Find 34 ways to say OBSESSIONS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Another word for fascination: obsession, interest, complex, enthusiasm, hang-up | Collins English Thesaurus Another way to say Fascination? Another way to say Obsession? This group of disorders refers to people who have emotional attachment issues, such as a lack of empathy or an obsession with another person. Fixation - Unhealthy attachment Fixation - Hang-up Fixation - Obsessive interest Fixation - Following one vehicle round and about becomes an obsession Fixation - Spot at scottish island removing a feature that's obsessive? They’re a great way to make a man feel great about himself, while also coaxing him to fall more and more in love every single day. Obsession definition is - a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; broadly : compelling motivation. Hair fetishism, also known as hair partialism and trichophilia, is a partialism in which a person sees hair – most commonly, head hair – as particularly erotic and sexually arousing. Synonyms for obsession with include addiction, affection for, appetite for, infatuation with, passion for, attachment to, devotion to, fondness for, liking for and love … Synonyms for Obsession (related to favor). Personally, I'd go with the word "fetish" to indicate something stronger than an obsession. But read on, and choose your favorite from : Main Entry: obsession . Obsession phrases may seem silly, but they’re a good way to boost a man’s confidence and connect with him emotionally without having to go into deep talks about his feelings every day. How to use obsession in a sentence. Synonyms for obsessions include preoccupations, fixations, things, manias, passions, crazes, enthusiasms, compulsions, fetishes and fancies. Synonyms for attraction in Free Thesaurus. 61 synonyms for Obsession (related to passion). Part of Speech: noun . Synonyms for Fascination (other words and phrases for Fascination). Another way to say Obsession? Definition: fixation Antonyms for attraction.

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