Difficult. So what has this got to do with walking the coast path? A tree bloke came and cleared the fallen branch on Thursday. She called ‘triage’, and a nurse in a blue uniform came along. A couple of weeks ago Ian McMillan (poet of the north) wrote a lovely newspaper piece about his daily walk with his wife and his duck… the duck turned out to be his right shoe, quacking at every step. We’d spend all day there. I’d checked the times and low tide was around 11.15ish. Back in the 70’s my mum and dad would take us to Wolvercote and Port Meadow. And, the water is pretty murky too. There were also plenty of swimmers at Tumbling Bay, off the Botley Road, and Kennington Meadows near Sandford. Blooming lovely. Later back at Clarence the caravan we failed to complete the general knowledge crossword in the newspaper. I wish we had known, it could have been a much easier morning. One more thing. A mile or so north along the route from Sandford Lock you pass within a few metres of the beauty in the foreground of the photograph acting as a frame for the next two pylons in the line.’. Staying instead in an aging caravan called ‘Clarence’ was a no brainer. My first visit to the town was a year later, on my honeymoon. Me and Eleanor have joined a newly formed Waterways group in Iffley. Until now. I know… it’s easy to get in! There’s even a dedicate river and rowing museum to explore and you can take a boat down the river to get there. My mileage calculations had gone askew. There are probably others too. Instead, I’ve got orchids and magpies to distract myself with…. Looking over the wall montbretia is happily flowering in the next door neighbour’s front garden. Turns out they are a band that came and played in school when he was a kid. So who is Dennis Dinneen? We knew already that during our day’s walk we had to wade across the River Erme. In front of us Burgh Island, with its 1930s Agatha Christie hotel, was cut off by the high tide. The adult birds did come down into the garden, but an hour or so later it was obvious that they had given up on the little ones, and gone. Without steps or ladders it’s bloody hard to climb out. Sheer's Copse – River Glyme Loop from Kidlington. In the end, Sunday was a bloody good day’s walking… up there with the best. Lots of people still pitch up there for a picnic and a swim, or maybe a campfire and a spliff (do people still call them spliffs?). I loved their excitement. This time we didn’t get to witness a dive. River Evenlode. In 2019 “four sewage treatment works in Oxford spilled raw sewage into the river more than 170 times, for the equivalent of 82 days” That comes from The Guardian (9 October 2020). It turns out the first four or five miles out from Salcombe are a tough reacquaintance with the coast path. That day, eight-year-old Winston was likely fishing in the Main Lake located just beyond the bend in the River Glyme pictured above. More importantly the orchid is a wee ray of hope. Trout hatching out of the box could be caught in a small mesh catch box and transferred to suitable shallow fry sites elsewhere on the fishery. First stop France and they’re in a hotel in Paris. They don’t hover like kestrels. Ian made a claim for the X-Rays. It was alright really. In between the path and the river there are proper old fashioned grassy meadows with wildflowers and dragonflies, and calling reed buntings and sedge warblers. We set off striding at a quick march out of Bigbury towards the river crossing at Wonwell. A very good weekend. More details on incubation boxes can be found on the Wild Trout Trust web site www.wildtrout.org or in Volume … A list of names in which the categories include water. Wild River Swimming Spot – New gravel surface Loop from Thrupp. 01:52. There were lots of people on the beach. Well, actually he kind of had… what he’d done was make it a much easier walk than we dared hope for. And the good news… When I got home, the front door wasn’t locked. Half an hour or so after I rang, Eleanor and me were outside their front door with our basket full of magpies. Final prices will vary by location and independent dealer. With Eleanor, I pedalled through the empty streets of Oxford today. But, since then? Getting sent a copy of that book has been a highlight of my lockdown. Pretty footbridge and clear, clean, shallow river on grassy banks below gentle Cotswold escarpment. We left my car and drove in Ian’s to Salcombe. We could see this bloke with a guitar and a small crowd of people on the steps outside the Bodleian, but inside the cafe we heard nothing. Compared with most I’ve had it easy, but the breathlessness, especially in the night, was still scary enough for me to contemplate my mortality. We pressed on. If you don’t know it, it’s an account of her walk along the coast path with her husband Moth. Every sort of brightly coloured flower seemed to edge the path. Even though it was a pretty yucky evening a robin was still singing from a tree alongside the fence. The day before me and Eleanor had been watching the new BBC drama ‘Us’. At last I have ‘seen’ my first ever cirl bunting. River Cherwell on one side, River Thames on the other and grubby ditch linking the two. To be honest I also wondered how welcome I would be… I wanted to enjoy myself. I started off fairly strongly: AC/DC*, Bare Naked Ladies, The Clash… but eventually he got me. No students, no tourists. Anxiously I got my binoculars out to look upstream for the river crossing and saw… four people and two small dogs happily paddling across. One circuit around the roundabout and fifteen minutes later I was back home again to collect my phone charger. Until last week the tallest elder tree in the world (well the tallest one I’ve ever seen) was at the end of Eleanor’s garden. A few minutes later I’m sitting on a bench overlooking a sandy beach with a coffee and a veggie pasty… one of the things I like best about walking the path, guilt free snacks. A couple of weeks ago Ian McMillan (poet of the north) wrote a lovely, Saturday July 18: Salcombe to Bantham, 11 miles, Sunday 19 July: Bigbury to Noss Mayo, 15 miles. The very quirkiest thing about Clarence was his location… thirty miles away inland up the Tamar river it wasn’t exactly convenient. Of course, the path then immediately takes you down a steep slope to South Sands, then there’s another climb up to the cliff top… you get the idea. In spite of the rain, and it really wasn’t that heavy, I was actually enjoying my wander. For us in Wootton, near Woodstock, that meant the River Glyme (it’s the little river that fills up the lake in Blenheim Park). Only the climb in and out might put you off. I’d found montbretia, which it turns out is one of those invasive plants that you’re supposed to remove like Himalayan balsam and ragwort (saw a good many of those two plants as well). This time Ian was there waiting for me, had been for 45 minutes. I don’t suppose this last year was any better, EEK! It was set up in 2005 and, as it says on the homepage, ‘It’s simple: the Pylon Appreciation Society is a club for people who appreciate electricity pylons.’ What I like most is, the society was set up by a woman. Luckily, in spite of a dodgy calf, my old friend Ian wasn’t going to miss a long walk beside the sea. As I sat eating my fried egg bap, I thought… ‘Mmm, next time I’ll be walking in Cornwall.’. Turns out they are a band that came and played in school when he was a kid. River Evenlode from Moreton in Marsh to Cassington and also the River Glyme at Wootton and Woodstock. Three times in the summer months we got up early and set off down the A34 and drove on through the New Forest to Highcliffe Castle. I’ve been out there cutting the grass and fighting the brambles since it opened fifteen years ago. I’ve found none at all. Under the circumstances I let him off. Find local news and events in your area, water campaigns that might interest you or join a group or a meeting of like-minded people. At that time, Winston was on holiday at Blenheim with his younger brother Jack and his twelve-year-old cousin Sunny. ... Witney has an interesting layout as the River Glyme divides the town into New and Old Woodstock. I do like a shop assistant who calls me ‘my darling’. There are a few cows and ponies, but we were here to see what birds might be about. As the rain was coming to an end we came across The Oxford Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, in a small tent near the river Glyme. Google found me The Pylon Appreciation Society. Another 45 minutes later, after I’d been for a lovely swim off Wonwell beach, people were still crossing comfortably. Our man Baring came to our rescue. As we pedalled home we chatted about all sorts of stuff, but mainly pylons…  ‘wouldn’t it be so much nicer’ we said, ‘if we could get rid of the bloody pylons and have the cables underground’, ‘or, even better, we could generate the electricity locally’, or…. Inground Swimming Pools. No idea what she would make of me and my walking buddies… hopefully she’d at least understand my motivation to carry on. The magical beauty of electricity delivery. If you were building dams or catching bullyheads (strange little fish that hide under rocks, that you can catch with your hands if you’re quick enough) it was The Paddler in the field next door. I’d no idea what they were. I know the old magpie song goes ‘One for Sorrow, Two for joy’… but in these still troubled times I’m clinging on to hope from one bee orchid, and hoping for joy for two magpies. I really like the Revelstoke Drive. It’s a great place, bit of woodland, bit of scrubby grassland and several places to get into the river for a swim. Then there’s a wee bridge over a ditch that usually smells suspiciously of sewage. For some reason they trigger pleasant thoughts in my head: Glen Campbell singing ‘Wichita Lineman’ (what a tremendous song), Ted Hughes’ ‘Iron Man’ (‘The Iron Giant’ if you’ve only seen the film). Trouble is, although he wants to change his irritating old bloke ways… he can’t. An historic village with river parkland, wooded river islands and a 1000-year-old pub. We plumped for an A to Z of bands we’d seen. Baring had not found a magic way to shorten the route. The path has had it’s fun and for the next couple of miles it’s a stroll along the cliff top to Bolt Tail. Back in early March I booked this week off work to do just that. Pictures on the wall, boxes, bottles even tins of peaches in the background. There’s even a dedicate river and rowing museum to explore and you can take a boat down the river to get there. It feels like an eternity has passed since then, but it was only seven or eight weeks ago. A woman with a fabulous name, Flash Wilson Bristow. Endless Pools brand pools and swim spas are redefining the traditional swimming pool experience with powerful exercise and therapy features. Orchids used to grow in the meadow. A popular stretch of Thames upstream from town with good access and a junction pool for swimming. There is a fully-equipped fitness… The river crossing was at least four miles from our start point at Bigbury. Only 11 miles to go! Now I just need to get a better view. Lanes where you spend as much time reversing to let delivery trucks pass as you do going forwards (Amazon has a lot to answer for!). Magnetic phase transitions and magnetization reversal in MnRuP Once up and out of Soar Mill everything calms down. Not a duck… my shoe has definitely been taken over by a seagull, and it was calling me back to the coast path (Yeah I know, the most contrived link ever, sorry). For £35 a night we could ‘wild camp’ in a pre-erected tent. They both seemed really happy to have wee babies to look after. It’s just as noisy as ever. I was left with two options. I bet there are loads of old geezers sharing photos of their favourite pylons and discussing the perfect pylon shape.’ Part of me was trying to be amusing, but there was another part thinking… ‘bet there is.’. Not far from the house in Iffley there is an old swimming place called Longbridges. Sometimes it’s okay being the sort of bloke who feels the need to do at least 10,000 steps a day. When you’re Ian and me, especially now when there is no live music, you get nostalgic for gigs that you’ve been to. In the meantime I’m looking for the giant tractor thing that carries people out to the hotel on Burgh Island when the tide is in. No idea who or what Bolt is, but he is a big bugger… we’d already passed Bolt Head at least a mile earlier. Noss Mayo is a picture postcard village on the steeply wooded banks of the River Yealm. Trouble is, although I sometimes think I’m a man, I’ve found out I’m really a mouse. I’d like a beach and a cafe as well. Photo: Martin Addison, CC BY-SA 2.0. Ah, well. The air above the river was full of swifts and swallows and, out on the water we were entertained by a couple of wobbly beginners getting the hang of paddle boarding. That ought to be the end of the story. It also features in one of my favourite 1960s films ‘Catch Us if You Can’. Who are they? Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Dave was eager to please. It’s a place where owners leave their caravans when they are not using them… most of them looked like they would never leave the site again. Yet another of those places I must come back to one day. Stonechats and linnets in amongst the gorse, and of course there were oystercatchers and herring gulls on the rocks below. When we told the runners of our plans, the consensus amongst them was that the water could be quite deep, and we might not be able to get across. Without the squawky shoe I needed some coast path company. Half past seven in the evening, I put on my coat and headed out of the front door into a light drizzle…. Marching right through the middle of the meadows, and on towards Oxford, there is an endless line of really tall pylons. Ian made a claim for the X-Rays. Find the perfect churchill river stock photo. Can be... A pretty bridge and pub featured in Jerome K. Jerome Three Men in a Boat. Late to book did not help. Getting ready for bed, Douglas checks his Fitbit and finds he’s a few hundred steps short of his daily 10,000 step target. The unfortunate consequence of the tree shortening was that two baby magpies became suddenly homeless. Less than a mile later we were back at the car. Willowbrook Farm – River Glyme Loop from Pleasure Gardens. Two reasons. The alarm buzzed very early and I was out of the house at 6am. After that, still fizzing from the exhilaration of the cold water, a short walk along the beach will find you a cafe that’ll happily sell you a sausage sandwich with brown sauce and a coffee. https://www.walkingclub.org.uk/walk/hanborough-to-charlbury Installation of our fiberglass pools is done through an independent dealer. The water may possibly have reached half-way up to their knees. Perfect. 1885: The Royal River - [The Evenlode] seems a poor insignificant stream as it delivers its waters through a reedy mouth to the Thames; but it has itself received the River Glyme, which passes through Woodstock and Blenheim Park, and feeds the large lake, now choked with weeds. Bovisand has a very obvious naval history. None on the green area on the estate. I thought it was rather attractive. When you’re Ian and me, especially now when there is no live music, you get nostalgic for gigs that you’ve been to. The meadow still holds a fair bit of floodwater, left over from the winter rains, and topped up by the downpours of the last few days. The last time we were there we sat in the cafe at the Weston Library and watched Billy Bragg playing songs in support of Larry Sanders*, who in turn was campaigning to support his brother Bernie in his US presidential campaign. Shelving to up to... A small, clear, pretty Cotswold river running through the romantic grounds of the ruins. And the magpies? Difficult. Paleomagnetic poles from other studies are combined with 32 non-transitional poles found here to give a clockwise rotation of the Oregon Plateau of 11.4°± 5.6° with respect to the younger Columbia River Basalt Group flows to the north and 14.5°± 4.6° with respect. It also sounded a bit finchy, with a repetitive call a bit like the opening notes of a chaffinch calling, without bothering to add the flourish that a chaffinch likes to do. 03:33. It’s a beautiful little flower. It’s much harder than it looks, but the lovely lady said not to worry about lumps; just call it Art Yarn! Inevitably he suggests he could go for a wander up and down the corridor. Lots of people did the same. I rode on it once when I was a small child. I’m so old school I’m still using a pedometer given away at work years and years ago. First, I‘ve just finished reading The Salt Path by Raynor Winn. Cheese Wharf is a roadside glade, deep pool in river bend, rope swing, possible to dive in from bank. I am a bit of a bird call geek, and I knew I’d never heard it before. Never mind, this was not a day for a bad mood. This old story is best known in the English-speaking world from the French author Charles Perrault's 1697 version. I found a bee orchid on the nature reserve along the old railway line in Woodstock. Maybe they can come later. Getting to Jennycliff Bay on the edge of Plymouth was much our easiest drive and we were there by nine in the morning. The next day I went out for a walk, and one of my favourite shoes started squawking… it’s been squawking ever since…. By the end of February we have already had more than 700 replies but if you’d like to have your say about why you do or don’t swim in the river, and where you do swim or might if you could, please do click on the link below. There is currently a campaign to save it from being developed into a private home. Easy. He has spent the last few years creating the Dennis Dinneen archive. Local volunteers, including me, helped out. In late 2015 the field became a building site. It’s a bird that is pretty much only found along the South Devon coast and I’ve been hoping to find one since Teignmouth. …We were already flagging when a couple of miles further along the path, a good ten miles into our walk we came to a sign that said we still had four miles to go. Most thrillingly at one point a beautiful female bird hung on the air directly in front of us. After pedalling up St Giles, we took a detour to Summertown to get a black Americano from Colombia Coffee Roasters… my first take away coffee for six weeks, and SO good. The next day he was back, and before long the world’s second tallest elder (wherever that might be) was definitely feeling altogether better about itself. Eventually we arrived at Bigbury about 10.15. I think they expected us to be excited by their sighting, but all I could say was ‘Is it open?’… they laughed and said ‘No, not been open for a good while. The spirit of the seagull somehow placated… I’d be lying. 140 years ago he built the Revelstoke Drive. Brilliant. We asked what they’d seen. The Great Wave off Kanagawa’? We only had time for a short walk today but I was really pleased to be getting so close to crossing the Tamar. Later back at Clarence the caravan we failed to complete the general knowledge crossword in the newspaper. THE mother of a 10-year-old girl who drowned when she was sucked into a river overflow pipe yesterday spoke of her agony over the tragedy. He probably has a Fitbit too. I hoped things might improve. The walls of the bar are covered in black and white photographs, a reminder of a time when Dennis was not only pub landlord but also town photographer. THE mother of a 10-year-old girl who drowned when she was sucked into a river overflow pipe yesterday spoke of her agony over the tragedy. Alerts are also on the River Evenlode from Moreton in Marsh to Cassington and also the River Glyme at Wootton and Woodstock, with river levels expected to be high until later today. Before I found my way back to the bridge over the smelly ditch I was rewarded by a tawny owl calling. Drive down to Grafton Lock (Go down... Water shoes needed for the walking, unless someone can drive you. *The daft thing was we didn’t even realise it was Billy. Sitting in Clarence I checked out the RSPB Bird A-Z and listened first to a chaffinch and then to a cirl bunting. We left them to it, and drove home feeling like we’d at least given the little-uns a chance. Eleanor, even though she was reading a book on management strategy, declined my offer of a ‘nice’ evening stroll so I was on my own.A couple of weeks ago it was still light at this time, but now it was already half an hour past sunset (if there had been a sun around to do any setting). Hopefully there are still bullyheads to catch, but the Whirly, which was a pool on a sharp bend in the river, has silted up and is left to memory. There is no denying that a couple of nights in a slightly weary caravan wasn’t my best airbnb experience but it was all right…. For most of the way to the finish we walked along the wide, even, gently sloping track that he built to drive his carriage along… heading for the Tea House I guess. After choosing to lock down in Oxford in March it’s been one of the things I’ve really missed doing. It was John Boorman’s first film and is a wild caper featuring the band Dave Clark Five charging round the country with actress Barbara Ferris. One early swift dropped in for a while. So, what do you do when you’re worn out and you have a good bit more than an hour’s walking still to do? I should be writing about walking the path into Cornwall. I figured we had about 90 minutes to get there, which did not feel enough. Give them credit, the council are backing a scheme for the Thames through Oxford to be granted Designated Bathing Water Status. River Glyme in Oxfordshire. The first thing I’ve done is create a map of Oxford’s swimming places. One rather beautiful bee orchid has finally woken up. All that before 11 in the morning. The first lovely wee bay you come to is Starehole Cove, a mile or so out of town. It turned out to have been built by Lord Revelstoke, Edward Baring, founder of Barings Bank (think Nick Leeson and rogue trading), as a room with a view to entertain friends. Of an online questionnaire about swimming in the River Glyme at Wootton and Woodstock council to provide better into. 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