If you are loosing green leaves, that usually means over watered. Ficus trees (Ficus benjamina) are one of the most common plants found adorning home interiors around the world, but this finicky species can cause many owners to wring their hands in frustration.While it is an easy to care for, attractive plant, it’s known to drop its leaves for seemingly no reason at all. It has no leaves and it's not using much water at all.it could come back if placed outside. In the summertime, if possible move your ficus outdoors to allow access to maximum sun exposure.

The trees do not require a lot of maintenance, but they need to be pruned to keep the tree looking attractive. in pots without drainage holes, root rot can kill the whole plant within ten days.If root rot is caught soon enough remove as much of the soggy soil as possible adding in fresh, clean potting soil.

For appearance and energy reasons. The mass and color are viewable from the street and pull the eye into the area. I think spending your limited funds on a new entry would add the color and texture of wood and draw the eye. ;) (as you have already noticed, there's something that just "feels good" about a lot of these modest 1950s houses. I think I might have been UNDERWATERING it but just now I had a look at the leaves and noticed tiny little bugs on some leaves, other leaves being eaten.

Take hope in one short phrase that can change your life foreverDon’t forget to look up, and learn what to do about those shingles you secretly hope no one will noticeTake the first steps toward making your remodeling dreams a reality with this guide
Mealybugs are usually found in colonies in somewhat protected areas of the ficus such as on the leaves close to the crook of the branches.Mealybugs are similar to their relatives the soft scales but they lack the scale covering and retain legs throughout their life cycle allowing them to move around.Symptoms show as stunted or deformed leaf growth, especially on new foliage as mealybugs inject a toxin into leaves when they feed on the plant’s fluid.

The pests pierce leaves, stems, branches, and tree trunks to feed on the sap within these plant tissues, damaging the plant overall. Ficus elastica is one of the 800 species of trees and shrubs in the genus Ficus.The ornamental rubber tree houseplants can grow as a small desktop plant or a large rubber indoor tree to add visual height.

to make sure it works for the Blue Star. Besides the notorious left drop, ficus plants infected with scale exhibit yellowing leaves. No countertop. can you tell what my preference would be? This isn't the only treatment for spider mites on Ficus, but it is one which worked for me, and the mites never came back. Once symptoms are visible in the leaves the problem may be past the point of rectifying, endangering the entire plant.

Spider mites feed on the fluids found inside the leaves of ficus plants, piercing the waxy coating to access the internal fluids.

Mealie Bugs are soft-bodied, also tend to cluster and look white to tan and fluffy or like they've been dipped in flour. Ficus trees are a popular houseplant that can be found in many homes, but the attractive and easy to care for ficus trees still have a frustrating habit of dropping leaves, seemingly without reason. No big surprise here, the plants near the porch need some TLC, and might work better further away from the structure.

Your immediate task is to convince your Ficus that the world is not yet entering the next ice age. From your brief description, I'm guessing that your Ficus has spider mites. There are no known, effective, chemical treatments.There are a number of different species of leaf spot that ficus plants are susceptible to. I got a very sick fiddle leaf fig tree from a co worker who almost killed it. That would work as a bedroom with sitting area for your parents in the future if you could add on a bathroom without breaking out concrete. The spice cabinet is what I did instead of having a dead space.

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