Their high sugar content means that these round fruits are excellent for making jellies, jams, and baked goods.It’s rare to find these plum trees growing outside of France. Biting into these delicious stone fruits reveals a dark burgundy flesh that covers the large pit in the middle.One of the beauties of ‘Black Splendor’ plums is that they are a large variety of plum that ripens early in the season. Japanese plums can then be broken into red plums, black plums (more of a dark purple color), and yellow plums. Many of the fresh plums sold in stores and supermarkets are types of Japanese black plums. Most supermarkets and grocery stores stock fresh plum when the fruit's in season. Other varieties of plums are extremely sweet with dark purple skin and amber-colored flesh.Before looking at the many varieties of plums and prunes, let’s look at some of the delicious plum hybrid fruits that are popular.Plums are related to other drupes such as apricots, Let’s look in more detail at the various types of plums that are common in local stores. Hints of tartness from the black skin combined with the sweetness of the beet-colored flesh make these plums a variety to look for.Another type of sweet black plum is the ‘El Dorado’ cultivar. This primarily makes a difference when eating the fruit raw, and pluot can be used in many plum recipes. Plum can be eaten raw as a fresh, sweet-tasting snack. Some, like the Santa Rosa, have amber flesh, while others, like Simcas, have bright red flesh that matches the skins. In the kitchen, the fruit is most often used in baked goods or boiled to create jams and sauces for both sweet and savory dishes. You can use this plum in cooking as its firm flesh and sweet-sour taste adds flavor and texture to many dishes.The ‘French Prune’ is a type of fresh plum that is perfect for drying to make prunes. The plum is the fruit produced by trees in the Prunus genus, which is a member of the rose family. It typically comes into season about the same time as the plum. There are several cultivars in the damson subspecies As its name suggests, the elephant heart plum is a large, heart-shaped stone fruit. A plum that is ripe and ready to eat can be kept at room temperature. They can have black, purple, red, or yellow colored skin. If it is just slightly soft, it is ready for eating. Plum may be baked, boiled, grilled, poached, or stewed and it's a relatively inexpensive fruit. These medium- to large-sized plums have a round shape. Inside, the flesh of plums is soft and juicy, and it usually has an amber color. The skin is tart and balances out the sweet fruit. Compared to other dark-skinned plums, the ‘Black amber’ has firm flesh and distinct tartness to the taste. Depending on the greengage plum cultivar, the green skin can have hints of red blushing or yellow on it. The juicy flesh has a firm texture that is common with many European plums. It should give just a little bit, just like a peach. To speed up the process, place it in a paper bag. The skin on these round plums is a dark purple color with hints of a blue dusty wax coating. El Dorado is a popular Japanese black plum with yellow flesh. The Spruce Eats uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The texture is firm but easy to bite. It can also be grilled, poached, roasted, or stewed. The round plums have a bluish appearance due to the waxy coating that covers most types of prunes.This plum cultivar is usually ripe for eating in mid- to late summer. This is a sign of ripe, freshly harvested fruit that has not been over-handled. You will find out about the best plums for eating fresh and about the ones that are tastiest in cooked and baked food.Moyer plums are a common purple plum and one of the most popular varieties. 'Mariposa' is one, and 'Ruby Blood' and ' Satsuma' are others. Your fingers should leave a slight indentation if the fruit is ripe. Freedom: This plum is sweet and juicy and has mottled light red skin. However, you can plant Mirabelle plum trees in your garden if you want to grow some of the sweetest plums available.Black plums get their name from the dark purple skin that surrounds their flesh. These large plums have bluish-dark purple skins surrounding sweet flesh that is a light yellow color. Some, like the Santa Rosa, have amber flesh, while others, like Simcas, have bright red flesh that matches the skins. Types of Plums (With Pictures and Common Name). For recipes like dumplings, when you need to preserve the general shape of the plum, slit it in half, cutting along the pit, then remove the pit. The flesh is juicy and, when preparing the fruit, the inedible pit is discarded. To prepare plum for recipes, you'll want to wash the outside well. Friar: These are large, round, black-skinned plums with very sweet, amber flesh. This popular European variety is a clingstone plum, meaning that the skin clings to the pit.Myrobalan plums are small round fruits that look like red or yellow cherries. These delicious plums are best eaten fresh due to their juicy flesh.Mirabelle plums look similar to apricots as they have bright yellow-orangey skins. You can tell if the plums are ripe by gently squeezing the skin. This plum variety is considered one of the best European plums for its shape and taste. It's a global ingredient, found in cuisines from Eastern Europe to Asia, as well as North and South America. When ripe, these plums are pretty soft, so they don't travel particularly well. An award-winning food writer and cookbook author, Molly Watson has created more than 1,000 recipes focused on local, seasonal ingredients. This freestone plum variety has green-amber juicy flesh that turns a deep fuchsia color when cooked. There is hardly any tartness in the taste, and many say that the sweet taste is reminiscent of cherry-flavored fruit punch.Santa Rosa plums are suitable for many uses, including eating fresh or using in baked goods.Satsuma plums are a Japanese variety of medium to small red round plums.

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