Facebook. I never had an improvement that lasted. It made me appreciate my life and family a great deal more.I had to really accept that I was responsible for this and quit shifting it to other people.Bingo. Do you feel so down about your life and think, “I hate this world and everything about it?”With all of the bad news about climate change, human suffering, politics, and global conflicts, it's easy to feel like life is just a series of unfortunate and depressing events.Or maybe things in your personal or professional circumstances are so bad that you feel sick of life and wish you were anywhere but in the situation you're in right now.If you can't find a glimmer of hope and feel so depressed, please don't allow your angst and apathy to prevent you from seeking help.This article can be a start, but if you're having nihilistic or suicidal thoughts, you need to take action immediately by contacting your doctor, a therapist, or even a Hopefully, your situation hasn't gotten to that point, so read on for some strategies to help you know what to do when you hate your life.By reading this article, you're already taking a step toward You're seeking information to understand why you feel the way you do and how you can improve your situation, which is the first vital step.Wanting to improve your life and feel more positive about it shows that you have a spark of Many people cling to the status quo because they fear change.If you are able to act in spite of this fear, you'll realize that you have more control over your circumstances than you previously believed.This empowers you to keep taking small steps that create a more fulfilling and happier life.When you catch yourself thinking about how much your life sucks, interrupt this negative mindset and take one small positive action.Admitting that things are not where you want them to be is the first step.You might believe you have everything under control, and you just have hit a rough patch. I had to really accept that I was responsible for this and quit shifting it to other people. I feel like I live in a fucking prison. I try my absolute hardest with my children to be there and be engaged and interact with them only to have them yell at and scream at me to go away … I'm not placing any sort of responsibility on them.This is what I can only assume your wife would say about all of this:The kids are only mirrioring what relationship standards they see set by us. I feel a failure, I am a failure and my father wants to help me buying a pharmacy albeit he knows I despise it. Also where I live pharmacy shifts are comprehensive of a three hours pause so when I work a whole shift I actually am busy for 11 hours.
Posted by 3 years ago. I have no motivation. 1. I've been there too and finding hobbies away from the kids is a wonderful way to unwind and recharge. Thats why I just need to go. Beyond just the big weight issues, neither of us have been connecting emotionally or physically. I hate my life. I will definately get a divorce once both my children turn 18 but my life is a hell.

You never know unless you try.If you remain in your comfort zone without challenging or stretching yourself, you'll never create a better life.No one enjoys the discomfort of disrupting the status quo, but you will find it easier the more you do it. Nothing makes me happy anymore. They are not your parent.It's your job to cater to your kid's feelings.

I just want the marriage to end.A part of me hopes I catch her in an affair (if she is having one, I can't imagine anyone wanting to) so I can get a swift divorce.In the States, divorces are heavily favored towards woman.

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