the gate ii: trespassers
For the most part though, this is as wildly inventive a sequel as one could ever really hope for. Rating: 5.5/10 Four teens summon forth a diminuitive, demonic minion from The Other Side to do their bidding and grant their wishes, but of course, they must all ultimately pay the price... 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Movie Help. Synopsis: It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. When a horror film buff tries to warn his friends spending spring break in a house in the woods of impending danger, they scoff at him, that is, until a huge mutant frog starts to pick them up one by one. A third film could’ve been cool and may have made more money as a straight-to-video release in the ’90s. The mythology driving this plot deviation is never too well explained, but there are several great moments as he manages to capture one such demon and keep it in a cage (the special effects for the creature are phenomenal). The Gate II: The Trespassers Synopsis. [6], "Movie Reviews : More Teen Demonology In Sequel to 'The Gate,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 March 2021, at 16:38. Gate 2: The Trespassers Synopsis: It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. John and Moe have metamorphosed into demons. United States, Canada, 1990. A French restaurant scene is especially funny as two bullies who have stolen the creature see their wishes turn inside out, one of them having to wipe away excrement that used to be money, while the other finds his face oozing like crazy - all this much to the bafflement of the posh restaurant staff. The Gate II: Trespassers (original title) R | 1h 33min | Fantasy, Horror, Comedy | 28 February 1992 (USA) 1:08 | Trailer. His father, once a proud airline pilot, has given up the bottle and netted a job flying for a major carrier. Liz burns an effigy of her car pin to make a real one, and John and Moe create money and go pigging out at a fancy restaurant after stealing the minion and trashing Terrence's house. [4], Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the film "doesn't generate as much fun and excitement as the original", but it is likely to enjoyed by fans of The Gate. He is interrupted by three other teens who also broke into the house. A wax museum owner uses his horror exhibits to unleash evil on the world. Is The Gate II: Trespassers worth watching? 369. It is also the first in a small series of albums released by Iceman from 1999 until their official departure from the Japanese music scene in 2003. 1 VIDEO | 17 IMAGES. If something doesn't work for you, let us know. 01_The Gate_Front.png (1.2 MB) 02_The Gate_Front.png (1.0 MB) 02_The Gate_Screen00.png (930.2 KB) 01_The Gate_Screen00.png (921.6 KB) 02_The Gate_Screen02.png (850.1 KB) 01_The Gate_Screen02.png (696.9 KB) 02_The Gate_Screen01.png (543.6 KB) Horror, Fantasy. Read Full Synopsis Cast + Crew Previous Cast Members More Cast Members. Take a look ahead at some of our most anticipated superhero series arriving in 2021 and beyond. Seeing Liz and Terry together, they state, "Who needs chicks, when you got demons!" They kidnap Liz to sacrifice her. Director. 4.8 (1,982) In the sequel to the 1987 hit movie, The Gate, we are brought back into the Lovecraftian world of interdimensional demons summoned by a group of naive kids, who are attracted … While it never once achieves the pure creepiness of the original, this inevitable sequel to 'The Gate' is more palatable than one might expect. It was directed by Tibor Takácsand was a co-production between the United States and Canada. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to demoniac possession and near world domination. The Gate II: Trespassers (1992) Bunny Lake is Missing (1965) Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round (1966) Jason and the Argonauts (1963) Face (2004) Bunshinsaba (2004) Breaking News (2004) Witness to Murder (1954) The Terminal (2004) No Contest! Terrence breaks into Glen's old house and begins the ritual to summon the demons and grant him the power to get his father's life back on track. 90. [2], The film was released on VHS in the US later in 1992 by Columbia Tristar Home Video. Where to Watch. A group of survivors try to avoid the battles of World War III; when they try to escape to the quiet lands, they encounter something much more deadly. It’s not often in horror that the director of the original returns for a second go around with a sequel, but that’s exactly what Tibor Takacs did with THE GATE. I know it features Terry, who was my favourite character from the original. Class of 1987: Director Tibor Takács Reflects on His Coming-of-Age Horror Fairy Tale The Gate, The top 10 must see, upcoming horror movies. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to demoniac possession and near world domination. It is revealed after the credits that Terrence's hamster, that had been sacrificed by John to open the portal has also been brought back to life and exits the coffin. The Gate II: Trespassers Synopsis. Four teens summon forth a diminuitive, demonic minion from The Other Side to do their bidding and grant their wishes, but … It's been 5 years since Terry's friend opened the gates of hell in his backyard. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to demoniac possession and near world domination. 1990. The Gate And The Gate II Trespassers - Horror 1987-1990 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4] Cover Art - Screens. After they leave, John and Moe also emerge from the coffin. Movie Help. I loved the The Gate and was shocked to find out about a sequel. After Midnight (2021) Santo vs. the Strangler (1963) Red Christmas (2016) PG (Psycho Goreman) (2021) White Cannibal Queen (1980) Grim Reaper (2007) Thousand Oaks, CA 91362, USA [email protected] View production, box office, & company info. Watch The Gate II Trespassers - YouTube - [{***"TV%NET@Films¤Cinéma#Music&Trailer`WEB"] on Dailymotion 1992; 1 hr 35 mins R Watchlist. Visions of a deceased girl and her doll bring doom to the visitors of a deserted house. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Pamela Adlon Simon Reynolds James Kidnie Gerry Mendicino Elva Mai Hoover Louis Tripp James Villemaire Neil Munro Irene Pauzer Larry O'Brey Mark Saunders Todd Postlethwaite Edward Leefe Layne Coleman Anita Olanick Carl Kraines Andrea Ladányi. Be careful what you wish for is the theme of The Gate II: Trespassers. Beth Pasternak. The Gate II: Trespassers (also known as Gate II: Return to the Nightmare) is a 1990 horror film and a sequel to the 1987 film The Gate. The minion gets loose and attacks the boys, infecting them both. Use the HTML below. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to demoniac possession and near world domination. Posted by 1 day ago. Much of the same thematic mood, makeup effects, and stop motion are used in … The problem is wishes don’t last or turn out quite as you hope. The house hasn't been touched and very abandoned ever since. Tibor Takács. Unfortunately the film looses its way towards the end with an over-the-top ancient ritual battle/climax that lacks the subtlety of the film's earlier special effects; the upbeat ending is also terribly jarring. Louis Tripp reprises his role as Terrence "Terry" Chandler, a teenager who opens a gate to Hell. The Gate II is a sequel that didn’t need to be made but it does justify its existence by taking things in a fresh direction. Previously Liz and Terrence imbued an old jewelry box belonging to his mother as a vessel of light to destroy the darkness. Make Up 1 Credit. [5] TV Guide rated it 2/4 stars and called it "an extended, updated riff" on traditional fairy tales about the dangers of wish fulfillment. This movie follows up with the best friend character, Terry, five years after the events of the first film. The Gate II: Trespassers is the 1990 sequel to the 1987 movie The Gate, which starred a young Stephen Dorff. Gate 2: The Trespassers The Gate II: Trespassers (also known as Gate II: Return to the Nightmare) is a 1990 horror film and a sequel to the 1987 film The Gate. Los Angeles Office. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. The next day, Terrence finds that his wish has seemingly come true. The film also manages to achieve lots of laughs thanks to some deft black comedy as it turns out that all the wishes the creature grants are only ever temporary. Was this review helpful to you? The new owner of a sinister house gets involved with reanimated corpses and demons searching for an ancient Aztec skull with magic powers. Written by In 18 lists, 91 checks, 0 favorites, 9 dislikes Η Πύλη των Τεράτων: Επιστροφή στον ΕφιάλτηThe Gate II- The Gate II: Trespassers (1990) Ο Τέρενς Τσάντλερ είναι ένας νέος που διαφέρει από τους άλλους. Try green! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. The Gate II: Trespassers - Full Cast & Crew. Is The Gate II: Trespassers worth watching? Terrence dies. András Hámori John Kemeny. Chaos ensues after a troubled teenager (Louis Tripp) summons a demon from hell that grants wishes. It has been five years since Terry (now known as Terrence) and his friend, Glen, accidentally opened up the Gate in Glen's back yard and the two of them and Glen’s older sister Al had to fight demonic forces to close the Gate. Read Full Synopsis Cast + Crew Previous Cast Members More Cast Members. The portal to the great beyond is momentarily opened again and a minion makes his way through to bedevil and infect three of four teens bent on satisfying their baser instincts. Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for The Gate II: Trespassers (1992) - Tibor Takács on AllMovie - This sequel to the dreadful but creative 1987… and "Gate II: Return to the Nightmare"). A teenage girl begins receiving black magic power through an antique mirror that drips blood, not realizing the mirror is controlled by demonic forces. Cast. But alas, The Gate‘s story ended here. It survives, so Terrance opts to keep it in a cage as a pet. 6. The Gate is a name referring to the hellish interdimensional portal between the world of the living and the unholy world of the Demons, and it is the main plot element of the titular 1987 independent, supernatural horror movie The Gate and it's 1990 sequel The Gate II: Trespassers (also known as "Gate II: Trespassers", "Gate II". Producers. Kids, left home alone, accidentally unleash a horde of malevolent demons from a mysterious hole in their suburban backyard. Louis Tripp reprises his role as Terrence "Terry" Chandler, a teenager who opens a gate to Hell. When Terry’s friend Glen moved away, he left the gate to hell he discovered in his back yard unguarded. The Gate II: Trespassers starts two years after the events of the original & sees Terry Chandler (Louis Tripp) disillusioned & depressed with life, his mother has committed suicide, his father is distraught, lost his job & drinking heavily, oh & Terry still looks like a geek which doesn't help. Terrence is brought to the dark world, greeted by the demonic John and Moe and given the task of killing Liz to complete darkness after metamorphosing into a demon as well. This FAQ is empty. Writer. This site was designed with the .com While John and Moe are content to ridicule Terrence, John's girlfriend, Liz is extremely interested in demonology and convinces her two friends to join Terrence in completing the ritual. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Directed by. [3] It was directed by Tibor Takács and was a co-production between the United States and Canada. Synopsis. A.k.a. It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. Title: It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. When Liz comes over later, they discover they can use the Minion to grant any wish they want, but with dire consequences. THE GATE II: THE TRESPASSERS (1990) Directed by Tibor Takács Written by Michael Nankin Starring Louis Tripp, Simon Reynolds, James Villemaire, Pamela Adlon, Neil Munro, James Kidnie. Alone, Terrence finds the Minion's body and takes it home. Chaos ensues after a troubled teenager (Louis Tripp) summons a demon from hell that grants wishes. This channel was generated automatically by YouTube's video discovery system. In October 2017, Scream Factory announced their intention to release The Gate II on Blu-ray on February 20, 2018. Gate 2: The Trespassers [VHS]: Louis Tripp, Simon Reynolds, James Villemaire, Pamela Adlon, Neil Munro, James Kidnie, Irene Pauzer, Larry O'Brey, Elva Mai Hoover, Gerry Mendicino, Mark Saunders, Todd Postlethwaite, Bryan England, Tibor Takács, Ronald Sanders, Andras Hamori, H. Gordon Woodside, John Kemeny, Peter Bray, Michael Nankin: Movies & TV © 2014 by Electric Films. The Gate II: Trespassers (1990) is part 2 of 2 in the Gate series. (1990). Gate 2: The Trespassers. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to demoniac possession and near world domination. Michael Nankin and Tibor Takács (who wrote and the directed the first film) smartly take the material in a refreshing new direction here with a now older Terry willfully re-summoning the demons under the belief that he can manipulate them to grant wishes. Έχει σαν χόμπι την μελέτη αποκρουστικών βιβλίων. It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. Close. A family takes delivery of a new television set, unaware that it is the gateway by which killer zombies enter the world. The Gate II: Trespassers. Otherworldly creatures are released from the bootleg tunnels underneath a small-town mining community, and begin chomping on the locals. Terry, kamarád Glena z prvního dílu, pronásledován vzpomínkami na hrůzné zážitky při otevření Brány do pekla a vypuštění prastarého démona, se rozhodne démony znovu vyvolat a spoutat… Craig Reardon. Even so, when I popped in Gate II, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious.After all, this was released five years later, and I was afraid that Tibor Takacs had forgotten what made the last movie as memorable as it was. Tibor Takács. The Gate II opened in 350 theaters in the US on February 28, 1992, and grossed $2 million. It was directed by Tibor Takács and was a co-production between the United States and Canada. Costumes 1 Credit. Terrence fights for himself, to save Liz and hurls the box into the gate. In a panic, John pulls out his revolver and shoots it, then storms off with his friends in tow. Terrence brings a Minion (one of the small creatures that ran amok previously) through the Gate." The Gate II Trespassers (1990) 1080p.BluRay.x264 by Helljahve SAMPLE.mkv +1; Resolution 1920 × 1036; Time 1:21; Size 136 MB; Does your blue player not work? It explodes with light and they are transported back to Earth. 1 hr 30 min. Check out our gallery of the 2021 Oscar nominees in the leading and supporting acting categories, as the characters they so brilliantly played and in real life. Glen, Al and their parents family has moved away, and Terrence's broken family has grown worse. The Gate II: Trespassers (also known as Gate II: Return to the Nightmare) is a 1990 horror film and a sequel to the 1987 film The Gate. Terry (Louis Tripp) is still studying sorcery and is now in highschool. Add the first question. A brother and sister arrive in a small town to help their relatives run an amusement park, and they find the town is terrorized by a local street gang. The Gate (1987) The Gate II: Trespassers (1990) MORE HORROR. Gate II is the third album released by Japanese pop rock trio Iceman on May 21, 1998. A reporter investigating the bizarre death of a woman who leaped from a building in flames finds herself mixed up in a cult of witches who are making her part of their sacrificial ceremony during the Christmas season. After the funeral service for Terrence ends, he emerges from the coffin and Liz and Terrence kiss. It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. 2060-D E. Avenida De Los Arboles. Louis Tripp reprises his role as Terrence "Terry" Chandler, a teenager who opens a gate to Hell. The Gate has got to be one of the cheesiest horror movies I've ever seen, but that's a big part of the reason I loved it so much, and I'm far from alone in that opinion. Volné pokračování hororu Vrata do podsvětí (The Gate) z roku 1987. Still grieving over his mother's death, and with his dad wallowing in alcoholism, Terrence finds himself increasingly drawn to the evil portal and the power it possesses. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to … General information for The Gate II: Trespassers (1990). Proudly created with FILM BOX TELEVIZIJA. A vessel of light to destroy the darkness has given up the bottle and netted a job for. Vrata do podsvětí ( the Gate II on Blu-ray on February 20,.... 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