Final Destination is an American horror franchise consisting of five films, ten novels, and two comic books composed of six issues in total. Final Destination 3 (2006) | It is based on an unproduced spec script by Jeffrey Reddick, originally written for The X-Files television series, and was distributed by New Line Cinema. ", The reviewers were also impressed with the extension of the sound used by Walker in Final Destination 3. The film was directed and written by James Wong, who co-wrote and directed the original, and was produced by Craig Perry. März 2003 in den deutschen Kinos an. Inhaltsangabe: Reboot der "Final Destination"-Reihe.. Read more. Hier ist der Trailer zu "Final Destination 5": Final Destination 5. Wie auch schon im zweiten Teil führte David R. Ellis Regie. All the kill scenes are so creative. [21], Jordan Mintzer of Variety magazine wrote: "With an array of gory mayhem only marginally enhanced by 3-D and a plot as developed as a text message, The Final Destination may finally sound the death knell for New Line's near-immortal horror franchise. In Final Destination … [1], “They haven’t made a great or distinguished film, but working within a tired genre with a talented cast, they’ve brought unusual substance and impact to the DTM.”, „Sie (die Produzenten) haben keinen großen oder bedeutenden Film gedreht, aber mit einer talentierten Besetzung in einem abgenutzten Genre arbeitend, haben sie ungewöhnlich viel Substanz in den ‚Toter-Teenager-Film‘ eingebracht.“, „Regie-Debütant James Wong, der bisher als Drehbuchautor für einige ‚Akte X‘-Folgen auftrat, legt mit ‚Final Destination‘ ein einfallsreiches Genre-Werk vor. Final Destination 3 is a 2006 horror movie, and the third film in the Final Destination series distributed by New Line Cinema. Meanwhile, Nick has another premonition of a disasterous mall explosion that will kill all three of them, and races t… After a memorial service at McKinley Speedway, Carter Daniels, attempts to burn a cross on George's front lawn but his plan backfires, he is set on fire and violently dragged down the street by his own tow truck, he is then blown apart by it with his blown off head lands right next to George who goes to see what is happening. It is the fourth installment in the Final Destination film series and the second standalone sequel after Final Destination 3, and stars Bobby Campo, Shantel VanSanten, and Mykelti Williamson. Dieser Teil wurde – wie es eigentlich bei Teil 3 schon hätte geschehen sollen – in 3D produziert.[5]. [5] For the 3D, Perry said that he wanted it to add depth to the film instead of just "something pop[ping] out at the audience every four minutes. Trama. [13] It was also the first 3D film to feature D-BOX motion feedback technology in select theaters. Tony Todd appeared in the first two films ("Final Destination" (2000) and "Final Destination 2" (2003)), and provided a voiceover in "Final Destination 3" (2006). Sagittarian. The plot is a typical final destination story ( a group of people avoid getting killed in an accident because of a premonition and death chases them because of it) The death scenes are good with lots of bizarre ways to die just like … Übersetzung für 'final destination' im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Bewertung. Each medium features a protagonist who experiences a premonition of himself/herself and several others dying in a catastrophic accident, only to escape the event with a handful of other characters moments before it turns into a reality. Der schwarze Humor kommt dabei auch nicht zu kurz.“, „‚Final Destination‘ ist gut durchdacht, zuweilen zu sehr konstruiert und mit für ein Erstlingswerk ungewöhnlicher Souveränität in Szene gesetzt.“. The CD features the score, composed and conducted by Brian Tyler, and performed by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, which omits commercially released songs that were featured in the film. Als nach einiger Zeit einige der Überlebenden des Fluges 180 auf grausame Weise sterben und Alex dabei stets in der Nähe war, gerät er zunehmend unter Verdacht. B. Teil fünf zu Teil eins). [7] The opening crash sequence at "McKinley Speedway" was filmed at Mobile International Speedway in Irvington, Alabama. August 2011 in den deutschen Kinos. Als Clear ihrem Tod entkommt, glauben die Drei, damit den Plan des Todes zunichtegemacht zu haben. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema The Final Destination Los Angeles Premiere Red Carpet in höchster Qualität. Il film, disponibile anche in 3D, è stato proiettato nelle sale americane il 28 agosto 2009, in Italia è stato distribuito il 21 maggio 2010 e dal 19 ottobre 2010 è disponibile in DVD e Blu-ray disc con edizione normale e 3D. Report abuse . Dies wiederum zeigt auf, dass die Vorfälle des fünften Teils die Ursprünge der übrigen Teile sind, was die bereits in fast allen Teilen auffälligen Zusammenhänge erklärt. final destination: Letzter Beitrag: 23 Sep. 10, 18:04: Computer - Bewegungen im Internet - verschlüsselte Verbindungen. He and Lori return to the speedway with George's help to find the next survivor, Andy, but the next day, Andy is killed at the mechanic shop when a carbon dioxide tank launches him through a metal grid fence. It is the first film in the series to be shot in HD 3D, and is currently the highest-grossing Final Destination film, earning $186 million worldwide but also received the worst critical reception of the franchise. Nick runs back to the mall to try and stop the explosion before it occurs. Durch Visionen einzelner betroffener Personen ist es diesen möglich, die Zukunft vorherzusehen. Bei „Final Destination 6“ soll es sich um keine direkte Fortsetzung, sondern um ein Reboot handeln. Final Destination: Devon Sawa, Kristen Cloke, Ali Larter, Kerr Smith, Daniel Roebuck, Roger Guenveur Smith, Chad Donella, Seann William Scott, Tony Todd, Amanda Detmer, Brendan Fehr, Forbes Angus, Shirley Walker, James Wong, Devon Sawa, Kristen Cloke: … 4.0 out of 5 stars Debut of an awesome series. [18] The film grossed $66.4 million domestically and $119.3 million in foreign sales, with a total of $186.2 million worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film in the franchise.[1]. Filming began in March 2008 and ended in late May in the same year. Dass man dem Tod nicht von … Ihr Sterben war vorbestimmt, und Alex hat dies durch seine Vision verhindert. Two weeks later, Nick, Lori, and Janet go to a café to celebrate. "[23], This article is about the fourth installment of the series. The next day, Janet goes to the car wash, and is nearly obliterated by a rotating brush when the car wash malfunctions, but Lori and Georgearrive just in time to save her. On September 11, 2009, it gained just over a million dollars and dropped to No. Rezension. When Nick panics, a scuffle breaks out and several people leave the stadium, including Lori, Hunt, Janet, tow truck driver Carter Daniels, mother Samantha Lane, mechanic Andy Kewzer, his girlfriend Nadia Monroy, and security guard George Lanter. In each film, the main character has a premonition of a tragic accident and manages to save themselves and several others. The Final Destination (also known as Final Destination 4) is a 2009 American 3D supernatural horror film written by Eric Bress and directed by David R. Ellis. Produced by New Line Cinema, the film was released on August 28, 2009 by Warner Bros. Pictures. Despite claims by the producers and promotional materials, as well as the film's title, that this would be the final film in the "Final Destination" series, a fifth film, Final Destination 5 (2011) was released two years later. The Final Destination Final Destination 4 ist ein Thriller aus dem Jahr 2009 von David R. Ellis mit Bobby Campo, Shantel VanSanten und Nick Zano. Download The Final Destination 4 (2009) Subtitle Indonesia dengan resolusi 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p – Pada kesempatan kali ini Adikfilm akan membagikan film The Final Destination 4 (2009), di website ini kalian dapat mendownload film melalui server google drive, adik mega (gdrive sharer), dan adik drive. Er ist sich sicher, dass der Tod sie nun nacheinander doch noch holen will. Somit kommt nur etwas Spannung auf … Final Destination 4 erschien am 3. "[22] Dennoch war es nötig, das hier auch noch einmal hervorzuheben. Just as he realizes this, a loose scaffold outside collapses on the road, causing a truck to swerve and crash into the café, killing him, Lori, and Janet. The Final Destination 3D è un film del 2009 diretto da David R. Ellis, quarto capitolo della saga Final Destination. There days later, Janet goes shopping with Lori, and afterwards they go to the mall cinema. Final Destination is a series of horror films. Carter Horton: Ein außer Kontrolle geratener Bus fährt einen Pfahl am Straßenrand um, der die Halterung eines Schildes löst, welches ihn daraufhin erschlägt (der Film endet zwar, kurz bevor Carter stirbt, allerdings stellt sich in Final Destination 2 heraus, dass er dabei ums Leben kam). Der Anfang des Films basiert auf einer wahren Begebenheit (bezogen auf die Absturzursache), dem Unglück einer Boeing 747 vor Long Island im Jahr 1996 (siehe TWA-Flug 800). The Final Destination was initially scheduled for a DVD and Blu-ray Disc release on December 22, 2009. Wolf Speer Hält ein Leben ohne Horrorfilme für möglich, aber sinnlos. But as we see, it is not precisely a reboot of the Final Destination. As noted above, the first entry in the Final Destination series made its debut in 2000. It is the fourth installment in the Final Destination film series and the second standalone sequel after Final Destination 3, and stars Bobby Campo, Shantel VanSanten, and Mykelti Williamson. Dialogbuch und -regie stammen von Peter Stein. 39 Personen sprechen darüber. As Nadia berates the group, a stray tire flies out of the stadium and decapitates her. Zusammen machen sie sechs Monate später Urlaub in Paris, wo Alex die Theorie aufstellt, dass die Reihenfolge nicht korrekt sein könnte und sie dem Tod doch nicht entkommen sind. Dem Film folgten bisher vier Fortsetzungen: Die erste Fortsetzung, Final Destination 2, wurde unter der Regie von David R. Ellis produziert und lief am 31. Love the original Final destination and the other ones as well. In Target stores, some of the DVDs included an exclusive Final Destination comic book. It might not be the best of the final destinations but it is certainly watchable. I would place this movie in the top 10 best horror movies. James Wong was on board to direct, but because of scheduling conflicts with Dragonball Evolution, he decided to drop out. The writer had an idea regarding the reboot. Final Destination 5 erschien am 25. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 23. Devon Sawa erhielt zudem den Preis für die beste Leistung eines Jungschauspielers. He took over scoring the series after the untimely death of the composer for the first three films, Shirley Walker. The next day, Samantha is leaving a beauty salon when a rock propelled by a lawnmower is shot through her eye, killing her. Bis dahin ist aber noch viel Zeit, die vorherigen fünf Filme erneut zu schauen. Übersetzung für 'the final destination' im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Final Destination 5 (2011), Dieser Artikel behandelt den 1. Final Destination wurde 2001 mit einem Saturn Award als bester Horrorfilm ausgezeichnet. Die "Final Destination"-Reihe wird in diesem Jahr unglaubliche 20 Jahre alt. Zu,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Tod Waggner: Aus der Toilette läuft Wasser und bildet eine Pfütze. Recht makaber und für Zartbesaitete nicht zu empfehlen sind die skurrilen Todesarten. Foto: Verleih. Alex ahnt schließlich die Zusammenhänge: Der Tod selbst steckt hinter den mysteriösen und skurrilen Todesfällen. The site's consensus states: "With little of the ingenuity of previous installments, The Final Destination is predictable, disposable horror fare. Die deutsche Synchronisation übernahm die Film- & Fernseh-Synchron GmbH in München. 7. For the first film, see, similar disasters parallel to the speedway's, "Warner Bros. All Time Box Office Results", "Movie projector: 'The Final Destination,' 'Halloween II' splitting horror audience", "SET VISIT PART I: FINAL DESTINATION 4: 3-D Explodes in Our Face! Image: ©Warner Bros. Pictures/New Line Cinema. When Lori begins to see the same omens that Nick saw before the speedway accident she tries to warn Janet, but Janet refuses to listen to her. Bald sind nur noch Alex, Clear und Carter am Leben. Final Destination production order. As they leave, Nick receives a premonition of a multitude of explosions at the mall that leads to Janet and Lori's deaths, but fails to save George, who is run over by a speeding ambulance before Nick could warn him. Both the DVD and Blu-ray Disc included two pairs of 3D glasses with each set and featured a 2D version on the disc, along with additional scenes. This is a classic! Bevor es auftrifft, endet der Film jedoch. August 2020 um 22:56 Uhr bearbeitet. The album consists of 23 cues composed and mixed by Brian Tyler. The soundtrack attracted generally favorable reviews. Kurz darauf rettet Carter Alex vor einem Werbeschild, welches sich durch einen Unfall gelöst hatte, wird allerdings davon erschlagen, als es zurückfliegt. Eine sichere Verbindung, b… 3 Antworten: check bags through (to final destination) Letzter Beitrag: 17 Dez. Minutes later, a flying tire comes out and obliterates Nadia Monroy. They were afraid that the original story would get erased like so many rebooted franchises. However, Nick arrives too late to save Hunt, who accidentally activated a country club's pool drainage system and ended up being disemboweled by the drain pipe. Final Destination ist ein US-amerikanischer Horrorfilm von Regisseur James Wong aus dem Jahre 2000. [17] The film remained at #1 in North America for two weeks, making it the first, and only, film in the series to top the box office. "It relates to an affection for Walker's contribution to the industry," said an unnamed critic. Christian Clemmensen of gave the score 3 out of 5 stars and felt Tyler was "capable [...] to further explore new stylistic territory while making substantial use of the structures and tone of [predecessor composer] Shirley Walker's music." Final Destination 2 (2003) | After learning of their deaths and similar disasters parallel to the speedway's, Nick becomes convinced that Death is after them. The soundtrack album was released on August 25, 2009, three days before the film's theatrical release, under public record label JVC/Sony Music Australia. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema The Final Destination Los Angeles Premiere Arrivals in höchster Qualität. Die Spannung bleibt auf einem konstant hohen Niveau. [6] Reshoots were done in April 2009 at Universal Studios Florida.[8]. The film was originally scheduled for release on February 24, 2006, however, the date was moved to two weeks earlier, February 10. On one of the nights following the accident, Carter drives to George's house to defile his lawn, blaming the guard for preventing him from saving his wife Cynthia at the speedway, but his tow truck ignites him and causes him to be dragged down the street before it explodes. Anders ausgedrückt: Durch die Vorfälle im fünften Teil wird eine Kette ausgelöst, die die Vorfälle von Teil eins bis vier erzeugt und teilweise nahtlos ineinander übergehen lässt (z. Ali Larter erhielt den Young Hollywood Award in der Kategorie Breakthrough Performance. Only the Blu-ray Disc version included two alternate endings, a "making of" featurette about the deaths, storyboard visualization and a preview of A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010). Final Destination creator Jeffrey Reddick confirmed this week’s information related to the sixth film. All five films center around a small group of people who escape impending death when one individual has a sudden premonition and warns them that they will all die in a terrible mass-casualty accident. During their conversation however, Nick starts to see more omens and alludes to the theory that the chain of events since the speedway disaster was meant to lead them to where they needed to be for Death to strike. Einen konkreten Kinostarttermin gibt es für "Final Destination 6" noch nicht und angesichts des grassierenden Coronavirus ist auch erst einmal nicht davon auszugehen, dass in absehbarer Zeit die Produktion beginnen kann. "[6], Although shooting was to be done in Vancouver, which was where the previous three films were shot, David R. Ellis convinced the producers to shoot in New Orleans instead to bring business to the city, and because the budget was already large. September 2009. College student Nick O'Bannon watches an auto race with his girlfriend Lori Milligan and their friends Hunt Wynorski and Janet Cunningham at the McKinley Speedway for their semestral break. And that's about as inspired as anything gets in this edition. Zeit, zurückzublicken – auf eine einzigartige Horrorserie, auf Gastauftritte vom "Candyman" persönlich und auf die wohl originellsten Tode der Filmgeschichte. It was initially planned for an August 14 release. Doch dieser hat schon einen Plan, um die versäumte Gelegenheit wieder richtigzustellen. Der Name wurde jedoch später geändert, und die Protagonistin aus, Das Lied, das vor fast jedem Tod gespielt wird, ist der Song, Es gibt ein alternatives Ende des Films. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reports that 28% of 100 critics gave the film a positive review, with an average rating of 4.20/10. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "final destination" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Final Destination 3 ist ein Slasherfilm aus dem Jahr 2006 von James Wong mit Ryan Merriman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead und Texas Battle. Nick and George track Jonathan down at a hospital where he was recovering from the accident, only to witness him being crushed by an overflowing bathtub falling through the ceiling. Er versucht, dies zu verhindern, indem er die anderen warnt, macht sich jedoch noch verdächtiger und steht bald im Zentrum einer Ermittlung des FBI. The Final Destination (also known as Final Destination 4) is a 2009 American 3D supernatural horror film written by Eric Bress and directed by David R. Ellis. Dieses kann auf der. Consequently, the studio executives opted for David R. Ellis to return because of his work on Final Destination 2. Januar 2003 in den US-Kinos und am 6. In James Wongs Final Destination 3 schafft es erneut eine Gruppe Teenager, dem Tod zu entgehen. Februar 2006 in den USA und am 13. Billy Hitchcock: Ein Blechteil des zerstörten Autos Carters wird von einer Eisenkette, die an einem vorbeifahrenden Zug hängt, durch die Luft geschleudert und enthauptet ihn. Denn im Endeffekt ist der vierte Teil der beliebten Schocker-Reihe vor allem kurz und bündig. "[20] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 30 out of 100 based on reviews from 14 critics, indicating "generally unfavorable reviews". The film received generally negative reviews from critics. [14], According to USA Today and Newsday, The Final Destination debuted at the top of the North American box office, beating Rob Zombie's Halloween II, earning $28.3 million during its first weekend. It never gets old and it's so re-watchable. After the success of Final Destination 3, which was initially planned to be in 3D,[4] Eric Bress wrote a script, which impressed producer Craig Perry and Warner Bros. enough to green-light a fourth installment. Ali Larter und Tony Todd kehrten in ihre Rollen für den Film zurück. Inhaltsangabe: "Egal wohin du fliehst, egal wo du dich versteckst … dem Tod entkommst du nicht." Worth ever penny to own this on blu ray. Kirk Honeycutt of The Hollywood Reporter wrote: "The new gimmick here is that all the flying body parts and absurd impalements come in 3D. [19] The Blu-ray Disc release, also a combo pack, includes a standard DVD of the film. Final Destination ist ein Mysterythriller aus dem Jahr 2000 von James Wong mit Devon Sawa, Ali Larter und Kerr Smith. "[12], The film was released in 3D as well as in conventional theaters on August 28, 2009. Natürlich bestach die Final-Destination-Reihe schon immer durch innovative Unglücksfälle und Todesursachen. Panisch wacht er auf und versucht, seine Mitschüler zum Aussteigen zu bewegen, woraufhin er vom Flugzeugpersonal des Flugzeuges verwiesen wird. Teil der Final-Destination-Reihe. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema The Final Destination Los Angeles Premiere Red Carpet sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. After avoiding their foretold deaths Wong zeigt harte Schockelemente, die den Namen wirklich verdienen. Final Destination is an American horror franchise composed of five films, two comic books, and nine novels. Appeared in this edition scoring the series you should enjoy this one Aussteigen zu bewegen, woraufhin vom! 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