), (Laura unplugs the furnace and the fire goes out.). Mr. Nezzer: Thank you for attending today's festivities. Larry: I'll be right there! Rack, Shack, Benny and all co-workers: We all need a vacation! I'll sit on my sofa and eat bunnies all day. Oh auntie em. Look over here! I'll be right back. Watch the cucumber. Mr. Nezzer: Well, that about does it. I'd like to get out now. Larry: Oh, Bob, Bob, Bob! Mr. Nezzer: Do you go along? Right, Bob. Mr. Nezzer: Hmm? I don't want no buddies to come out and play. While I try to get Larry out of the sink, I want you to listen to a story about three boys named Rack, Shack, and Benny who in a pickle just like yours. Rack, Shack and Benny: Will stand with you. Bob: Yeah, but you can't see where you're going. A new streaming service for your CHRISTIAN FAMILY. What would happen? Hey, let's see if Qwerty has a verse for us. Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Shack: But sometimes I'm playin' with a buddy or two, they're doing things I know I'm not supposed to do. Shack: You know. Larry: Miren al pepino. That's awfully nice so you've given away all those bunnies. What did you learn, Larry? Larry: Oh, what a pickle! ... Free song lyrics from Veggie Tales, for example A Message From The Lord, Baby Baby & Big House. (As soon as the furnace and controls are plugged back in, the fire --in the furnace-- starts going again. But we better hurry, I think the drawrves have your mother confused with someone else. Bob: Watch the cucumber. But to show you what kind of guy I am, I’ll ask you one more time. We shouldn't eat too much candy because it's not very good for us. (he sees the angel) And the fourth one is real shiny. Rack, Shack and Benny: They taught us stand. Bob? Mr. Lunt: Actually boss. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. The bunny, the bunny. top 100 Larry's High Silk Hat VeggieTales. Vacation time, drive time or any time, these 25 Favorite ... Something To Sing About! Look over here! What do you say we pop in and let them show their appreciation? Thank you, Bob. It's almost time for the ceremony. This stuff's all the sissies the bunnies are cool. Look at the tomato. Bob: No comprendo? I was hoping you'd ask. Mr. Nezzer: Attention, little people. NOTE: Actions and character names are in German. (Laura quickly plugs the furnace back in. Bob: Hi kids, and welcome to VeggieTales. Of course no one would remember those, so we took to calling them Rack, Shack and Benny. Dad! Singing cucumber, singing cucumber, singing cucumber. VeggieTales × Credits release date: ... Larry: "No comprendo." Shack: Know that wherever you are, it is never too far. Mr. Nezzer: You're back! Since you're about Junior's Executives I want you to see it first. Kids will love this fun sticker-by-number craft! Free and smooth. If you think of me, I'll be with you. Mr. Lunt, get them their ties. Wishing to sing as he. Only Sane Man: On the rare occasion that Bob isn't playing this role, it's Junior. Anyways, they came with a bunch of other boys and girls as Mr. Nezzer sent them to work at his chocolate factory. This time anyway. Now Dexter says that sometimes when he's at his friend Billy's house, Billy wants to watch this TV show that Dexter's not supposed to watch. Mr. Nezzer: Boys, have I got a surprise for you. Dance of the Cucumberis the thirdSilly Songs with Larry. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. See more ideas about veggietales, veggie tales, silly songs. Maybe they're stuck. Laura: I SAID, "NOBODY BAKES MY BUDDIES"! 2nd Thessalonians 2:15. chasing a mouse. George: Well, what do you know. I understand...! Larry: "No comprendo." George: Rack, Shack & Benny will be right back after this short break. I think that tomato is sitting. Everybody's doing it. Can you ever forgive me. I have announcement. Laura: Are you crazy?! Mr. Nezzer: Oh if I could just see to look for their faces right now. But we’d better hurry — I think the dwarves have your mother Pea: Exuse me, Mr. Lunt, but I've got an injury. TAKE THEM TO THE FURNACE! Bob: Right. Laura: Good morning, George, how are you? They’re your favorite produce family! Dad! Jr.: "Mom! Benny: Well, that's where the bad bunnies go. Shack: For what you believe in, believe in, believe in God. Shack: Why don't you remember what your parents taught us? Larry: (facing the opposite way) Yeah, Bob? In The VeggieTales Bible, Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucum... Little girls will love keeping track of their most import... Parents Speak. Read or print original Dance Of The Cucumber lyrics 2021 updated! Mr. Nezzer: (smiles) Oh, that was wonderful. I'm gonna be singing that song myself...! It is with great pleasure that I present to you the object of our affection, your new best friend, the bunny! Later, Larry derides Bob as unable to sing, and Bob chases him off, yelling "Come here and let me sing ''you'' a song!" How sweet his voice. Bob: Larry, you know how I feel about that song. oh how smooth his motion. I don't love my soup or my bread just the bunny. In Observance Of Good Friday, Any Orders Placed On Friday, April 2nd, will not be shipped until Monday, April 5th. Strong and sweet like a cucumber. We listen. I'll show you 'No comprendo'!" I'll sit on my sofa and eat bunnies all day. Come on boys? My mommy always taught me to do what was right. Mr. Nezzer: (understands and smiles) I understand, boys. Mr. Nezzer: I didn't expect for that woman. It made me, it made me bump into the toaster and then fall into the sink, and now I can't get out of here. I'll show you 'No comprendo'!" Bob the Tomato will translate. Bob: "No comprendo? 2 God Wants Me To Forgive Them!?! Don't you read VeggieBeat magazine? What's all they have to do with Rack, Shack & Benny? I don't want no buddies to come out and play. Junior: Mom! Hold tight to what I say, and I'll be close to you even from far away. You noticed my new hat. It's so hard to run with the sombrero, on my head. Benny: Um, I think I'm familiar with that particular tune. That bunny song was chock full of stuff they knew was wrong. The only day I was thinking about the Nezzer chocolate bunny, thinking about how wonderful the bunny is, how beautiful the bunny is, and I thought to myself I thought. Now Dexter knows that it's a bad show, but Billy says that if he doesn't watch it, it means he's not cool! A big bag o' bunnies is all that I need. Dad! Our parents taught us to stand up for what you believe in. I don't want to play on a day that is sunny, I just want a play on the fork on the bunny. I don't want no heath food when it's time to feed. Those three guys! You know, Dexter. THE ONLY PLACE TO WATCH NEW VEGGIETALES A safe place for your family to watch new VeggieTales plus 1,000s of hours of FAITH FILLED shows where characters are role models and your family will want to watch it again (and again!) Look over here! I gave everything that I ha-a-a-d, for the bunny. Mr. Lunt, is there anything you can do about that? Say, if someone didn't quite agree with everything in that song, so they didn't, um... didn't sing it. Announcer: And now it's time for silly songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. I let you eat my bunnies! On the VeggieTales CD The Singing Christmas Tree, he's the only one to realize that the 'tree' is structurally unsound and in danger of collapse. Even though, I didn't see anything. To celebrate this momentous occasion, for the next 32 minutes, everyone can eat as many bunnies you want. We'll get back to that later. This adorable Doodle Sketch makes drawing fun and easy! Get a picture of me next to the cucumber ... top 100 The Yodeling Veterinarian Of The Alps VeggieTales. Mr. Nezzer: Because it's small, it's a little bunny. Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber, along with their VeggieTales friends, help kids with their problems using their own fun and wacky stories. Bob: "No comprendo? Announcer: This has been silly songs with Larry. Dad: "Okay, Junior. 1 Lyrics 2 Fun Facts 2.1 Trivia 2.2 Inside/Real World References 2.3 Goofs 3 Gallery 4 Music Video Announcer: And now it's time for "Silly Songs with Larry," the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. You see, even though our parents aren't here right now to help us to what's right. The Dance of the Cucumber originally known as Dance of the Cucumber is the third Silly Song with Larry.It was featured as the "Silly Song" in the fourth episode, Rack, Shack and Benny. But what about Uncle Louie's polka party. Benny: If you remember what your parents say. Wiki. Larry: Oh there you are. Oh I was wrong to try to make you do things you weren't supposed to do. Larry: Just a minute! 3 Asparagus Singers: I don't want no pickles, I don't want no … This is the look! A big bag o' bunnies is all that I need. But when I think of a song, my mom used to think of me a long time ago. Bob the Tomato will translate. The part of the show where Larry comes out to sing a silly song. Type song title, artist or lyrics ... Larry: "No comprendo." That's the wrong song! Dance of the Cucumber is the silly song from Rack, Shack, and Benny. And Bob the Tomato will translate. 3 Are You My Neighbor? Look over here! Bob: "No comprendo"? Junior: Mom! we start at 8 and we don't get lunch til 3. And that saying something, so his britches will break out to start out with. BUT THIS IS YOU REPAY ME!? We work the whole week through to make a buck or two, so we can send them home to our families. I ask myself, why don't they love it as much. Larry will be performing the traditional argentinian ballad, "The Dance of the Cucumber", in its original spanish. It was a bright and sunny day in Bumblyburg... until Dr. ... Sweet Sara Crewe has everything a little girl could want ... A VeggieTales Classic -- Meet Madame Blueberry as she lea... VeggieTales presents All the Shows Volume 3! Yes, that's the book for me...and you! all the vegetables. Do you know why. Rack: Ahem. But now that the vegetable stars have hit network television, they can't speak as freely as they once did, and that's got the Parents Television Council steamed. He wishes he could dance like the cucumber, free and smooth. And now it's time for "Silly Songs with Larry", the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song.
Larry will be performing the traditional Argentinian ballad, "The Dance of the Cucumber" in its original Spanish. Y aunque no nos guste admitir, la … Credit goes to @IanandArt-Back-Up-3 for the Esther Swatch No. If you think of me, I'll be with you. Larry: Oh yes, they're all the rage, simply everyone's wearing them. Why, I'm George! Get a picture of me next to the cucumber in authentic Argentinian garb!" So Dexter, the next time you go to Billy's house. This is just model: the real bunny is 90 feel tall. like butter. Shack: Remember how our parents said that God was always watching out for us? like a lion. (Larry arrives, wearing a mitt on his head). Bob: "No comprendo? Get a picture of me next to the cucumber in authentic Argentinian garb!" The bunny, the bunny, yeah I ate the bunny. Bob: If you stand on that end of it and I jump onto the other end, it'll fling you out of there. I'm standing. FAITH FILLED SHOWS YOUR FAMILY WILL LOVE! Isn't it sad? The bunny. Mr. Nezzer: (laughing evilly). 1 Save Your TearsThe Weeknd. Dad! (gets furious) ...WHEN I THROW YOU INTO THE FURNACE! I'll show you "no comprendo"! Bob: Okay, Larry. The Wise Pig Built His House Upon the Rock! Silly Songs with Larry: Silly Songs com Larry (1st dub)/Canções Divertidas com Larry (2nd-3rd dubs) The B-I-B-L-E! "Stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you". The bunny, the bunny. And if they don't sing it, Mr. Nezzer says he's gonna throw them in the furnace. From Episode 4--Rack, Shack, and Benny ... Larry: "No comprendo." The breath from his throat is like a chorus of little birdies. Get a picture of me next to the cucumber our best Argentinian garb. Mr. Lunt: Oh yes, we work real hard at the chocolate factory! Benny: And God wants us to do what's right. Larry!! Dad! Who am I? I know our parents aren't here right now. Bob! Mr. Nezzer: But I'm sure that won't happen. Come out of there. Can you tell me what the trouble is? 46 Episodes Shop Today! Mr. Lunt: Hey, look. About to eat. Well, Rack, Shack and Benny learned that standing up for what they believe in was pretty hard, but it was worth it. we hope the day is near, until then you'll find us here at the Nezzer Chocolate Factory! Larry: Not yet. One more thing, boss. But we'd better hurry--I think the dwarves have your authentic Argentinean garb/ Dad: Okay, Junior. Dad! The white light turns out to be a fourth man and it is an angel.). Look over here! Did you just love me so. Sing, sing, yeah. Mr. Lunt? If you don't plug that back in, you're gonna be in big trouble! Watch these stories come to life and laugh along with the whole VeggieTales gang! Larry: No comprendo. They ain't burning up. These are the transcripts for the original German dub of VeggieTales. I'll show you 'No comprendo'!" Rated 5 STARS by thousands of parents! Hear his strong voice. Better hold that thought, the ceremony's startin'. Announcer: And now it's time for "Silly Songs with Larry," the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. I can't let you cook my buddies! But this afternoon, everybody needs a new bunny, and it's gonna be a beautiful thing when everybody bows down and sings, The Bunny Song. Bob the Tomato will translate. You mean I let them eat my bunnies, and in return they all wanna play hooky?! Mr. Lunt: Wait, boss. If we remember what they taught us, it's kinda like they're here. Remember, God made you special and he loves you very much. I bet you call it Mr. Nezzer. Will you, or will you not, sing the song? Shack: Hey guys, I don't think we should eat any more bunnies. Mr. Nezzer: Hm-mm. Dance of the Cucumber is the third Silly Song with Larry. Well I still haven't been able to get Larry out of the sink. Rack, Shack and Benny: For what you believe in, believe in, believe in God. Mr. Nezzer: Oh, thanks. VeggieTales is an American Christian computer generated musical children's animation and media franchise created by Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki under Big Idea Entertainment.The series is centred around fruit and vegetable characters retelling Christian stories from the Bible, with episodes presenting life lessons according to a biblical worldview.. Goodbye. No Indoor Voice: Until around Lyle the Kindly Viking, where his voice gets a little bit softer and quieter. They don't look sick. Like a lion. I'm gonna be stuck here forever, the people are gonna set plates on my head and I'm never gonna get to go to the circus or run through the fresh-cut grass or feel the ocean breeze on my hair as I pilot my nimble schooner, Felix off the coast of our family home in Kennebunkport. Bob: Um, Larry, you've got an oven mitt on your head. I hope he doesn't catch me. This stuff's all the sissies the bunnies are cool. To wash behind my ears and try to be polite. I don't love my soup or my bread just the bunny. Later, Larry derides Bob as unable to sing, and Bob chases him off, yelling "Come here and let me sing ''you'' a song!" If you think of me, I'll be with you. Mr. Nezzer says that we could eat as bunnies as you want". Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? 1 CD. I'll see you out there. Their real names were uh, let me see if I can get this right. I put an oven mitt on my head just because VeggieBeat Magazine said it will make me cool. Say, "Peas". Shack: Rack, Benny, listen to me. Listen to the cucumber. Can't even whistle...All right, senor, come over here and let me sing YOU a song. Those three guys over there. Well, what do you think? Jr.: "Mom! When all their friends were doing things that were wrong, Rack, Shack and Benny remember what their parents had taught them, and that God wanted them to do what was right. George: Now this was a pickle. Mr. Nezzer: Rack, Shack, Benny. Mr. Lunt: Well, it looks like four guys in there now. Get a picture of me next to the cucumber in authentic Argentinian garb!" Mr. Nezzer: The bunny. Well now at last, your fate is sealed! I'll show you no comprendo! Bob: If you like to talk to tomatoes If you like to waltz with potatoes Up and down the produce aisle... Have we got a show for you! And, it goes something like this. VeggieTales es una serie animada para niños creada por Big Idea que presenta vegetales antropomórficos en historias que transmiten temas morales basados en el cristianismo. The VeggieTales Melissa & Doug Magicolor technology lets ... Now your little ones can ride along with Bob and Larry! Now, I didn’t ask for much... Just one simple little thing. I’ve tried to be kind. (gasp!!) Rack: Well, you see, sir. This exciting paint-with-water... Our most popular toy of all time, it's the LarryMobile in... LarryCopter to the rescue! But he can't. Larry: Well, I learned that doing something isn't such a good idea. Mr. Lunt: Hey, boss. Ve tráileres y más. How another is more important than the bunny. Mr. Nezzer: Listen here, young lady! Don't look like they're bowing. Mr. Nezzer: We can use boys who know how to stand up here at Nezzer chocolate. Wishing to dance as he. Mr. Nezzer: Alrighty. This will be cool, isn't very cool. 9 pattern, and to @PeasOnNoggin12 for the Big Idea Brasil logo, which is from a scan of the front cover of his copy of the 2005 Hits Vegetais Vol. Yeah, I ate the bunny. I don't want no beans, and I won't eat tofu. He wishes he could sing. A boatload of beloved VeggieTales pals embark on a fun an... A Lesson in The Power of Sharing! Oh, but look. 2nd Thesaloofians. Josh and the Big Wall. Bob: I see... Hey, that reminds me of a letter we just got from Dexter Wilmington of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I don't want to tell you the joke that is funny, I just want a plate on the fork on the bunny. All the vegetables. That means, remember what your parents teach you, and what you've learned from the bible. I'm doing it for my mom. Oh, if only all my workers love the bunny as much as I do. LarryBoy and the Bad Apple. on a bald monkey. Mr. Nezzer: Hmm, are those are new Junior Executives? Thesielians. With all this work to do we've got no time for sympathy! 4 Rack, Shack & Benny 5 Dave and the Giant Pickle 6 The Toy That Saved Christmas 7 A Very Silly Sing-Along!/Very Silly Songs! Scary sounds? Mr. Lunt: Hey, boss, how many guys did you throw on the furnace? Now Mr. Nezzer's not a bad man, he just gets confused sometimes. What they need is a bunny they can look up to, and I mean way up to. Uno es un tomate, otro un pepino... con amigos como estos la aventura está más cerca de tu plato de lo que te imaginas. This morning, Mr. Nezzer shifts its two millionth chocolate bunny! I gave you ties! Step over here. In the end, God was protecting them even in the fiery furnace. Bob: Listen to the cucumber. 6 months ago. Larry: "No comprendo." Even though the things they do were wrong? I'll show you 'no comprendo!'"comprendo!'" Laura: Because we work real hard at the chocolate factory! I must have forgot everything when my mommy taught me. Without this oven mitt on my head, I just wouldn't be cool! Jr.: "Mom! Didn’t ask you to part the waters; I just wanted to hear you sing. Mr. Nezzer: Oh yes. Bob: Watch the Cucumber. Benny: I'm a bumblebee. (then turns into an outrage) THAT YOU ARE BAD BUNNIES! ... , which would later be used on the 2002 "VeggieTales Classics" VHS and DVD, "Heroes of the Bible: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong" VHS and DVD, the televised version, and all future DVD and Blu-Ray releases. Hmm. Look over here! I'll show you 'No comprendo'!" Madame Blueberry. Okay. Mr. Nezzer: Hello. Dance, dance, yeah. Everyday at 814,638 little fellows. Bob: But it's time now to talk about what we've learned today. Mr. Lunt: It means you have to wear a tie. Poor tomato. Veggietales - Dance Of The Cucumber rate me. What should he do? Larry: What... Ohhh! Mr. Nezzer: Boys, I want to see you in my office first thing in the morning. Rack: Uh, Benny, you don't have any arms. Rack: The bible tells us that it's all about. When I was little, I memorized the song Esther sings and performed it for my mom and sister. LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed. That's cold. You’re paying for your crime! Narrator: And now it's for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. (Crashing is heard). Bob: As I was saying "It's time to talk about what we've learned today". Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella. Bob: Larry, you almost fell into the toaster back there! Good! Shack: Well, you should sing one of our songs. I don't feel very appreciated. Envy their friend. https://veggietalesitsforthekids.fandom.com/wiki/Rack,_Shack_%26_Benny_(transcript)?oldid=72980. Just mat... No mess painting for kids! Give or take to you. Find VeggieTale DVD's & shows, CDs & music, Books, toys, home decor, games & more. dancing cucumber, dancing cucumber, dancing cucumber, dancing cucumber. Laura: Sorry, sir! top 100 I Love My Lips VeggieTales. Mr. Nezzer: I said, "It's time to sing the bunny song". Listen to the tomato. I gave you hats! Larry: And so what we have learned applies to our lives today and God has a lot to say, in his book. It was featured as the "Silly Song" in the fourth episode, Rack, Shack and Benny. larry: Oh, that's much better. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything DVD [Widescreen], Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier DVD, Merry Larry & the True Light of Christmas DVD, Pistachio: The Little Boy That Woodn't DVD, VeggieTales Light n’ Sound Activity Ride On, God is Bigger than the Boogie Man Sound Board Book, God Is With Me 365 Daily Devos for Girls - Softcover, God Is With Me 365 Daily Devos for Boys - Softcover, God's Little Girl Photo, Art & Activity Book, The Very Best of VeggieTales – Vinyl Album. Okay, stop the music. Oh, and Mr. Nezzer? Dad! 3 Asparagus Singers: I don't want no pickles, I don't want no honey, I just a plate on the fork on the bunny. Rack: When everybody tells you that you gotta be cool, remember what you learned in church and Sunday School just check it out. Lyrics for The Dance Of The Cucumber by VeggieTales. PAROLES LES PLUS VUES. Mar 7, 2019 - Explore Danae Becker's board "VeggieTales", followed by 572 people on Pinterest. Benny: And if you have a question, go ask your dad. Larry: Well, that's all the time we have for today. I don't a tissue when my nose is runny, I just want a plate on the fork on the bunny. Mr. Nezzer: Let's just say in my mind. What was I thinking. My workers finished it this morning. Rack: Um, what do you mean? (facing the opposite way) You know, Bob... Larry: (back to Bob) You know, Bob, I think we need Qwerty for this one. For the rest, you editors should follow this video. Thesaloppians. Mr. Nezzer: You know, always hoping you'd ask. Bob: I do! VeggieTales Watch these select episodes as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and all their veggie friends engage in fun stories and songs that teach Biblical values! I gave everything that I had for the bunny. Jr.: "Mom! The time for the morning milk delivery! They didn't know it was easy, but knowing you've done the right thing. Excuse me. We start at 8, and we don't get lunch till 3! George: That's right, those weren't their real names. Whoa, I love the bunny. Dance Of The Cucumber Lyrics: And now it's time for "Silly Songs with Larry," the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. {Jr}: "Mom! Do you think that’s funny? Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie. No comprendo. Uh, Shadrach, Meschach, and uh, Abendigo. More VeggieTales - It's For the Kids! Shack: And there's a lot of stuff in that song, that's not right. They're lying on the floor. You see that spoon over there. Aislinn_Mollisong1 2018-03-08 02:29:39 UTC #13 Isn't it sad, he can't dance. There's no place like home, there's no place like home. God has saved you from the fiery furnace. George: The Nezzer chocolate bunny. Junior: Mom! Like they're sick or something. (then he calls his guards) GUARDS, SEIZE THEM! Well, speaking of which, it's almost 8 o' clock! How they do anything for the bunny. George: Here comes Laura, now! Larry: Bob is really angry. Larry Boy and Bob the Tomato welcome you to VeggieTales Official Online Store! Whoa I love the bunny. This castle ... A colorful activity books that helps children recognize t... Join Junior, Laura, and Annie as they enjoy a sunny day i... Creepy Shadows? It didn't make me cool. Nebby K. Nezzer. Then she gasps.). LarryBoy and the Fib From Outerspace. Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber always had a moral message in their long-running "VeggieTales" video series. Watch the cucumber. The VeggieTales Theme. Larry: You see we know that God's word is for everyone and now that our song is done we'll take a- Hey! Lyle the Kindly Viking. Larry will be performing the traditional Argentinian ballad. I don't want no beans, and I won't eat tofu. Oh yeah, Mr. Nezzer. Rack: (sniffles) Okay, no more bunnies. I'm Benny. ), (Suddenly, a white light appears. Could you just hum a few bars. Right, Larry. In our story, Rack, Shack and Benny stood firm when all their friends were doing things they knew were wrong. If you like to dance with tomatoes and if a squash can ma... Pre-Order today! Whoa! I’ll show you 'No comprendo’/ Junior: Mom/ Dad/ Look over here/ Get a picture of me next to the cucumber in . Dance of the Cucumber is the third Silly Songs with Larry from Rack, Shack & Benny and is sung by Larry the Cucumber. evny their friend. Pepino bailarin canta sobre el tomate pobrecito, y No Comprendo! Mr. Nezzer: Is everyone comfortable? Besides, everybody else is doing it. He wishes he could sing. Am I losing my mind? Isn't that a little dangerous? Larry will be performing the traditional Argentinian ballad, "The Dance of the Cucumber" in its original Spanish. Bob: "No comprendo? They're really gonna appreciate you, boss. Mr. Asparagus: Okay, Junior. He can't sing. Oh, she's my favorite! Listen to the cucumber. Narrator: And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry. I'll show you, no comprendo. It's a princess party with Princess Petunia! The bunny song's are all my employess will show just how much they love the bunny. More VeggieTales than anywhere else and BRAND NEW EXCLUSIVE episodes! That truck seems to be full of garbage. VeggieTales - It's For the Kids! Mr. Nezzer: I’ve tried to be patient. If you don't bow down and sing the song, you're a bad bunny. Get a picture of me next to the cucumber in authentic Argentinean garb! Bob: Yep, that's right, Larry. Bob: No comprendo. Rack: Shack, our parents aren't here now. Sing the song! I got the Universal Music logo from the back cover of the CD Bethânia Favourites. Bon appetite! Rack, Shack & Benny did what they thought was right, but you know nobody else was doing it and he paid off. Why, his chocolate bunnies are selling so well, I think he's got a little big for his britches. It's time to hoot and holler with Bob, Larry and the whol... Everyone's favorite toe-tapping hits from the VeggieTales... Join in the sing along fun on classic and all-new holiday... © 2019 Big Idea Entertainment, LLC.All rights reserved. Now it is time to bow and sing the bunny song. Bob: "No comprendo? I'll show you 'No comprendo'!" Well, their trouble starts when Mr. Nezzer makes a little announcement. I've always loved the Veggie Tales movie Esther, the Girl Who Became Queen. Mr. Lunt: I think so. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing. Larry: Well, all the cool people, anyway. Laura: Come on, guys! Poor tomato. Whew, what would you do if you were them? From Episode 4--Rack, Shack, and Benny / Narrator: How would you like to be Junior's Executive. Anything that goes in and out of Nezzer's chocolate's gotta come by me! Didn't you see dancing Uncle Louie's polka party. Larry: They didn't mention this in VeggieBeat magazine... Bob: Heh. 1 Where's God When I'm S-Scared? Mr. Lunt: Oh yeah. Know that wherever you are, it is never too far. Uh, Bob. see how he moves. Mr. Lunt: Hey, boss. Click, click, click. Rack, Shack & Benny: Know that wherever you are it is never too far. Mr. Nezzer: Everybody else is lying down, but you all three are standing up. Nobody's ever gonna stand up to me again! but boy when they're in first surprise, so they got to Mr. Nezzer's office for the next day. And he can tell you if the thing is good or bad, you'll make their day. (Suddenly, an unplugging noise is heard. Thank you Mr. Nezzer for your lovely gift of chocolate. He might think it's pretty cool. What do you mean I can't dance, I can dance. King George and the Ducky. Dad! Mrs. Asparagus: Think of me everyday. Look over here! Announcer: And now it's time for silly songs with Larry the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song Larry will be performing the traditional Argentinian ballad, "The Dance of the Cucumber", in its original Spanish. When someone wants you to do something that you know it was wrong, stand firm and do what's right. Bob: Oh, you're back. Porque no me deja llegar noche a mi casa: Muchos creen que porque sus padres no los dejan llegar tarde o noche a su casa, entonces no los entienden, lo que pasa acá, es que no te estas dando cuenta que los padres quieren lo mejor para sus hijos. Sure feels good inside. Preceded by: The Hairbrush Song Followed by: I Love My Lips Lyrics [edit | edit source]. Rack: Look, this is sitting and this is standing. We're on our own. Rack: Um, what would happen. Now, if I'm not mistaken, that truck belongs to me. level 1. spinner198. A bennyboo. Shack: It's what to she tells me what I need to know. Maybe you can bring some of your favorite videos to watch instead. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Have forgot everything when my mommy taught me mention this in VeggieBeat magazine said it will me. 'Re about Junior 's Executive the end, God was always watching out for bunny... 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