Enclosure Set-Up: Sunan-March 10, 2020. Texel Guinea Pigs have the same basic needs as other cavy breeds, and they need a clean, spacious, and... Bedding. Texels come in many colours, all solid colours, also brindle and roan. Lifespan: It isn’t often you see one of these awesome breeds! This is, of course, a generalization, and some Texels may be more active than others. The main difference is their long, curly coats, which will require regular brushing and bathing to prevent them from getting knotty. A stunning Guinea pig with long curly fur, a beautiful loving pet for any age Located in Australia on the central coast NSW Despite their awesome appearance, they can fly a bit under the radar. Be sure to buy your Texel from a reputable breeder who can offer you an initial health guarantee, and avoid general pet shops, as it can be difficult to accurately assess the health of these animals. A female is pregnant for about 2 months and commonly has around 2-4 pups per litter. However, grooming a texel guinea pig requires extra effort due to their hair. As we’ve mentioned before, guinea pigs love routine. Some guinea pigs are shy; others are bold and dominant. In the wild, Guineas are omnivorous animals that are known to feed on small insects from time to time. Sitting down with them at the same time each day for a brush-trough could even give them a sense of security and familiarity. Failure to do this may cause debris (from playing outside of the cage) and bedding (from inside the cage) to build up in their coats. If their coats get too long (dragging along the ground), they should be trimmed. They’ll need a light brushing every other day to prevent matting and skin problems and parasites from taking hold. Temperament: Their coat can come in almost any color variety, from solid white to gold, brown, and black, as well as mixed and patterned coats. Texel Guinea Pig Size & Appearance. The Texel Cavy’s Origins. First bred in England in the 80s, the Texel was produced by pairing a Rex with a Silkie. 83 likes. Like the Silkie, the Texel has long hair, but that hair curls instead of being straight. Hair under their jawline and ears are not always present and will vary as well. We would recommend aiming to brush their hair once a day, or at the very least every other day. Coat Colors. 8-10 inches If you have the time to brush their coats every few days and enjoy cavies that are more docile or if you have small children around, Texel Guinea Pigs are an ideal family pet! To this end, various competitive breeding organizations were founded by fanciers. The British Cavy... Nail Clipping. Josh has been raising guinea pigs for over a decade. Featured Image: joanna wnuk, Shutterstock. Texel guinea pigs are a beautiful breed known for their long, luscious fur. Make sure your guinea pig is comfortable with coat trimming. The American Cavy Breeders Association, an adjunct to the American Rabbit Breeders Association, is the governing body in the United States and Canada. The Texel guinea pig comes in a huge assortment of colors – it all depends on genetics! Hair clipping is also an important aspect to consider if you have a texel guinea pig. Texel guinea pigs are relatively new in the guinea pig world, originating in the 1980s, and are a result of a cross between a Rex and a Silkie. What type of brush would you use to groom the texels? Diet: First developed in Britain during the 1980s, the Texel is known for its beautiful long fur that forms gorgeous curls on its body. Like most animals, it’s not really the breed that plays a major role in the personality, as each individual animal is different. Its hair and coat are characterizing it. Most guinea pigs don’t need to take regular baths, but it would be a good idea for a Texel. Find the perfect Texel Guinea Pig stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Because their hair covers the ear, they are likely to have earwax buildup. Texel Guineas are known for their relaxed temperament and generally get along great with other Guinea breeds. One of the main reasons why the Texel guinea pig has become one of the most sought after cross-breeds is because of their long curly coat. Intermediate 71 likes. Danielle’s Texel Guinea pigs, Lisarow, New South Wales, Australia. By 1998, the final iteration of the Texel cavy had been popping up in homes and show competitions everywhere. It’s often described as a state of tranquility, meaning that the breed is not as outgoing. TEXEL GUINEA PIG. Fur Care. Not many people own this breed because they are harder to get than your typical American guinea pig. He's had two Americans, two Abyssinians, and one Silkie Guinea Pig. Family: You can find me on Facebook at rodent country. For Australia and New Zealand, there are the Australian Nation Or, if you have any experiences with raising a Texel guinea pig, we’d love to hear about it. I mean, this isn’t surprising. That being said, many Texel owners report that Texels have a slightly shorter, stockier body than other Guineas. Because of these testimonials, I have gotten from actual owners. Solid, patterned, mix Texel guinea pigs require the same care in terms of food and shelter like any other guinea pig. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(colorFamily.name)}} a guinea pig is eating salad - texel guinea pig stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images . They require a bit more special care than other Guinea varieties due to their luxurious coat, making them a slightly larger responsibility. You can do a little bit at a time, followed by a treat as a reward. They can be fed fruits and vegetables as treats from time to time but do not digest sugar well and are prone to getting obese, so this should be kept to a minimum. Their coats usually drag on the soiled hay, picking up feces and/or soaking up urine. If you have any more questions regarding the Texel Guinea Pig, feel free to use the contact form or just leave a question in the comments section below. These crossbred guinea pigs have become a highly sought-after breed because of their unique and curly long coat. The breed was created by crossing a British Rex with a Silkie Guinea Pig. Is there a version of this breed that keeps a short coat like the baby has? Dry bedding is a must and should be changed regularly to avoid any soiled bedding getting stuck in the long and curly fur of your Texel. Texel guinea pigs come in a variety of colors and are distinct from regular guinea pigs; they have curly, smooth, soft coat. As you can tell by now, these pets are only for the most dedicated pet owners. They have bodies that are shorter than other breeds. And as you might have guessed, their coat is extremely prone to tangling. Texel Guinea Pigs have the same basic needs as other cavy breeds, and they need a clean, spacious, and well-ventilated habitat to live in. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The British Cavy Council governs cavy clubs in the United Kingdom. Happy Cavy Tips, Himalayan Guinea Pig – Ultimate Breed Care Guide. Breeding Guinea Pigs is not difficult, and the same goes for Texel Guineas, but it is the timing that is crucial. The Texel Guinea Pig is similar to a Silkie Guinea Pig, but instead of straight hair, it has curls. Notice: It seems you have Javascript disabled in your Browser. How to groom Texel guinea pig Brushing. Browse 94 texel guinea pig stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. He spends hours on Instagram browsing guinea pigs, wombats, hedgehogs, and Dungeons & Dragons. Another option is to have them walk on smooth bricks inside their cage, which will naturally trim the nails. After cross-breeding a Silkie Guinea Pig with a Rex Guinea Pig, the initial Texel was born. But the good news is the Texel’s diet plan and cage setup (general care) are the same as any other breed of guinea pig, so the focus here is really on the grooming. The entire body is covered with hair, and it sometimes has a natural part in the center of the back. The Texel Guinea Pig is a fairly new breed of Guinea Pig, originating in England in the early 1980s. Texel Guinea Pig – There are several different guinea pig breeds, but one of the newest is the Texel guinea pig. Species Name: It refers to genetic formation and its ability to combine together. PetKeen.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. While these cavies are known to be more docile than their cousins, it’s important to note that all Guineas have unique personalities, no matter the breed, and these personalities become far more apparent as they grow older. Here is one breeder’s take, explaining some basics about the Texel guinea pig breed’s genes: Coat: long or short – designated by “L.” Short coat is dominant and long coat is recessive. Within the following few years, this breed had developed into what the Texel is today through several more crosses. The exact details of the crosses it took to create the curly longhaired Texel are still uncertain. The Texel is another long coated variety of guinea pig, which looks rather like a Sheltie with a perm! Their heads are generally wider and rounded in appearance. The Texel Guinea Pig is also called the “long-haired Sheltie,” which is a somewhat fitting name. It is this coat and their soft and gentle nature that make the breed so popular these days, as well as the fact that they love being handled by humans — provided that they are socialized from a young age. Texel guinea pig is one of the newest breeds of cavies, as it was officially acknowledged by the ACBA in 1998. Paper-based bedding or fleece cage liners are ideal, as wood chips can easily get stuck in their fur too. Some of … If you have the time, coat maintenance can actually be a pleasant part of the day. Think of it as a quiet moment to bond with your guinea pig. Minimum Enclosure Size: Let’s explore some known characteristics: Like the Skinny Pig and the Teddy, the Texel is a relatively new breed that originated from England in the 1980’s. It’s also good practice to give your Guinea a bath at least once a month with fresh clean water. 30×60 inches Texel Guineas do not have many different care needs than other Guinea species, so if you have experience keeping cavies already, Texels are not too much of a change. The Texel guinea pig is another long coated variety of guinea pig, which looks rather like a Sheltie with a perm!Like the Skinny Pig and the Teddy, the Texel is a relatively new breed that originated from England in the 1980’s. Satin Texels are also available and have a shinier, denser coat than their regular Texel counterparts. They were first recognized as a breed in the 1990s. The Texel has a short body with a broad, round head. Chances are, you don’t know much about the Texel cavy (like many other people), and that’s fine. Danielle’s Texel Guinea pigs, Lisarow, New South Wales, Australia. Many people don’t realize this, but guinea pigs have a lot of personality. Nutrition & Safety, Coronet Guinea Pig: Breed Guide & Care Tips, Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumbers? Just be careful the first few times. Knotted fur can also cause mobility issues, which in turn, can cause weight issues if your Guinea does not get enough exercise. The Texel guinea pig is a result of breeding the Silkie guinea pig with the British Rex guinea pig. Guinea pigs are unique. It could take a little while to tame your piggies, patience, attention and love go a long way to achieving a close bond with Guinea Pigs. If they seem uncomfortable, don’t rush it. Do Texel Guinea Pigs Get Along With Other Pets? Compatibility: Grooming need: 25% Attention Seeker: 36% Trainable & Responsive: 90% Good with other pets: 80% Loving ability: 94% Categories: Guinea Pig, Small Animals Tags: Texel guinea pig for sale india, Texel guinea pig for sale india breeder. The curly-haired Texel variety was officially recognized by the American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA) in 1988 and has been growing in popularity ever since, so they can be rather difficult to find! Texel Image Credit: joanna wnuk, Shutterstock. Then repeat the process the next day, with a little more trimming. Rehoming 10 month old purebred red and white texel boar (male) guinea pig. They are extremely cute and have wonderful personalities. Size: Dry bedding is a must and should be changed regularly to avoid any soiled bedding getting stuck in … His coat is currently cut down for low maintenance, it will grow out again if you keep him by himself. Let’s get started! Guinea Pig Housing And Feed . Running your fingers through their coat will not only be a pleasant massage for them, but will also loosen excess hair. Fighting is rare, even among same-sex Guineas, although it does happen at times, so be sure to take the process slowly. Most of the time, the hair on the face will be much shorter than usual so they don’t suffocate in their own coat. The Texel Guinea Pig, also known as the Longhaired Sheltie or Curlies, is the third most popular cavy breed despite it being one of the newest recognized breeds by the American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA). A good water bottle and food dish are essential, as well as a few accessories to keep your Texel mentally and physically stimulated, such as a hide house, chew toys, and a hay rack. However, many Texel guinea pig owners actually say that theirs is actually rather quiet, at least compared to other breeds. Texel Guinea Pig - Photo: Joannawnuk/Shutterstock. The Texel Guinea Pig was recognized in 1988 by the American Cavy Breeders association as a new breed. It is one of the newest breeds of guinea pig, being first recognised in the 1990s. With proper introduction, plenty of toys and food to go around, and adequate space in their enclosure, Texel Guineas are a docile species that generally get along great with other Guineas. One of the main features that makes them more striking than other breeds is their long curly, shiny hair. In captivity, however, they are easy to feed, and good-quality Guinea pellets and fresh timothy hay are plenty for them to get all their required nutrition. We would not recommend a Texel Cavy for a younger child or first-time owner because it requires extensive care and attention to properly raise one. Texel guinea pig is originated from England in 1980. Guineas in the wild are social animals, and as such, they will do far better living in groups of two or three. Regular trimming of the coat is recommended to maintain good hygiene and keep your grooming efforts minimal. All You Need To Know About Breeding Texel Guinea Pig Texel Guinea Pig – There are several different guinea pig breeds, but one of the newest... Teddy Guinea Pig Owners Overview. The Texel breed is a newer guinea pig breed that originated in England in the earlier part of the 1980’s. No one wants that. However, the American Cavy Breeders Association has not recognized the Satin Texels yet. The Texel Guinea Pig is a newer cavy breed, although it has been rapidly growing in popularity in recent years. Texel guinea pigs take their name from a breed of sheep native to the island of the same name in the Netherlands. The Texel guinea pig, also commonly referred to as the ‘long-haired Sheltie’, is a cross between a Silkie and a Rex. The entire body of the Texel is covered in their trademarked curly hair with a part on the back of the coat. Check their ears for wax build-up or infections, both of which can be common due to their long coats. Color Form: And after the American Cavy Breeders Association recognized them as an official breed in 1998, they have increasingly become more abundant and popular within homes across the world. The Texel Guinea Pig is truly a gorgeous cavy with amazing tresses in their coat. Fairly simple The Texel guinea pig is a breed unlike any other. Since the breed has grown so rapidly in popularity, they can be difficult to find at times, and their high demand will naturally drive prices up even higher. It was finally recognized as a separate breed in 1998 and has been continuously increasing its popularity within homes around the world. Cavia porcellus The Texel guinea pig may be a non-self sort of guinea pig. My daughters fell in love at first […]. The hair around their head and face is typically a bit shorter but still has the characteristic curls. AngelOfSadness talk 21:45, 15 October 2007 (UTC) This page was last edited on 15 October 2007, at 21:45 (UTC). The resulting breed has the long coat of the Silkie and the curls of the Rex, producing an irresistible combination of cuteness! They have … Pet Description Pet Details Reviews (0) Pet Description. They also love tunnels to run through, cardboard boxes, and obstacle courses. Eventually, they’ll associate coat maintenance with treats and come to love it. As for facial hair, it varies from cavy to cavy depending on genetics. A Texel guinea pig includes a long coat the flows back over the body. But whatever they were, they clearly worked. Texel Guinea Pigs are well-known to be the most docile of all cavy varieties and are highly amenable to being handled, even by children. It was created after cross-breeding a British Rex Guinea Pig with a Silkie Guinea Pig. It has a wide, round head, and its body is shorter than most of the other guinea pig breeds. I raise them. […] are Texels and will have long soft curly hair. Like with other guinea pigs, make sure to trim their nails about once a month. Rosettes (fur whorls): yes or no – designated by “R.” Rosettes are … Because of their beauty and uniqueness, Texel’s are a popular choice of ‘show’ pig and require a great deal of dedication and commitment to keep them looking their best. Texel Guinea Pig – Features, Origins & Care The Texel Guinea Pig & Their Unique Features. The most striking characteristic of Texel Guineas is the long and curly coat that covers their entire body. Silkia and Rex guinea big was the beginning. They are social animals that do well living together in pairs or more, even with other breeds. 5-10 years Even with all these accessories, your Guinea needs to spend time outside their enclosure as often as possible. The only guinea pig breed that has enough info and sources for it's own article is the Skinny pig article and so this will be left as it is. Hair clipping. One look at this breed and you can’t help but fall in love. Depending on the breeder and availability in your area, Texel Guineas can go from anywhere between $20-$50 or up to $75 in some cases. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures) →. Texel guinea pig for sale. They are so soft and sweet. Texel guinea pigs are long-haired piggies, with curly soft hair that appears in ringlets down their back. The ACBA couldn’t ignore this increasingly popular breed and finally recognized it in their association. If you’d like to know more about this unique cavy breed, you’ve come to the right place! This is largely due to their beautiful long and curly coat, friendly and docile nature, and patient demeanor. This feature was not easy to be achieved by breeding of different guinea pig types, because not all guinea pigs types can breed together. Gentle, affectionate, calm, friendly Texel Guinea Pig They’ll need a cage of at least 30×60 inches in size or larger if you have more guineas. Tangles are common, so expect to carve out some time every day to brush out their coats. They will nurse from the mother initially but are known to begin eating hay shortly after birth. The Texel originated in england within the 1980s once a Silkie guinea pig was crossed with a Rex guinea pig. Care Level: Texel guinea pig < image 1 of 1 > QR Code Link to This Post. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures). If you plan to get a Texel guinea pig as your next pet, you are in the right place. Safety & Nutrition, Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cauliflower? longhair texel guinea pig - texel guinea pig stock pictures, … How to Take Care of Texel Guinea Pigs Habitat. Here you’ll learn their unique characteristics, where they came from and how to care for this superb breed. A stunning Guinea pig with long curly fur, a beautiful loving pet for any age Located in Australia on the central coast NSW With the export of guinea pigs to Europe in the 15th century, the goal in breeding shifted to focus on the development of appealing pets. Contents. The face has shorter hair, and there may or may not be longer curls below the ears and lower jawline. The Texel Guinea Pig is a long-haired breed that boasts luxurious curls making it really stand out from other breeds. They are docile in personality and nature and are not as active as their short-haired cousins, making them easier to handle and play with outside of their cage. Moderate. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is a rare and unique breed of longhair guinea pig characterized by their curls. Texel guinea pigs need daily brushing to keep their long curly hair tangle-free. Make sure you check and clean their ears every so often. Texels are a mix between Shelties and Rexes, and they have dense, matted fur that can be a beast to maintain. Female Guineas are sexually mature at as young as 1-2 months old and need to be no older than 10 months old to naturally give birth — any older and she will likely need a C-section. It’s important to introduce new members slowly, however, as males will attempt to assert their dominance in the presence of any new males. A Texel guinea pig has a long coat the flows back over the body. Trimming the backside is needed to avoid exposure of the coat to urine. In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment: 0d8379064267a64a47e523cb8f2c963e, The Texel Guinea Pig & Their Unique Features, Can Guinea Pigs Eat Asparagus? The most important aspect of Texel Guinea Pig health is keeping their long coats brushed, clean, and knot-free. Watch out: out of all the guinea pig breeds, it’s the Texel that needs the most grooming. As with any breed of Guinea, make sure they have constant access to fresh, clean water. Due to the nature of the Texel’s coat, they require consistent grooming on a daily basis. You could even say it’s as if doesn’t it necessarily needs you because it has enough in itself. If you have the time and commitment, then this breed would be perfect for you to show off to your friends, families and possibly show competitions. We will get to your question as soon as possible! The Texel is similar in appearance to the Silky Guinea Pig, but instead of the Silky’s characteristic straight, long coat, the Texel’s coat is uniquely curly. This unique coat is the reason why there have been so many creative Texel Guinea Pig names floating around. The Texel guinea pig is a newer breed among the 13 available and known breeds of guinea pigs. Although it’s true that the Texel has slightly longer hair than the Silkie/Sheltie breed, the former has curly long hair as opposed to the latter’s straight long hair. They can certainly be cute, happy addition to your family. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this long-haired Guinea Pig and provide a general overview of what they’re all about. As many Texel owners will tell you, they are a rather mischievous breed and can get into trouble if left to their own devices! Texel Guinea Pigs do not have any special nutritional requirements compared to other breeds. They are a high maintenance guinea pig, and aren’t counseled as a primary guinea pig. White Crested Guinea Pig | Breed Info &... Baby Guinea Pigs – The Owner’s Care Guide. Guinea pig food and timothy hay Talk:Texel guinea pig. Of course, they should be socialized early and handled gently at all times. An avid animal lover, Roland started this blog to help all varieties of pets and their owners on their journey to living their best lives. $60 rehoming fee. Their fur should be carefully brushed every day using a soft brush to remove any muck or dirt. A Texel Guinea Pig is advised best-suited for an experienced Cavy owner— with the prerequisites of more responsibilities due to their hair variant. This is a beautiful animal, and we want to give you some insight into how to breed them. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Similar to other long-haired cavies, Texels are generally more tranquil than short-haired varieties, although they are known to have a mischievous streak too! They are just adorable, and it is lovely to have them near you in your home. Just because two guinea pigs look the same doesn’t mean they’ll act the same. Select from premium Texel Guinea Pig of the highest quality. 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