It is usually a sign that you need to seek balance emotionally and spiritually and a sign that you are overreacting to a situation or person in your life. Or are the original authors of tarot, intentionally leading us astray?

This is meant to be a fruitful and abundant time where you can enjoy the fruits of your labour. There is a lot going on in your life, as is depicted on the card, you can see the expansive sea, fish jumping out of water and the ship sailing away - but the King remains certain and poised in his throne, he holds a chalice and scepter showing his power and balance. It would be easy to mistake the King of Cups as a masculine card, but given the Cup suit addresses emotions in general, it’s actually a fairly balanced card in this regard. Psychologist. It is an indication that you have the knowledge and ability to achieve what you’re looking for. Help Perhaps you have had a difficult breakup or are dealing with some personal issues. The old man controls his emotions when he's confronted     c. The older gentleman is a master of his emotions     d. The artist seeks creativity being alone.
Fire and water are also opposites and seemingly contradict themselves. This was also where the Delphic Oracle held their prophetic gatherings. * According to the Builders of the Adytum thought process, the King of Cups encompasses all three water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.Like his queen, the King of Cups is highly emotional, but his emotions are less transparent. The reversed King points to a loss of control, to try and counter this you should be confident instead. a. He puts her first and then his children. He also wears a fish necklace. His consort the Queen of Cups, is only prone to drugs and alcohol abuse when reversed or ill-dignified.If you get the King of Cups as "what X feelings towards me?"

Spiritual Advice Articles Stop allowing your emotions to control you, leaving you flipping around like a loose cannon. His shifty eyes and piece of cold, gray throne he sits on look like they are in dire need of help. Seeing the King of Cups reversed in a love and romance reading can be troubling. For example, a reversed Emperor, reversed Queen of Cups and upright King of Cups all would point to a raging alcoholic. Before you take a leap forward you want to really listen to your intuitions and only then, act accordingly. Or perhaps you, personally, are struggling with a lack of inspiration and vigor. They are the human companion to the sea, always helping humans in need. If things don’t work out the way he intends, he sulks and gets his vengeance through emotional manipulation.

All in all, the King of Cups in the present position is a signifier of victory over chaos. They are the colors that make up all the other colors. It can be easy to become swept up in the age of the internet, there is so much advice to scroll through, but do not become untethered by this or anyone else who is not an expert.Instead, stick with the advice of those who know best. Like the King, you have the balance and wisdom to make your own decision. (possibly inspired by nature)     b. reigning in and controlling an emotionally pivotal moment     a. Drawing the King of Cups in relation to how somebody else feels about you signifies a positive, stable relationship.

He will heave a sigh of relief and reassure you that “it’s not you, it’s me” before happily heading out the door and out of your life. The opposites merge together to create a new color. His eyes give away the emotions of his heart.There is a contradiction between his eyes and body.
When your emotions are this far out of balance and control, you must be exceedingly careful. The water is the subconscious, which rules the world of emotions.His emotions make him an excellent artist where he can tap into his creative juices. If you can think of a wise, calming figure from your recent history then the King of Cups may be hinting that you should try and live by their example - they gave you balance in the past, and you can sustain that in the present, too.When the King of Cups is drawn in tarot spreads in the present it may indicate a few different things. This person is likely older than you, but not always. He can be viewed as being quite controlling especially when it comes to emotions and this draws in more negative energy that could threaten to derail anything and everything that you are doing. If kings are reminding us to master the element, perhaps the King of Cups is speaking to me personally. He won’t be in love with multiple women at once, but he doesn’t believe in death-do-us-part either. Yellow, red and blue are all primary colors. The family unit may have been shaken by a difficult event or the behaviour of a particular individual.

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