The movie ends, but Mi-joo stays seated while the credits roll. I'm still not 100% sold on Dan-ah. She assumes he’s looking for attention and starts to tell him off when her agency president runs up to them, convinced he’s caught them red-handed and dating. She calls him and he breathlessly answers, asking her where she is. Actually I was'nt thrilled with this episode but watching ep 16 and a rewatch of 15 and 16 made the episode much more enjoyable. Right before she saw Seon Gyeom running? Mi-joo’s waiting for Sun-kyum outside the cafe and she stops him to ask how this is their fourth meeting. So refreshing. 28/05/2020 20/04/2020 by Greg Wheeler . He adorably replies that he just feels out of breath. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access Sun-kyum pulls her close, and then leans in for a kiss. As Mi-joo tries to wrap her head around the quick turn of events, Dan-ah clocks their familiarity with each other and asks them with an air of amusement what their deal is. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. Mi-joo watches him laugh, looking utterly smitten. The train has reached its destination. The poster shows the two characters peering together, as copy... Seo In-gook (Hundred Million Stars From the Sky) and Park Bo-young’s (Abyss) new drama has released new posters and stills. There was that one scene of him clenching his fists when Dan-ah was shrugging him off and it made me wonder where they might take his character. Please click the link in that email to complete the email change process. Sun-kyum asks if it was her love of movies that made her want to be a translator. Outside, Sun-kyum tells her that the movie was boring, and she hadn’t even been in it. I just adore the interactions among the leads (not only MiJoo and SeonGyeon, which are specially adorable), love the weirdly weird conversations. Joseon Exorcist premiered this week as an ambitious saguek embedding evil and gory spirits into a fictional retelling of history. If you don’t have a cable subscription, then you can watch the show by subscribing to HBO package on Amazon Prime. The fact that a national athlete can “discipline” a junior because he has no connections and because he’s better than you is really scary. Made me rage. I also know that this was shown as a way to explain why SeonGyeom is changing his life, yet it was really hard to watch. Back at the cafe, Sun-kyum declines to reveal how he knows Mi-joo, so Dan-ah changes her tactic. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page This show does humor well and it cracks me up. Please enter your username or email address. Barely holding back a smile, Mi-joo says that you usually do charity as penance. Two ex-lovers, a married American woman and an aspiring British writer, activate a long-planned escape plan and disappear together for a week. The core of the site is an archive of recaps of each episode of selected dramas, with comments serving as a forum on the episode reviewed. With Dan-ah's attitude, she's so easy to dislike yet somehow there's this feeling of only seeing the tip of the iceberg. At the very end, Mi-joo’s name appears, listing her as the translator. It becomes clear at some point during Run Episode 2 that the show’s essential dramatic question is what it really means to run away. FB.init({ I wonder whether the show's going to equate that to being a terrible mom. On the other hand, it seems as though Sun-kyum has been repressing what he really wants for a long time, which isn’t surprising given his family background. I kept rewinding that scene in my brain for the last week. But the beauty of a story like this is that life keeps going, even after the director yells cut. Master sure scratches the rom-com itch. Sure the guy is quite inestable but he seems really fond of her while she only ignores him. He’s extremely excited to hear that someone liked his painting that much, and he presses her for more information when Mi-joo pops out. On this episode. As Mi-joo rushes off, a newspaper with Sun-kyum’s name plastered across the front page catches her eye. That and the fact that the kid didn't really grow up with his family just sat a bit uneasily with me - but it's early days and maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit with Mom. His next stop is to see his coaches and he immediately tells them he’s assaulted someone. They soon get … Dan-ah reminds her that Mi-joo hadn’t even known his name, then oh-so-casually asks if they met at the police station. I love it. I cracked up so much. He asks if Woo-shik is really okay and Woo-shik pauses for a moment before bursting into tears and shaking his head no. ! So far, the side characters don't feel super tropey. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); drama ep 16, ep 17, ep 18, ep 19, ep 20, Run, Big Bang Scout! “Then you should have asked me about this back then, not now.” Ha. version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 Sun-kyum asks in disbelief if she means it, questioning how she could think of heroes when he assaulted someone. Run On: Episode 14 by abirdword. Love love that they had a throwback to my favourite moments of the whole show that is sun kyum running to mijoo at 9 second speed. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Official Facebook page for, the highest traffic Korean drama site! FB.init({ I was just disappointed that she sat there while her husband abused his kid. I generaly like when the guy is tall and the girl is small but they used the height difference correctly and is really smart. He tells her she should have cleaned it up, and Dan-ah responds by saying he should do it, and wonders without malice if he could cease to exist as well before hanging up. Please enter your username or email address. Connect with Facebook I applaud the writer for making these characters and of course, the cast for giving them life! What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote... Our cohabitating actress and screenwriter might squabble over little things like eating habits and unshut doors, but they're actually quite considerate of each other. Dan-ah is so prickly and doomed are those who displease her, but for those she considers "hers", I think she will be fiercely protective. Get the latest Kdrama episode recaps, reviews and fan ratings here at Dramabeans. What sounds like a typical love story between a runner and a translator turns out to be quite atypical in this first episode of Run On.The cold rich boy is actually a crazy person, and the spunky poor girl is a loser. Back in the present, Sun-kyum asks Dan-ah to make an official announcement that there’s no romance. js.src = "//"; He didn’t understand at all what “making a mistake” she was referring to, and that makes him even more adorable. Mi-joo whispers that she likes theaters because she feels safe inside, but Sun-kyum says that it seems more dangerous since it’s dark and scary. I think Sun-kyum's issue is really interesting, and something that gets explored in dramas. js = d.createElement(s); = id; They have a happy reunion, with Young-hwa congratulating her on successfully resolving her gun case. I love how aware mi joo is that she is attracted to sun kyum's looks and I totally dig it. Sun-kyum assures him that things will be fine. Tae-woong’s back in Dan-ah’s office with a plant peace offering, but his sister’s not there. Would you run away from your spouse and kids for a train ride to Chicago with a teenager sweetheart? The post Run On: Episode 9 appeared first on Dramabeans. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; He sweeps out of the room when she tries to reprimand him. The wheels in Dan-ah’s business brain start turning: companies don’t want to be associated with a violent athlete so that will mean contract cancellations. appId : '127538621120543', She offers double the original price and walks away with her latest acquisition, only just missing the artist behind the painting, Young-hwa. The only thing in the air right now is the plot, but I hope we are set in a more concrete story with ep. Mi-joo asks another question: What does it feel like to run for a living? Dan-ah would be a perfect dislikable second lead but I love her, she’s sassy and blunt and I too want to learn more of her background and the reason why she is so harsh on his little brother. or Deluxe Taxi) featuring its main cast.... Daebak Realty, featuring Jung Yong-hwa (The Package) and Jang Nara (Oh My Baby), has released a new poster and teaser. I’m also really keeping my fingers crossed that Woo-shik gets the justice he deserves. Run On Ep 16 Eng Sub Kissasian And dramacool will always be the first to have the episode so please Bookmark and add us on Facebook for an update!! Woo-shik’s scenes felt especially difficult to watch this episode, more so because we realized that the coaches had been allowing the bullying to happen under the guise of discipline. ... Oh! In the office, Mi-joo smiles to herself when she gets a detailed text with dates and times from Sun-kyum. I really enjoy the interactions between the leads and Dan CEO. It's mid August and we fish Lake Ontario for King Salmon. Mi-joo appears just in time for him to jump to the conclusion Tae-ri’s been two-timed. Here's what happens when the exes finally arrive in Chicago. She playfully shakes her head and calls it a business dinner instead, leading the way out. Gina was dabbing the moist towel on Adam’s head when Henry walked back down the stairs. When some upsetting truths come to light, our hero tries his best to serve his version of justice, but his actions might wind up having some serious consequences. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); With the days dwindling down until the end of the world, our heroes change the future bit by bit in hopes of rewriting history. She informs him that she has to control herself since they’ll be meeting again. The two of them grapple and Sun-kyum emerges from the fight with a bloody lip. Mi-joo whisper-screams at him, asking if he’s crazy. Yes I felt so sick watching the bullying and more than that the coaches attitude. It's cute to see her and Sun-kyum biting each other's heads off then proceed to stand up for each other behind each other's back. She mentioned that she was envious of Sun-kyum having a family and that she only has herself, so I’m guessing there may be a sad history there. And is Im shi wan always this attractive/swoony? dub drama Cantonese, watch Run, Big Bang Scout! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { When? The following Run On Episode 2 English Sub has been released now. Mi-joo’s saved from answering thanks to Dan-ah’s coffee order coming out, heh. It’s Sun-kyum, and Mi-joo’s eyes widen at the sight of him. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { Run Season 1 Episode 2: Kiss Summary: During their first night aboard, Ruby's mind is consumed by sex, while Billy probes for personal details she's reluctant to give up. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { This is not even mild. }; I honestly thought he didn't understand when she got up close to his face, bit he did, he did indeed. Before leaving, Dan-ah stops to straighten a painting hanging on the cafe wall and gets fresh paint on her sleeve. She and Mi-joo actually seem somewhat alike to me. Part of what made Run’s pilot so interesting and alluring was the good sense to withhold not only information, but action. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; We get a glorious slow-mo of Sun-kyum as he gets closer–but he runs on, straight past her. It was nice to see him smile. version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 I can’t help but wonder what it does to someone to always be know as part of someone else, rather than a whole you. ep 11, ep 12, ep 13, ep 14, ep 15, Run, Big Bang Scout! Connect with Facebook Comforted by the fact that her husband believes she's on a weeklong yoga retreat - and determined to make Billy jealous - Ruby brazenly connects with Derek, a stranger on the train. Ugh. FB.init({ They take their seats and the lights dim. Sun-kyum bitterly says he had forgotten that the company was merely a way for Dan-ah to play dress-up, telling her he couldn’t care less what happened to her. “Seriously?”, Still holding her hand, he smiles and replies, “Seriously.”. And sum kyung running towards mi joo. Can’t he even spare time for a meal? fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Lee Chae-young shares what she looks for in a role, non-acting interests, and more, Baek Bo-ram shares her fitness and happiness rituals, Comedian Jang Do-yeon talks de-stressing and some of her current joys in life, Ham Eun-jung talks about what roles she'd like to tackle and her fans, Oh Chang-seok talks about role prep and wisdom for budding actors, Im Jung-eun talks about her rookie days, inspiration, and marriage, Jo Yeo-jung talks work ethics, inspiration, and Parasite, Park Sun-ho talks drama recommendations, singing, and more in this latest Ask an Actor video, You Who Forgot Poetry's Lee Yubi talks about her desert island essentials, poetry, and acting, Taxi Driver serves vigilante justice in new teaser with Lee Je-hoon, Kim Eui-sung, and Esom, Jang Nara scouts Jung Yong-hwa for Daebak Realty, First look at tvN's One Day, Destruction Entered the Front Door of My House. As the two friends talk, we see Sun-kyum having a great training session and outrunning his hoobaes. Even in the scene where the mom says she's the Queen of Cannes in response to the terrible mom comment from the terrible dad, I saw it as her being sarcastic or being fed up about the dad's lack of self-reflection because actually dad is the one who's terrible. He apologizes and Dan-ah’s taken aback but says he must have had a good reason. We’re only two episodes in, but we’ve already gotten a deeper insight into some of the characters’ insecurities and how these insecurities have manifested in their behaviors. The cafe owner apologize profusely but Dan-ah’s more interested in purchasing the painting. When some upsetting truths come to light, our hero tries his best to serve his version of justice, but his actions might wind up having some serious consequences. It feels like a form of respect, both for themselves and for the other. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Where to Stream ‘Run’ Episode 2 Online? It doesn’t work (obviously) and Dan-ah takes the opportunity to ask how Mi-joo met Sun-kyum. They gaze at each other silently for a beat until Mi-joo breaks the tension by stepping away. He grumbles but actually starts cleaning and ends up cutting his finger while he’s at it. Sun-kyum tells her to find someone else she can manage better, since he’s only with her agency because Dan-ah wanted his sister Eun-bi as a client. She stops him to ask how Mi-joo met Sun-kyum wastes no time finding Gyu-duk and punches on. In tears had consoled her the team and he actually performs better than bullies... Though–Mi-Joo comes back to when he spoke about being used to having name... Hello, Mi-joo feigns sleep Release Date Run on Episode 16 ( Final ) by abirdword checks his phone sees! In tears leads has a fast paced banter feel to it and 'm... 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