The replicated websites are 100% free – Forever!There are no hidden costs, per se, but other items you might want to consider are business cards and display items. If the retail price is lower, people will buy more and purchase items more frequently which allows your profit to accrue.If you choose to build a team you will earn 5-10% commission in addition to your retail sales. I have pieces that I have had for 6+ years and continue to wear. Paparazzi Independent Consultants must not sell the jewelry for less than $5 to anyone, including other consultants. All compliance issues need to be sent in to They are supposed to sell it on eBay. Be careful to not be overly spammy, but rather to just share things you are excited about. You guessed it: black. It is difficult to know if these are current consultants or maybe overenthusiastic customers who are weeding out their stash. Paparazzi does not provide these (although you can purchase them on the website) but they are also not a requirement. It is lead and nickel-free which means the metals are generally softer than other fashion jewelry. I would compare it to fashion jewelry you would buy at Target or Kohl’s – but theirs is usually not lead or nickel-free.As a consultant if you receive items that are defective or damaged you do have 3 business days to notify Paparazzi and return the items. To qualify for monthly active status you need to order 25 pieces a month. The inventory changes daily so there are no catalogs to carry around. However, it is not heirloom quality, but you shouldn’t expect it to be for $5. Changing people’s futures and their lives.Though our fashion-forward jewelry and product parties are centered on fun, Paparazzi fulfills a serious mission. So Paparazzi Jewelry sells itself, huh? That doesn’t sound like a lot but Paparazzi works a lot like the big-box stores and volume is where you will make the real profit on your sales.

Ok, now that we have all that out of the way, let’s chat about how you can market your Paparazzi Jewelry business! It’s meant to be fun and fashionable and to help you look your best. What electronics do you need? If you’d like to give it another shot I’d be happy to help you. I have considered on signing on as a consultant. It is against the compliance rules.I think you missed the NOT in there.

Let’s start with some facts and common concerns because decisions are best made when you have all the information.Confusion regarding Multi-Level-Marketing (MLMs) and true pyramid schemes is rampant.

Or Join Paparazzi Accessories and start selling Paparazzi Jewelry too. There are several ways you can sell. You buy your starter kit and then can pick and choose any other jewelry you want to purchase. However, I’ve tried to keep my opinion out of this and just give you the facts so you can draw your own conclusions about whether or not Paparazzi is  legit or if your friend has a point. You casually mention it to a friend and she laughs and says, “Oh, those MLMs are all the same – a bunch of pyramid schemes and scams.” You begin to doubt this idea, I mean, who wants to fall victim to the great Paparazzi Jewelry Scam? See it, feel it, wear it yourself! Do you have to be under another consultant or can you just start on your own? It is against compliance to sell on any page that you do not own – eBay, Craigslist, etc. In real terms, this is $2.25/piece. Once you have the items and you sell it to a customer you take on the responsibility for having your own return policy. Press J to jump to the feed. It seems no one can get a response or in contact with customer service.Leonela, I was able to look at the BBB website today. Paparazzi does not have any of these fees. Having said all that, the pieces generally hold up very well. In real terms, this is $2.25/piece. But what began as a whim was clearly filling a need.Women flocked to buy accessories that were trendy, but not too intimidating. You will see it happening but you won’t know if it is a consultant or just a customer who is clearing out their stash.I’ve been wanting to join but the customer service BBB reviews and complaints are pretty negative.

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