiasm in … Pope Sixtus IV (Latin: Xystus IV; 21 July 1414 – 12 August 1484), born Francesco della Rovere, was Pope from 9 August 1471 to his death in 1484. Unlike most men who rise to the level of pope, Sixtus was from a poor family. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The known documentation concerning the completion of the Sistine Chapel under Pope Sixtus IV is relatively sparse'. From 1471 he was the second founder of the Vatican Library, which he opened for scholars. Pope Sixtus IV (21 July 1414-12 August 1484), born Francesco della Rovere, was Pope from 9 August 1471 to 12 August 1484, succeeding Pope Paul II and preceding Pope Innocent VIII.Pope Sixtus was infamous for his nepotism and for his involvement in the Pazzi Conspiracy in Florence, but a positive contribution of his was the creation of the Sistine Chapel. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Giuliano was the son of the impoverished Rafaello della Rovere, Pope Sixtus IV’s only brother. Becoming a Franciscan, he subsequently taught and was chosen minister general of … In 1468 he became a Franciscan, and in 1471 Sixtus IV made him a cardinal. He finally absolved Lorenzo and removed the interdict. Pope Sixtus iv was born in July 21, 1414, near Abisola, and died in august 12, 1484. He was grateful for its success. Although Sixtus endorsed the plot, he did not approve of assassination. Sixtus IV, given name Francesco della Rovere, Roman Catholic Pope from the 9th of August 1471 to the 12th of August 1484, was born of a poor family near Savona in 1414. His first thought was the prosecution of the war against the Turks, and legates were appointed for France, Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Poland, with … Pope Sixtus IV was a homosexual leader of the Catholic Church. In 1480 Lorenzo boldly made peace with Ferdinand, despite Sixtus, who maintained war between the papacy and Florence. His accomplishments as pope included building the Sistine Chapel; the group of artists that he brought together introduced the Early Renaissance into Rome with the first masterpieces of the city's new artistic age. Pope Sixtus IV (Latin: Xystus Quartus; 21 July 1414 - 12 August 1484), originally Francesco della Rovere, was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church and the 213th Pope from 1471 until his death in 1484. If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. Pope Sixtus IV (21 July 1414 – 12 August 1484), born Francesco della Rovere, was pope from 9 August 1471 to his death in 1484. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Like Julius III with Innocenzo, Sixtus made his lover Petro Riario – who was also his nephew – … Affiliation with Franciscan Order. Alessandro della Rovere, now Pope Sixtus IV (July 21, 1414 – August 12, 1484), is portrayed by James Faulkner. [8], Media related to Sixtus IV at Wikimedia Commons, Peter Linus Anacletus (Cletus) Clement I Evaristus Alexander I Sixtus I Telesphorus Hyginus Pius I Anicetus Soter Eleuterus Victor I Zephyrinus Callixtus I Urban I Pontian Anterus Fabian Cornelius Lucius I Stephen I Sixtus II Dionysius Felix I Eutychian Caius Marcellinus Marcellus I Eusebius Miltiades Sylvester I Mark, Julius I Liberius Damasus I Siricius Anastasius I Innocent I Zosimus Boniface I Celestine I Sixtus IIILeo I Hilarius Simplicius Felix III Gelasius I Anastasius II Symmachus Hormisdas John I Felix IV Boniface II John II Agapetus I Silverius Vigilius Pelagius IJohn III Benedict I Pelagius II Gregory I Sabinian Boniface III Boniface IV Adeodatus I, Boniface V Honorius I Severinus John IV Theodore I Martin I Eugene IVitalian Adeodatus II Donus Agatho Leo II Benedict II John V Conon Sergius I John VI John VII Sisinnius Constantine Gregory II Gregory IIIZachary Stephen II Paul I Stephen III Adrian I Leo III Stephen IV Paschal I Eugene II Valentine Gregory IV, Sergius II Leo IV Benedict III Nicholas I Adrian II John VIII Marinus I Adrian III Stephen V Formosus Boniface VI Stephen VI Romanus Theodore II John IX Benedict IV Leo V Sergius III Anastasius III Lando John X Leo VI Stephen VII John XI Leo VII Stephen VIII Marinus II Agapetus II John XII Benedict V Leo VIII John XIII Benedict VI, Benedict VII John XIV John XV Gregory V Sylvester II John XVII John XVIII Sergius IV Benedict VIII John XIX Benedict IXa Sylvester III Benedict IXa Gregory VI Clement II Benedict IXa Damasus II Leo IX Victor II Stephen IX Nicholas II Alexander II Gregory VII Victor III Urban II Paschal II Gelasius II Callixtus II Honorius II Innocent II Celestine II Lucius II Eugene III, Anastasius IV Adrian IV Alexander III Lucius III Urban III Gregory VIII Clement III Celestine III Innocent III Honorius III Gregory IX Celestine IV Innocent IV Alexander IV Urban IV Clement IV Gregory X Innocent V Adrian V John XXIb Nicholas III Martin IV Honorius IV Nicholas IV Celestine V Boniface VIII Benedict XIb Clement V John XXII Benedict XII Clement VI Innocent VI Urban V, Gregory XI Urban VI Boniface IX Innocent VII Gregory XII Martin V Eugene IV Nicholas V Callixtus III Pius II Paul II Sixtus IV Innocent VIII Alexander VI Pius III Julius II Leo X Adrian VI Clement VII Paul III Julius III Marcellus II Paul IV Pius IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII Leo XI Paul V, Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX Clement X Innocent XI Alexander VIII Innocent XII Clement XI Innocent XIII Benedict XIII Clement XII Benedict XIV Clement XIII Clement XIV Pius VI Pius VII Leo XII Pius VIII Gregory XVI Pius IX Leo XIII Pius X Benedict XV Pius XI Pius XII John XXIII Paul VI John Paul I John Paul IIBenedict XVIFrancis, From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Note that the first three popes are called ", List of popes from the della Rovere family, https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pope_Sixtus_IV&oldid=7297845, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. He also established the Vatican Archives. Sixtus V was a pontiff born to rule. Monument of Sixtus IV 1484-93 Bronze, length 445 cm Grotte Vaticane, Rome: The two bronze papal tombs executed between 1484 and 1496 by the Pollaiuolo workshop for St Peter's, Rome, were the grandest of the 15th century, and the only tombs to be transferred into the new basilica when Old St Peter's was demolished in 1506. Corrections? He took the name Sixtus V in memory of Sixtus IV, who was also a Minorite. His efforts in 1474 and 1476 to reunite the Russian Church with Rome and to gain Russian support against the Turks were unsuccessful. [3], He was elected pope on August 9, 1471. This page was last changed on 19 January 2021, at 23:03. In ecclesiastical affairs, Sixtus IV instituted for the Roman Church the feast (December 8) of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The conclave which assembled on the death of Paul II elected him pope, and he ascended the chair of St. Peter as Sixtus IV. The conclave which assembled on the death of Paul II elected him pope, and he ascended the chair of St. Peter as Sixtus IV. Pope Sixtus IV empowered Ferdinand and Isabella to set up the Inquisition in Spain in the year 1478, to confront the conversos, pseudo-converts from Judaism (Marranos) and from Islam (Mouriscos). He and Count Girolamo Riario called upon Visconti to assassinate the Duke of Milan in order to gain more power of the Medici family. Pope Sixtus IV (Latin: Xystus Quartus; 21 July 1414 - 12 August 1484),[1] originally Francesco della Rovere, was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church and the 213th Pope from 1471 until his death in 1484. In 1472, under Cardinal Oliviero Carafa, he sent a fleet that participated in the landing at the important Muslim stronghold of Smyrna, but a new expedition in 1473 failed. Sixtus IV, original name Francesco della Rovere, (born July 21, 1414, Cella Ligure, near Savona, Republic of Genoa—died Aug. 12, 1484, Rome), pope from 1471 to 1484 who effectively made the papacy an Italian principality. He entered the Franciscan order at an early age and studied philosophy and theology at the universities of Padua and Bologna. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Pope Sixtus’ tomb was destroyed in the Sack of Rome in 1527. We still do not know for certain when work on the Chapel was begun and when it was completed2. On April 26, 1478, during mass at Florence cathedral, the agents of Girolamo Riario, Sixtus IV’s nephew, wounded Lorenzo and killed his brother, Giuliano, in a plot to overthrow the Medici. The Papal Bull Aeterni regis was issued on June 21 1481 by Pope Sixtus IV, and confirmed the substance of the Treaty of Alcáçovas in confirming Castile in its possession of the Canary Islands and granting all further acquisitions made by Christian powers in Africa (and eastward to the Indies) to Portugal. In this office Giuliano displayed all of the attributes of cupidity and corruption of an unscrupulous Renaissance prince. [5] He took the name Sixtus because the first day of the conclave which elected him pope was the Feast Day of St. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Pope Sixtus IV (Latin: Xystus Quartus; 21 July 1414 - 12 August 1484), originally Francesco della Rovere, was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church and the 213th Pope from 1471 until his death in 1484. Above all, he was a founder or restorer of important institutions and a patron of arts and letters. The conclave which assembled on the death of Paul II elected him pope, and he ascended the chair of St. Peter as Sixtus IV. Sixtus IV, original name Francesco della Rovere, (born July 21, 1414, Cella Ligure, near Savona, Republic of Genoa—died Aug. 12, 1484, Rome), pope from 1471 to 1484 who effectively made the papacy an Italian principality. The con-temporary chronicler, lacopo Gherardi, records that the [2], He is known for beginning construction of the Sistine Chapel. He was made cardinal in 1467 by Pope Paul II, whom he succeeded on Aug. 9, 1471. Few pontiffs illustrate the overriding paradox of the Renaissance so well. [4], As a young man, he joined the Franciscan Order. His first thought was the prosecution of the war against the Turks, and legates were appointed for France, Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Poland, with … Pope Paul IV, noting his asceticism, made him the inquisitor in Venice. Pope Sixtus IV was born Francesco della Rovere in 1414 in Celle, a town near Savona. Francesco was educated by the Franciscan Order, which he joined as a young man. During his pontificate Rome was transformed from a medieval to a Renaissance city. He commissioned such great artists as Sandro Botticelli and Antonio del Pollaiuolo and pensioned such eminent men of learning as Bartolomeo Platina. He was also a noted theological writer and teacher who gave lectures at universities in Siena, Pavia, Padua, Florence and Bologna. [3], In 1467, Pope Paul II raised della Rovere to the rank of Cardinal. April 14, 1482 A.D. Supernal, celestial fatherland, the City of Jerusalem, whose own participation is in itself, so rejoices in the salvation of all the elect, that the more outstanding are the merits of these, the more copious does it also receive the joys of the rewards. His beneficiaries were members of his own family, whom he greatly enriched and who involved him in messy disputes, perhaps the worst of which was a conspiracy against Lorenzo (the Magnificent) de’ Medici. 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