Could this be the problem? Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. I like the sand a lot. Rummy Nose Tetra Tank raised and not wild caught. Well I have my 46 bowfront low light planted tank stocked with 5 peppered corys, 9 rummynose tetras, and 5 small juvenile angels (nickel-sized on average and just raising them together to increase chances of pairs) Well first I added the 5 corys in the tank when it was set up. Consequently, these fishes should be maintained in groups of no fewer than six individuals, with larger numbers being preferable where space permits-these tetras preferring about a 25 gallon/80 litre aquarium.

If so, is there an easy way to fix it without redoing the tank? They are used to living with lots of their own kind, so buy at least 6.When kept on their own, they can get stressed and become easy targets for boisterous fish.Rummy nose tetras are omnivores. Some of the rummynose I have are a more orange face than red-this never did change for me.

The eye-catching color covers the entire head and even extends into the fish’s irises. I buy the big rubber bouncy balls My rummynose were not very red at the lfs, but after bringing them home, they colored up nicely. My 75 gallon and my 46 are the same source water and have the same parameters. only reaches about 1 3/4 of an inch (4.5 cm) in length. tankmates and not shy. Family: Characin. Again, identical remarks apply to all three species listed above.

There is plenty of access to light and the river’s flow keeps the water moving.The true rummy nose tetra is found closer to the Atlantic coastline. Needless to say, given the above remarks about likely sterility if the fishes are maintained in water whose chemical parameters are incorrect, prospective parents Though the fishes prefer to spawn among fine leaved plants, one problem that the aquarist faces in this regard is that the majority of fine leaved plants available in the aquarium prefer high light levels (The parents should be introduced to the breeding aquarium up to 7 days before spawning, fed heavily with live foods, and kept under subdued lighting. I also was having some bba and was meaning to raise up the lights. How often do U do a waterchange, and how much volume do U change out. This rules out a You can keep them with most small fish, such as: Danios, Tetras, Mollies, Corydoras Catfish, Both snails and shrimp are good options to keep with your tetras but watch out for your plants as snails may snack on them.Rummy nose tetras should be kept in groups.

Rummy Nose Tetra The Rummy Nose Tetra is a striking addition to a community aquarium. The rummy nose tetra (scientific name: Hemigrammus rhodostomus) is very well-known in fishkeeping circles. I just need to find something to use to boost up the lights a couple inches. Fish were the first vertebrates on the planet and Welcome to Fishkeeping World. The Rummy Nose Tetra must be kept in schools of 6 or more. Having used the search function, I gather that this usually means theyre stressed/unhappy. I take a lot of pride in my tank conditions and fish. I have some 2 x 2's I can cut up but will the wood blocks be dangerous to use? The LFS by me actually use them as a canary in the coal mine for water quality. I also use a T5 Normal Output 2 bulb fixture so it is nothing insanely bright. Hemigrammus rhodostomus (Ahl, 1924). They make a wonderful addition to a Discus Community Tank. There are lots of shoaling species available for your aquarium, and it can be difficult to pick one. I don't want to affect growth in the tank but I've been having some small bba recently so I figure less light couldn't hurt All three species of rummy-nose tetra inhabit river stretches whose water chemistry is mineral-deficient (soft), acidic, and frequently tainted with humic acid decay products from leaf litter upon the river substrates (known as 'blackwaters' because of their appearance). Stay away from species with an aggressive reputation too.

Breaking up their feeding like this gives them a chance to digest their food. A typical rummy nose tetra is under the classification as a tropical freshwater fish, and at maturity, it is about five centimetres in length. one rummy nose tetra not red rummoe nose losing the red rummy nose but no snot rummy nose tetra lose color at night rummynose tetra losing red rummy nose tetra not red why do rummy nose tetras loose there red nose click here! The fish is interesting in that it can act as a "mine canary" in an aquarium, alerting the aquarist to potential pollution problems in an aquarium. The rummy nose tetra is very peaceful and can make excellent community tank mates if housed with similar sized and non-aggressive species. After watching them for just a little while, you’ll realize you made the right choice.The Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.)

A group of them is great for showing off their vibrant colors, and their synchronized movements are almost hypnotic. My rummynose were not very red at the lfs, but after bringing them home, they colored up nicely.

In common with numerous other tetras, these fishes are particularly fond of live Lifespan for the rummy-nose tetra in the aquarium is usually 5 to 6 years with careful maintenance.

Never thought it made much of a difference with the rummynose, but it just may. I do minimal water changes, kinda like the Tom Barr method of low tech is what I'm following. Behavior: Peaceful and Active. The fish comes from the river Rio-Vaupes, Columbia and the Rio Negro river in Brazil. So in the wild they would eat small bits of plant debris, small insects, larvae or eggs. What do I do?

I'm almost positive now it has something to do with not being dark enough.

When the lights are off the stripes seem much darker and the rummys appear to have somewhat darker noses. These are very healthy and active Rummy Nose Tetras. I'm going to have to put some dark rocks in I guess, more plants, and raise the light a bit. I really don't want my fish, especially my angels, to be permanently faded. On rare occasions, the color stretches past the head and to the gills. They also lose most of their color at night, but comes back within minutes of the light turning on. What's going on?

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